wizardposting Wizardposting They will COWER before IBUPROFEN the IMMORTAL
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 10 months ago 100%

    No problem! I wish I could be more active, but I've been busy with life stuff (damn apprentice). One day I will try to scry once more and return.

  • politics politics Democrats have relied on one company’s tools to power its campaigns. They’re now facing a possible collapse.
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 12 months ago 37%

    When you're out in the field and your FOSS product suddenly has a glitch, who runs tech support for you?

    FOSS is great for some things but this isn't necessarily one of them.

  • technology Technology Google ditched Omnibox features to meet quarterly numbers
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 12 months ago 92%

    Maybe switch to Firefox then?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Remember kids: Canonical is not your friend.
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 12 months ago 100%

    Or just use one of the many Ubuntu derivatives that don't force Snap?

  • facepalm Facepalm My HOA reacting to peanuts
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 12 months ago 73%

    Maybe - and hear me out - it's the dogs that are the problem?

    "Can't control their prey drive" is a bad excuse. You control your dog or you don't deserve to have one. End of story. A dog barking endlessly is the responsibility of the owner to control or get rid of their damn dog.

    It isn't hard to teach your dog not to be a nuisance. I've done it before. Blaming the dog because you failed to teach/control it is not correct, and simply shows that you do not have what it takes to be a dog owner.

  • RoughRomanMemes True Roman Memes For True Romans Alright, raise your hand if this is you
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 12 months ago 100%

    You ask a man how often they think about the Roman Empire.

    Every man will invariably answer something varying from "once a week" to "multiple times a day". Women are absolutely mystified by this for some reason.

  • games Games Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Godot is a passable engine. It doesn't have a massive pile of money behind it, but it'll generally do most things adequately.

    Honestly - and I may be biased as I'm a AAA dev who works with the engine - Unreal is really the way to go. Reasonable pricing on a powerful engine. The main issue is that it's bloated as hell and there's a learning curve... but if you're an indie, it's just as usable as Unity. Plus if you wanted to get into AAA development someday, Unreal is super popular and used everywhere.

  • technology Technology Twitter (X) loses over 30% of users in two months!
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    My guess is TikTok.

  • news News A Huge Threat to the U.S. Budget Has Receded. And No One Is Sure Why.
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 83%


    Prices don't go down for anything that people need to live. Not unless the government makes them do so.

  • technology Technology Professor Caught Using ChatGPT When Scientific Paper Was Full of Errors
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Stupid question: Why can't journals just mandate an actual URL link to a study on the last page, or the exact issue something was printed in? Surely both of those would be easily confirmable, and both would be easy for a scientist using "real" sources to source (since they must have access to it themselves already).

    Like, it feels silly to me that high school teachers require this sort of thing, yet scientific journals do not?

  • news News Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    So - Twitter has lost $40 billion in advertising revenue?

    Sounds about right. Wonder how much more they can lose.

  • news News McConnell reportedly not suffering from stroke or seizures, says Capitol doctor
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I have in the past, but I also almost fell over.

    Every once in a while I'll just get incredibly lightheaded and I'm not able to talk or even think. I usually lose balance too and need to brace myself against something. It'll last like 30 seconds and then go away. They come on with no warning and I can't even say anything.

    I've never been able to figure out what causes it. It happens rarely, like once every 3-4 years.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Google, Netflix, Apple and Amazon are the "barbarians at the gate" of the games industry, says ex-Sony boss
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I'm a AAA game dev and a number of former co-workers are at Netflix nowadays. Like, a suspiciously high number.

    They can't tell me anything (of course), but I can put two and two together.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearVO
    voidcats EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    Baby void!
    mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Woman upgrades house for $12K and gets evicted by landlord
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 79%

    Might've been financed on credit - but even still, it takes a lot more than $12k for a down payment.

    Assuming the median price for a home is $500k, you'd need $100k for a traditional 20% down payment. Sure, $12k is 12% of the way there... but it's nowhere near what is needed for an actual down payment.

  • wizardposting Wizardposting Must have been
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    For anyone going through the modlog and wondering why this was removed:

    The image itself was harmless (I even upvoted it!), but shortly thereafter Lemmy.world got hit with a wave of CSAM.

    To clarify, this image was not CSAM. But the admins deleted all pictures uploaded during that time, and due to a bug in Kbin this image kept trying to load but was failing to. Kbin would refresh and send anyone looking at the feed to a 404 page.

    This made it impossible for me to monitor the community as a mod, so I removed it since the image was broken anyway (verified by going to Lemmy.world and checking there).

    But OP is more than welcome to repost this image now that Lemmy.world has gotten everything sorted out! :)

  • gaming Gaming SAG-AFTRA Seeks Approval for Second Strike Against Video Game Companies
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%


    As far as unionizing goes - it's a mixed bag. I myself am very pro-union; I was a Teamster for years (Local 495). And many gamedevs are left-leaning (but not all! I knew some MAGA/QAnon guys). This in turn makes them supportive of unions on paper.

    But when conversations stopped being theoretical and started being, "No, really, why wouldn't you?", the holdouts tend to think:

    • Union leadership is corrupt/greedy, and they don't want to give union leaders money for "nothing" (as they see it)

    • Being in a union means everyone would need to be bound to strict regulations - keeping exact track of time worked, having exact lunch breaks, documenting everything. As-is in the game industry, the "standard" at most places is hands-off, take lunch whenever, stay at lunch however long you want, clock in/out whenever, nobody questions you as long as your work is getting done. People like this and don't want to risk losing it.

    • Being in a union threatens close relationships with management. I can say that when I was a Teamster, management was outright adversarial and conversations with them weren't fun. In the game industry, management is quite literally my friends and people I chill out with. There's a very, very blurry line between "friends" and "bosses" - some bosses are horrible, to be sure, but the general vibe is casual.

    • There's a lot of benefits in the office like free snacks, free swag, a place to chill out and play games at work, etc. People are afraid that this would count as "compensation" and thus being unionized would mean that you'd have to pay for snacks or swag or whatever - or that it could be taken away as retaliation from management.

    • Retaliation is a thing. It's illegal. US government doesn't care. Corpos get a slap on the wrist because of plausible deniability. EA has been downsizing recently and they "coincidentally" cut the contract with a QA team that just unionized. Hmm. That sort of stuff has a chilling effect - EA has no qualms shutting down studios. Why rock the boat and risk being locked out?

    There are counterarguments for each of those points. Benefits can be made contractual, union leadership isn't necessarily corrupt (although I did dislike the leadership of my Teamster local - for being too close to management and too soft). Etc. But it is an uphill battle if people are generally already happy where they work - and the jobs are plentiful enough that people can be comfortable moving studios until they find somewhere that lets them vibe.

    We'll see what happens if the market continues to tighten.

    I can see a place like Blizzard unionizing, just from the horror stories I've heard. Maybe Epic as well. But it's a lot harder to make a union happen in today's day and age.

  • gaming Gaming SAG-AFTRA Seeks Approval for Second Strike Against Video Game Companies
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%


    Other studios are more, eh. Devs stick together and are honest with one another about the state of different studios. I was in the pipeline to get hired at one studio when multiple people explicitly told me that it wasn't a place that treats their workers well, so I backed out.

    I got hired somewhere at the recommendation of a former mentor, who has been in the industry for 30 years and whose judgement I trusted. I don't want to speak as to where I work now, but I can say that he was right and that the place I'm at has been an ocean of calm amidst the chaos that's the rest of the industry right now.

    You hear horror stories from co-workers in the office. A friend of mine was ex-Blizzard and told me all about what was happening there well before it became a national news story. There are places which will work you to the bone and crunch you until you can't stand it anymore.

    Some people love that stuff. I don't. But you get paid extremely well if you work for a place that works you hard. I could've made triple my salary at one of the places I was in the pipeline for, plus sponsorship for moving to the EU. I just would have to basically dedicate my entire life to that company, and I don't think I had it in me... but I can see why people would.

  • gaming Gaming SAG-AFTRA Seeks Approval for Second Strike Against Video Game Companies
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%


    I've been a gamedev at a couple AAA studios for almost 5 years now. I can say it's a bit of a mixed bag, and very much depends on the studio.

    The studios I've worked at have treated me well. I started out working at EA, which - for all its faults when it comes to gamers - does treat their staff very nicely.

    We had free snacks in the office, flexible schedules, a generous remote work policy pre-pandemic (one of the best engineers on our team was permanently in Chicago, another was permanently in Oregon), and leadership that would listen to our complaints and respond honestly. We had weekly board game lunches and D&D sessions on the clock, and a comfy place to play all the latest games whenever we wanted.

    Deadlines were reasonable, and the choice was always to cut before crunching. Crunch was on the table, but only as a last resort - I only crunched once in the 3 years I worked on that game, and it was for a single weekend when we had live players running into issues. My pay was on par with a traditional tech job. I went from $15/hour at my college job to $25/hour as an intern to $100k/year as a junior. Within 3 years I was making $140k/year, plus stock options and a 30% yearly bonus.

    My one complaint is that EA unceremoniously pulled the plug on us. We had started a beta period and player response was... middling. We thought we could rescue the project, but we needed another 6 months to make it happen to avoid crunching. Leadership pitched the idea... corpo execs said "You aren't getting that additional time; we're killing the project." We got shut down and all 150 devs were sent to the unemployment line.

    EA's severance package was very generous, though, and even when they were firing us they went above and beyond what they legally were "supposed" to do. I wound up with my yearly bonus, half a years' worth of salary, plus 2 months of being "technically employed" but being paid to look for another job - so plenty of runway (plus unused sick time + vacation on top of that).

    While it always sucks being laid off, and it sucks that the project we spent years on got the axe overnight... they really could've been far worse. Some of my former coworkers decided to do their own thing and it seems to have worked out for them, as they were able to get publisher funding well within the "runway" EA gave us.

  • science science Human ancestors nearly went extinct 900,000 years ago: a new technique analysing modern genetic data suggests that pre-humans survived in a group of only 1,280 individuals.
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    This is a third bottleneck, earlier than the 2 we already knew about.

    Specifically, this affects the entire human population.

    The other 2 bottlenecks were specifically the humans which moved out of Africa - with one being as humans crossed into the Middle East and a second as humans crossed the Bering Strait.

    This third one was earlier, and covers all humans, even the ones which never left Africa. These are separate from the more localized "founder events" that we see all over the world.

  • gaming Gaming Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    That's all game development.

    Baldur's Gate took 6 years to make. Starfield has been in development since 2015 - that's 8 years. As gamers demand more, games have grown in scope. The ones that stayed behind have gotten punished.

    If a AAA game doesn't have at least 8 hours of story and realistic graphics in the modern era, it gets panned by reviewers. People's expectations have been raised - and are continuing to be raised - and in turn, that inflates how long it takes to make a game. People will say "Why should I spend $60 on this game when I can spend $60 on this game that gives me more stuff?" (See: Immortals of Aveum, which itself has been in development for 4-5 years.)

    The games that don't take that long are the stale yearly franchises - the FIFAs and CODs of the world. Even COD alternates between studios, with each installment taking 1-3 years. Some franchises (like Pokemon) have multiple teams within a studio that operate independently of one another; Arceus was made by the Let's Go team, while Scarlet/Violet was made by the Sword/Shield team.

    If studios stop betting on long-term projects, you're going to wind up with stale yearly iterations - or half-baked games rushed out the door to meet a deadline. If it's true that you say AAA (and even AA!) dev isn't sustainable, then that's effectively calling for stale franchises pushing out cheap content for quick cash grabs (see also: Hollywood movies over the last decade).

    It's also not just games this is happening to. Disney recently canned a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea show that was ready to go. There's the Scooby-Doo stuff that Max recently pulled before release as well. That stuff isn't my industry; I don't know how long it takes to make those things... but I know it costs about as much to make as a AAA game does.

    There's probably a reckoning to be had for both industries, but I don't think the correction should be that drastic - and I think it will be bad for people who consume that content.

  • gaming Gaming Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Yep, it's been a trend all year. My studio got canned back at the end of January. Publisher called us into a studio-wide meeting scheduled during lunch with 1 hour of notice, only to say "The game you spent 6 years on is canceled and all 150 of you are fired. The media will know in 30 minutes, don't say anything until then if you want to keep a severance package." (I have since landed on my feet elsewhere.)

    These studios are owned by big publishers and generally work for years at a loss. With the costs to borrow increasing, we're seeing cuts on long-term investments that might not make their money back (like movies and games).

    Volition was owned by Embracer, which is now struggling with funding. So anything that isn't a sure bet is effectively canned - and in turn you see these studios shut down left and right, plus big layoffs from studios that are still open.

  • games Games Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 96%

    This is the core issue with all procgen games, IMO.

    You are promised "infinite exploration", but in truth there are countable variants of the procgen algorithm. Once you see all those variants, you've effectively seen everything. Sure, you'll see small variations, or new ways to combine the existing variants... but when you see all the "tricks" the veil falls.

  • wizardposting
    Wizardposting EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    gaming Gaming Larian says it’s discussing potential Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC | VGC
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, spells like Wish are going to be basically impossible outside of going the AI route (which is an entire can of worms).

    Wish can duplicate any other spell, or it can have your own effect (with a chance of it being monkey-pawed plus you never being able to cast Wish ever again).

    Also bear in mind that it's not "just" rules for moving numbers. You have to have particles, animations, etc. You can't just have conversations, you have to also have SFX from impacts, camera shake, UI elements, etc. When you start to get into the world of "anything is possible" you kind of have to go back to basics, text-based adventures.

    With AI stuff, maybe some of that can be done - but AI is just so incredibly slow in its current form. It won't stay that way forever, mind - I think the best comparison is graphics in the 1990s. Graphics were incredibly basic because anything complex would take ages to render and couldn't be used in games. Over the next decade, things were built to specifically speed up that process, and now modern GPUs can easily keep up with the highest-quality CGI without much fuss (there's a reason why Disney has the Volume, which is essentially just running CGI in the Unreal Engine alongside the actors in real-time).

    But until that, we're going to be pretty limited. It's going to be impossible for any kind of free-form rules to be implemented, unless options were restricted to such a point that it's basically a completely different spell.

  • gaming Gaming Larian says it’s discussing potential Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC | VGC
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    In the US, expansion packs were the general term used.

    For example, RCT2 had the Wacky Worlds and Time Twister expansion packs. Empire at War had the Forces of Corruption expansion. While some were called add-ons, those were typically like tiny things, one-off characters or whatever.

  • Disneyland
    Disneyland EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    New Haunted Mansion Grounds Expansion, Retail Shop Coming to Disneyland Resort in 2024 disneyparks.disney.go.com

    The grounds of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland park will expand in 2024, immersing you in enhanced theming, as well as a new retail shop.

    usnews U.S. News Lawsuit: Transgender inmate killed after sheriff made a violent sex offender her cellmate
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%


    That's the problem right there.

    Murrieta is very much part of an island of conservativism in the rest of California. It's very much a green grass, "whites only" kind of place. Oodles of Mormons. Not exactly friendly to LGBTQ folk.

    I lived there. I went to high school there. It was where I voted for the first time.

    I remember in high school thinking a girl was cute and she invited me over on a Sunday morning. She picked me up for what I thought was going to be a day of just hanging out at her place - but instead, she dragged me to her Mormon church. The preacher spoke out about how proud they were that they were able to pass Prop 8 (which banned gay marriage in California), how hard they fought for it, and how evil LGBTQ folk were. I was disgusted, but at the time I couldn't drive (and thus couldn't leave). When I finally escaped, I made a point to never talk to that girl again.

    That is absolutely par for the course in Murrieta (and Temecula). They live in a total bubble and refuse to acknowledge that they're part of California proper. A friendly reminder that the Temecula Valley School District (which represents both Murrieta and Temecula) is being sued by the State of California because they decided to promote racism and anti-LGBTQ sentiment within schools, in violation of state law.

    Public Counsel, the nonprofit group that filed the lawsuit on behalf of Temecula students, parents and teachers, claims the policy has been used by school board members to stop teaching "any concepts that conflict with their ideological viewpoints, including the history of the LGBTQ rights movement and the existence of racism in today's society."

    Murrieta-Temecula is full of bigots, all hiding under their mask. But when you live there, you see the mask slip... especially if you're a cis white male "good ol' boy" like how I present.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit is dangerous. The admins are out of control. Humanity needs a viable alternative. – Blog covering the Reddit admins retaliating against me
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    You do realize that just makes you look, like, actually insane, right?

    Like, that in combination with everything else you wrote just makes it seem like mad ramblings and sort of discounts anything you have to say since you're leading an angry rant with "put someone else's poop in your butt".

    And then when you say you've been banned from multiple sites and it's all a grand conspiracy from Reddit to be out to get you, people are just going to think "this guy opened the article by suggesting you shove someone else's poop in your butt."

    I know there are studies blah blah blah. But you understand how this looks, right?

  • fediverse Fediverse Kaiteki: a comfy cross platform (web app, android, linux, windows) Fediverse client
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    It's written in PHP, which a lot of devs dislike.

    It is drowning in pull requests: 83 open as of right now. https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/pulls

    Ernest (the lead dev) wasn't really expecting it to blow up yet. Kbin was created in January of this year, and the first "major" instance was launched in May. It blew up basically instantly due to Reddit imploding, and Ernest has been playing catch-up.

    But it still has rough edges - no API means no mobile apps. Lots of bugs and such from being a new project. It's improving every week (including an API in code review), but Lemmy is more polished and has an relatively mature API.

    You can see a list of instances here: https://fedidb.org/software/kbin

    As far as I know, there isn't specifically a privacy-focused instance like what Lemmy has. But I also didn't browse that list of instances too closely.

  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows *Permanently Deleted*
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Yep, you're 100% right. People who have the same job can be paid dramatically differently, and the "reasoning" is that one guy is better at things than the other.

    I got a 9% raise this year because I outperformed everyone else on my team, but I know that my 9% raise came at the expense of someone who only got a 2% raise. A union contract would give everyone like a 4-5% raise, which people dislike because they always think they're going to be the ones on top of the totem pole.

    Me? I want predictability. Game dev is extremely unpredictable.

  • fediverse Fediverse Kaiteki: a comfy cross platform (web app, android, linux, windows) Fediverse client
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    This is sort of the mission statement of Kbin. Kbin supports Lemmy, Mastodon, FireFish, and Pixelfed already. It's planned to support PeerTube (this used to work but broke) and Mobilizon.

    That's the main reason why I have a Kbin account. :)

  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows *Permanently Deleted*
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I am very pro-union. I was a Teamster for years (Local 495).

    I now work in the game industry. A good chunk of the gamedevs I know are pro-union, but there's enough of those opposed where there's effectively a question mark.

    Generally, the holdouts tend to think:

    • Union leadership is corrupt/greedy, and they don't want to give union leaders money for "nothing" (as they see it)

    • Being in a union means everyone would need to be bound to strict regulations - keeping exact track of time worked, having exact lunch breaks, documenting everything. As-is in the game industry, the "standard" at most places is hands-off, take lunch whenever, stay at lunch however long you want, clock in/out whenever, nobody questions you as long as your work is getting done. People like this and don't want to risk losing it

    • Being in a union threatens close relationships with management. I can say that when I was a Teamster, management was outright adversarial and conversations with them weren't fun. In the game industry, management is quite literally my friends and people I chill out with. There's a very, very blurry line between "friends" and "bosses" - some bosses are horrible, to be sure, but the general vibe is casual

    • There's a lot of benefits in the office like free snacks, free swag, a place to chill out and play games at work, etc. People are afraid that this would count as "compensation" and thus being unionized would mean that you'd have to pay for snacks or swag or whatever - or that it could be taken away as retaliation from management

    • Retaliation is a thing. It's illegal. US government doesn't care. Corpos get a slap on the wrist because of plausible deniability. EA has been downsizing recently and they "coincidentally" cut the contract with a QA team that just unionized. Hmm.

    Again, I myself am very pro-union. However, to some extent I can see the logic in each of these bullet points - I disliked the guy running my Teamster local way back when because I felt he was too soft and captured by management. I can understand needing to clock in/out (fairest way to ensure nobody is being overworked), ruining relationships (can't have accusations of bias from being friendly), and losing benefits (although this can be put into a contract). And nobody can deny illegal retaliation is a real thing.

    So I can understand where the holdouts at least are coming from. It would take a shitty workplace for unionization to happen, shitty enough that all those bullet points above aren't enough to keep the union holdouts in line. I hear Blizzard is really bad from people who have worked there, and my money is still on them being the first "big" dev to unionize - assuming Microsoft doesn't come in and clean up.

  • fediverse Fediverse Transitioning /r/rust to the Threadiverse
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    There's still a lot of people who will always stick to Reddit as well (as evidenced by a good amount of hostility in the comment section of the Reddit discussion on /r/rust).

  • wizardposting Wizardposting When someone calls you ugly for not using essence-transfer for immortality
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I said what I said.

  • games Games Anyone remember Xfire?
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 96%

    It was pretty much used the way people use Discord with a group of friends today. It didn't have servers or anything like that, but you could hop on a call with a couple of buds and play games together.

    I played a lot of Halo Custom Edition over Xfire back in the day...

  • wizardposting Wizardposting Never go into town without one
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    I've heard if you leave out treats and shiny toys you can make friends with your local crows!

  • technology Technology The false promises of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Counter-counterpoint: I've been using it since 2019. I think you're exaggerating.

    • It aggressively tries to center itself, always. If you're in a lane and it merges with a second lane, the car will swerve sharply to the right as it attempts to go back to the middle of the lane.

    • It doesn't allow space for cars to merge until the cars are already merging. It doesn't work with traffic; it does its own thing and is discourteous to other drivers. It doesn't read turn signals; it only reacts to drivers getting over.

    • If a motorcycle is lane-splitting, it doesn't move out of the way for the motorcycle. In fact, it assumes anything between lanes isn't an issue. If something is partially blocking a lane but the system doesn't recognize it as fully "your lane", the default is to ignore it. The number of times I've had to disengage to dodge a wide load or a camper straddling two lanes is crazy.

    • With the removal of radar, phantom braking has become far, far worse. Any kind of weather condition causes issues. Even if you drive at sunset, the sun can dazzle the cameras and they don't detect things that they should be able to - or worse, they detect problems which aren't there.

    • It doesn't understand road hazards. It will happily hit a pothole at 70 MPH. It will ignore road flares and traffic cones. When the lanes aren't clearly marked (because the paint has worn away or because of construction), it can have dramatic behavior.

    • It waits so long to brake, and when it brakes it brakes hard. It accelerates just as suddenly, leading to a very jerky ride that makes my passengers carsick.

    The only time I trust FSD is when it's stop-and-go traffic. Beyond that I have to pay so much attention to the thing that I might as well just drive myself. The "worst thing it can do" isn't just detour; it's "smash into the thing that it thought wasn't an issue".

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy/Kbin Reinvestment Phase and Recruiting from Mastodon
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 85%

    Yet another reason why I prefer Kbin.

    The developers of Lemmy have been questionable for some time. See their post announcing Lemmy: https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/comments/cqgztr/fuck_the_white_supremacist_reddit_admins_want_me/


    Hey all, longtime Marxist-leninist, recorder of left audiobooks, and megathread shitposter here.

    Posting this in light of a recent one week Reddit ban I earned for shitting on US police, as I'm sure many of us have gotten in recent weeks.

    So I've spent the past few months working on a self hostable, federated, Reddit alternative called Lemmy, and it's pretty much ready to go. Unlike here we'd have ultimate control over all content, and would never have to self censor.

    Obviously as communists, we agitate where the people are, so we should never abandon Reddit entirely, but it's been clear to all of us from day one, that communities like this stand on unsteady ground, and could be banned or quarantined at any moment by the white supremacist Reddit admins. This would be both a backup and a potentially better alternative. Moderation abilities are there, as well as a slur filter.

    Raddle isn't an option obviously since it's run by this arch anti tankie scum, ziq.

    I wanted to ask ppl here if they'd like me to host an instance, and mod all the current mods here.

    The instance that post mentions at the end became Lemmygrad. Lemmy.ml and Lemmygrad are the same people. This was their first post announcing Lemmy as a real thing you could go use. (It's also why a good chunk of the Threadiverse is absolutely infested with tankies.)

    I never agitated for a fork because generally the Lemmy devs do an okay job at keeping their politics separate from their software. But the more I look at their attitudes and (frankly) the hazing they do towards contributors, the more I'm thinking that it may be better to push for an outright fork of Lemmy, give it a better name, a saner dev team, and excise the original devs entirely. Even if we ignore their politics (which is hard to do, but can be done), they've simply not been the best stewards of the project - it's succeeded in spite of them, not because of them.

    That said, I think Lemmy as a piece of software is generally okay. Kbin has more long-term promise, I feel, but Kbin has its own issues and is much rougher around the edges. A lot of the issues Kbin has have already been sorted out by Lemmy, so I think it might be best to make a Lemmy fork and bring in features from Kbin into it (alongside performance fixes and whatnot that the Lemmy devs refuse to action on).

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy/Kbin Reinvestment Phase and Recruiting from Mastodon
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    If you follow a Kbin community on Mastodon, the top-level post is the only thing shared to the community's "profile". If you click on the post, then the comments section is the Kbin comments section.

    Here's an example of a Kbin post I made displaying on Mastodon. I replied to this post, and my reply shows up as a reply to the top-level post.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy/Kbin Reinvestment Phase and Recruiting from Mastodon
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    Kbin's federation with Mastodon works as you'd expect it to work.

    I don't know why Lemmy insists on such bad integration with Mastodon. Last I checked, the Lemmy devs were insisting on not having smooth integration with Mastodon.

    Doesnt make much sense when you can create a second account on Mastodon or one of many other platforms which already implement user following much better.

    It's one reason why I jumped to Kbin and have been using it for the past few months. Kbin does indeed support user following much better -and it supports threads showing up in Mastodon much better too.

  • politics politics Everyone at West Virginia University Knew Something Was Up. I Hate That We Were Right.
  • EnglishMobster EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%

    ...And out comes the r-slur!

    Look at that! Who would guess that a conservative is hateful and uses slurs???

    It's almost like nobody likes them and they have to be assholes about it!

  • wizardposting
    Wizardposting EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    every time
    New Communities EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    Wizardposting - For sharing wizarding memes from across the aether

    [Wizardposting](/c/wizardposting@kbin.social) !wizardposting (for Lemmy users) [@wizardposting](https://kbin.social/m/wizardposting) (for Kbin users) There was a community like this on Vlemmy, but it never got made elsewhere and got lost when Vlemmy shut down. I kept hoping someone else would make it, but alas. So I made it on my own!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta EnglishMobster 1 year ago 99%
    Is there anything that can be done about troll powermods?

    I logged into Kbin today to see 18 notifications where the same guy banned me from all of their magazines for downvoting them. I was only subscribed to 1 of those magazines, but it's still annoying to wake up to 18 ban messages from someone who got easily angered from a downvote. (Side note: IMO, this is why being able to see downvotes is bad. Even if anyone could see them by spinning up their own instance, that's a lot of work compared to pressing 2 buttons.) I've blocked the guy, but is there anything that can be done to stop this from proliferating across the site?

    Artemis App EnglishMobster 1 year ago 100%
    Feature request: Hide voted posts

    Pardon me if this should go into [@artemisquiver](https://kbin.social/m/artemisquiver), but it'd be lovely if I could toggle a switch and make any posts I've voted on go away.
