warframe Warframe I need a bit of Wisp propaganda.
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 days ago 100%

    The problem with support Wisp/support frames in general is that if you're already going into endgame content, you can usually expect your team's kits to already be sufficient for that content. You can increase their survivability further by making use of shock motes to stun enemies and rad procs but this typically just slows down missions (especially the shock motes in defense missions) if they're used in situations where they aren't really needed, and can cause issues with builds that make use of enemies clumping together like if you're trying to make use of Gas/Blast or have a Harrow in the squad trying to buff with Covenant. Rad procs from breach surge usually aren't as much of an issue though.

    Breach Surge is a lot less useful now that enemies are often protected by overguard, ignoring the blind effect and being immune to the CC effects of Radiation procs, I think they might even be immune to friendly fire too (they aren't targetted, and I think they're immune enemy AOE attacks like a Bombard's rockets). You can still try to make use of it though, there's only so many enemies that can attack at the same time so you can still reduce the number of enemies attacking your team/the objective at the same time.

    Pillage/Fire Walker for status cleanse; Pillage gives you Armor Strip at the same time while Fire Walker gives to a movement speed boost for memes. Your team still needs to walk through the flames though but it's a more passive in its use versus Pillage which requires you to cast every time you want to use it. With Overguard being on everything now, status cleansing is a lot less useful, but it was still nice to have for Sorties.

    I think you're much better off modding to specialize for your loadout and letting your team pick up the buffs passively instead of trying to directly buff your team.

  • warframe Warframe For the fun: Weapons
  • Dystopia Dystopia 1 week ago 100%

    I generally try to use anything that isn't meta, and is really like weapons with a unique trait/gimmick. The Hystrix is a secondary I've been using a lot more because you can cycle through an element to force proc heat/cold/electric/toxin, which is really useful for different setups like heat if you want to use Cascadia Flare or cold if you're trying to boost crit damage/slow demolysts without interfering with your modded elemental combos. It does have a fairly small magazine,so it can be harder to use without some form of ammo efficiency/infinite ammo.

  • warframe Warframe Secondary Outburst: Burst Into A New Level of Power!
  • Dystopia Dystopia 1 week ago 100%

    Dystopia–not our one

    Should probably get this out of the way now, wouldn't be surprised if it comes up fairly often, but I'm a different person from the one you're talking about. It's just a name I used years ago in a different game and I reused it when I made my warframe account.

  • warframe Warframe Free Kuva Liches
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 weeks ago 100%

    MCGamerCZ has a fairly good overview for lich missions if you want a refresher on how kuva lich missions work. They're more of a mid/late game type of mission. If you can do early steel path missions/have incarnon weapons, then hunting a lich shouldn't be too difficult for you. I would avoid Toxin/Radiation liches until you know what you're doing because they can enable friendly fire which is usually ends up with your team nuking themselves/the objective. The other variants shouldn't cause you any trouble though.

    Some people will avoid stabbing their lich until they have all the requiem mods unlocked to keep it as low level as possible. If a lich is downed 3 times without being stabbed it will flee. Another thing you can do is just use a warframe which can go invisible and just melee it until it dies.

  • warframe
    Warframe Dystopia 2 weeks ago 100%
    Free Kuva Liches https://i.imgur.com/a1LBkFa.png

    Nothing too interesting as these are all older kuva weapons. They might be helpful for anyone that wants a weapon for valence fusion, or just wants the mastery fodder. ![](https://i.imgur.com/a1LBkFa.png) Not entirely sure what the current state of cross platform trading is like, I'm playing on PC. Not sure how likely it will be that I'm on at the same time, but you can also try messaging me in game IGN: `IDystopiaI`. Double check any trades to make sure you're getting the correct Kuva Weapon, I don't want to accidently make someone go through hunting a lich for a weapon they never wanted. 1. 55% Toxin Seer 2. 20% Radiation Shildeg 3. 30% Radiation Ayanga 4. 25% Radiation Ogris 5. 30% Heat Kohm 6. 36% Radiation Shildeg 7. 27% Radiation Quartakk 8. 31% Radiation Shildeg 9. 25% Radiation Quartakk 10. 28% Radiation Drakgoon 11. 37% Electric Kohm 12. 28% Electric Drakgoon 13. 26% Electric Kohm 14. 26% Electric Seer 15. 33% Heat Shildeg 16. 25% Heat Seer 17. 25% Heat Brakk 18. 31% Heat Twin Stubba 19. 29% Heat Brakk 20. 30% Heat Drakgoon 21. 35% Magnetic Ayanga 22. 25% Magnetic Drakgoon 23. 25% Magnetic Ayanga 24. 27% Heat Quartakk 25. 32% Magnetic Seer 26. 35% Magnetic Ogris 27. 27% Magnetic Chakkurr 28. 25% Cold Brakk Ephemera 29. Untradable 30. 41% Toxin Quartakk 31. 25% Heat Kohm Ephemera 32. 40% Heat Kohm Ephemera

    warframe Warframe Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 weeks ago 100%

    A really niche relic farm, some relics for the most recent primes can be found in Profit Taker bounties.
    Check Profit Taker Phase 2, 3, and 4 bounty rewards, these missions are fairly short and have a reasonably good drop rates for their respective relics. You can open Nightwave/view lich to skip dialog gated parts of the quest.

    Just some rough estimates for times:
    Phase 2 ~2min
    Phase 3 ~5min
    Phase 4 3-5min

    For phase 2, any speedrun warframe like Wisp/Nova/Wukong. Bring along a Shade or Huras Kubrow for their stealth ability. Best to play this mission solo, I find the game likes to load me into lobbies after the mission reward screen if I'm playing public.

    Phase 3 only requires you to match the Profit Taker's element, more damage does not speed this up. Use whatever you're comfortable with.

    For phase 4, use Chroma or any tanky warframe with Eclipse/Roar. Knockdown immunity (overguard/passive/ability) is nice but not a requirement. *If you find you aren't seeing a bounty reward screen, the Profit Taker is taking too much damage from a single shot in one of the archgun phases, try switching to the Imperator/Mausolon.

    These missions are mostly just an alternative to playing a mission like Disruption/ESO. The tradeoff is that you don't really get burner relics but any relics that you do get will be radiant. The other nice part about playing these missions is that you don't need to deal with waiting for the right rotation for your desired relic to become available.

    If you need a weakened version of one of the infested companions, you can use the Tranq Rifle (sleep arrows only temporarily put them to sleep, Tranq Rifle is infinite duration) to put them to sleep and then attract an infested to the area to attack them. I would use Ivara to go invisible once the infested are alerted, If you're brining a companion for something like enemy radar, it should be a sentinel without a weapon so that it can't accidently kill the infested before it converts the Predasite/Vulpaphyla to their weakened version. Look up the cycle needed to spawn your desired variant or try your luck with Pheromones.

    The last thing is if you can do is work on multiple things at the same time like rank up weapons/companions while collecting relics like in ESO to make things a little less grindy. Passively get relics through spending syndicate standing, or while cracking relics in the void. There's a chance someone runs a relic you need and this can end up saving you a lot of time. And take breaks whenever you need them, there's no reason to burn yourself out just to reach some mastery rank.

  • warframe Warframe What would you like to see from a hypothetical Limbo guide?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 weeks ago 100%

    Survival techniques/tools would be helpful. It could also just be me being too used to Limbo before the eximus rework, and using the rift as a "panic button" expecting to be safe from eximus.

  • warframe Warframe What would you like to see from a hypothetical Limbo guide?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 weeks ago 100%

    Dealing with eximus/over guard units seems like it would be a pain, especially for how squishy he is and not really being safe in the rift anymore.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Styanax
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 weeks ago 100%

    Styanax was pretty fun to play, I had it modded to be a shield tank before his Final Stand augment was added, so he had pretty good survivability. His 1 without his augment feels terrible to use though because it requires you to hit a target to group enemies and if that enemy has Overguard it won't group any of the other enemies around even if they aren't protected by Overguard. It doesn't help that Overguard is getting put on everything in recent updates, his augment does let you hit the ground instead but that feels more like a band-aid instead of just letting it group enemies that aren't CC immune.

    He had pretty good energy management with rally point and tharros strike helped with removing armor from tankier enemies before killing them to replenish your shields. I don't think Final Stand was useful on its own, but it is a very good ability if you're using its augment.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 weeks ago 100%

    Railjack is pretty mixed for me.

    I liked the Grineer missions where your squad could complete different objectives in parallel/spit the squad up to perform different tasks, and the missions also felt somewhat unique compared to the base game. Corpus missions on the other hand just feels like playing a mission to play some other game mode already available on the base star chart.

    I don't like the current energy system for ship abilities, it feels like it was balanced poorly because it's dependant on which warframe you chose, and feels like certain warframes were nerfed before the system was even implemented. Energy costs scale poorly with Hildryn, she was nerfed before the update dropped because people wanted to make use of Shield regen for casting abilities. If I remember correctly, this was also part of the reason Dispensary's duration was nerfed as a Helminth ability when the helminth system was added.

    Current combat in space is an improvement over what we had in early versions of railjack; if the host had bad weapons for their railjack you had to put up with it because enemies heavily resisted archgun damage. The Amesha was and probably still is the only usable archwing for these missions. Gunnery 10 still feels like it's a nerf, I just prefer the feeling of having control over what I'm shooting at and not that it's automated for me, the extra overheat on top of that doesn't help either though. Other people might appreciate the lock-on, but it probably belongs under an accessibility setting rather than the last unlock for an intrinsic.

    Not sure if void fissures ever changed, before if you were moving too fast through the level, you would just hit multiple void fissures and die. I think they might have just been spawning them directly on the player as the tiles loaded.

    Overall, I think most of the game mode needs a rework and other game modes to differentiate it from the base game.

  • warframe Warframe What are your dream buffs for the Trinity "light rework"?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think Trinity really needed much of a rework other than some extra base duration and maybe some range for her 1, 3 and 4.

    The cap for damage ability damage reduction is 90% for most other warframes that have a damage reducing ability (i.e. Parasitic Link/Immolation), both Link and Blessing should have their cap raised to 90%.

    Her Pool of Life augment seems kind of pointless on her because energy/health regeneration is the rest of her kit, unless you run a gimmicky mods like Energizing/Mending shot. It's still a somewhat useful mod for anyone that's subsumed Well of Life onto another warframe though.

    Champion's Blessing was never particularly useful due to shield gating, but is even less useful with everything getting overguard in recent updates. It requires constant up keep or else you lose the entire buff. Other healing buffs like Wisp's Health Mote, or Sevagoth's Gloom also make building up the buff from Champion's Blessing difficult.

    Some type of heal over time effect being added might be helpful for any game mode that requires you to be mobile instead of just camping in one place. Mostly just a convenience thing rather than useful because Blessing already burst heals everything in affinity range.

  • warframe Warframe Magnus Prime > Akmagnus Prime comparions since its not currently linkable. (Relics available at Baro NOW)
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 months ago 100%

    Isn't the fire rate cap meant to be 5 for semi auto weapons after that "nerf/buff" that didn't really solve accessibility issues a while back?

    The reload time doesn't seem too terrible if it still has the infinite ammo gimmick from the Magnus Prime unless you constantly reload out of habit. Not being able to use Deadly Manoeuvres does make the single Magnus the better weapon to me.

  • warframe Warframe What to put on a Viral Primer?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 months ago 100%

    Seeker for punch through to prime more enemies at the same time?

  • warframe Warframe Let's share our fun frame facts!
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 months ago 100%

    Brief Respite and the Augur set mods can be used to prevent Harrow's Penance from triggering his shield gate. Penance drains shields based on your current shields when cast and the small shield restore from these mods will keep your shields from fully depleting. Augur mods are slightly better because they work in overguard shield ranges.

  • warframe Warframe TennoLive 2024 Megathread
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 months ago 100%

    My only real issues with Trinity are her low duration on her 1, 3 and 4, and her augments really need to be better, especially champion's blessing which wasn't really usable because of shield gating and is even less usable now with Overguard becoming more common. Energy Vampire Trinity still has its niche though, and is still probably my go to frame for the Index. Link isn't bad either in Radiation sorties besides the very low duration.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Protea
  • Dystopia Dystopia 2 months ago 100%

    Protea is a fairly strong caster frame that also doubles as a support frame.

    Protea's shield grenades are extremely helpful for any content where enemies do very high damage to the player as long as the damage isn't toxin. They're functionally Arcane Aegis as an ability. The Tap/Hold functionality can be inverted in settings if you find you primarily use one mode over the other making it a little more comfortable to cast. The slash grenades offer some minor CC but the damage feels a little lack luster to me, at least when compared to her turrets.

    Blaze Artillery is a very strong ability and it becomes more effective the more duration you mode for. It still requires some range to be effective though. Grouping abilities also help to make the turret more effective because the splash damage also increases its shot multiplier. There is also the Temporal Artillery augment for this ability which essentially turns the turret into one of Xaku's, but the combo count is capped to 20, and requires using Temporal Anchor to be used at the same time.

    Dispensary is Protea's other support ability. it's very useful if your loadout includes weapons with very low maximum ammo/arch guns or if you're going to be doing anything that requires staying in a small area for a some amount of time like piloting a railjack or defense/survival missions. The augment for this ability was never really worth using and after the recent QOL changes to radar and companion reviving is even less useful. The Helmenth version of this ability was probably over-nerfed and only has 50% of the duration when subsumed onto another warframe.

    Temporal Anchor is an ability that feels like it griefs you more than it helps you. If you forget to cancel the ability before the timer expires, you can be sent back far behind the rest of your squad. If it was possible to cancel the rewind while in progress it wouldn't be as bad, but as the ability functions currently, you're probably better off replacing it with something else. The Temporal Erosion augment seems somewhat useful, but with the armor rework it's probably less important to have.

  • warframe Warframe What are your thoughts on the Ascension game mode/Belly of the Beast?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 months ago 100%

    CC could be a little more usable on eximus in general, I wish they got the Sentient/boss nerf to CC abilities where the abilities just have diminished effectiveness rather than it either works or it doesn't.

    I've been running around with a resonance Banshee a lot for this event, it's nice seeing lots of highlighted enemies spreading the debuff around. I don't think Silence makes that much of a difference when you can out walk the beams of death, their damage still seems bugged to me though, Covenant shows almost 2M damage prevented if I stand still for the duration of one of the beams. I don't think it can damage objectives though.

  • warframe Warframe What are your thoughts on the Ascension game mode/Belly of the Beast?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 months ago 100%

    The dev shorts today mentioned something about a hot fix possibly today which should have some general QOL fixes for the game mode and they did mention elevator speed/charges, so hopefully that get's better communicated to players in-game.

  • warframe Warframe What are your thoughts on the Ascension game mode/Belly of the Beast?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 months ago 100%

    Overall, I think the game mode is pretty fun/relaxed. It doesn't feel like there's a meta loadout being enforced, and for the most part, you have the freedom to bring whatever you want to the mission.
    There doesn't really seem to be any failure condition either (other than maybe the first objective, but I've never managed to fail there).
    The pity system is also nice to have for anyone who doesn't have the time to farm or has terrible luck and the event cosmetics also look really nice.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 3 months ago 100%
    Soulshorts: Soulframe Preludes 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adBVHDtFFbc

    Similar format to Warframe's Dev Shorts, just some insight into what's currently going on in preludes. Not sure how frequently they're planning on making these, but probably less frequent than Dev Shorts. (The 4 just refers to the current version of preludes, not that there have been 4 of these filmed previously.) 0:00 - Intro 0:40 - Things coming to Preludes 4 2:25 - Another armor set being added 2:55 - Idols 3:55 - Teasing WIP enemies and working on enemy diversity 4:54 - Q&A Questions asked by players currently in Preludes 5:24 - Will any progression from preludes carry over?" 6:33 - Will drop rates be transparent? 7:15 - Any unusual weapons planned? 7:59 - Movement/parkour system? 10:05 - Fashion/customization 11:39 - How much are the devs lurking in chat to collect feedback? The game is currently in pre-alpha so things mentioned might not be present in the final game or be very different in their final state. 2000 invites typically go out every Wednesday by email if you've registered your Envoy Title. People have mentioned that the email has sometimes been sent to spam, so it might be worth checking there occasionally.

    warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Hildryn
  • Dystopia Dystopia 3 months ago 100%

    Hildryn is one of the more fun tank frames to play, and is actually pretty good for harder content if you're having trouble staying alive.

    Balefire unfortunately falls off in higher level content, exalted weapons are probably in need of an update to make them on par with current weapons.

    Pillage is a very versatile ability, removing armor/shields from enemies and replenishing the players shields and cleansing status on the caster and their allies. As long as you can keep Hildryn's overshields active with this ability, toxin damage will not be able to bypass your shields.

    Haven along with the Blazing Pillage augment makes Hildryn usable against the infested too while providing a bit of extra CC with the Heat procs.

    Aegis Storm is also kind of useless, it reduces your mobility and only lets you use Balefire as a weapon. It can generate energy orbs but those are really only useful for your team mates and only moderately useful to Hildryn.

    Rakta Dark Dagger is a pretty good weapon to pair with Hildryn as an alternative to Blazing Pillage or if you just want to quickly max your shield without waiting for Pillage to end.

    I also like using Chroma's Elemental Ward (Electric) and replacing Hildryn's 4. It both gives Hildryn even more shields and reflects damage done to Hildryns shields back to enemies. Abilities that drain Hildryns shields like Haven will also trigger this effectively turning Hildryn into a walking shock mote. This used to be really fun with the old Unairu's damage reflect, just being able to walk into a group of enemies and killing them with all the reflected damage.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Harrow
  • Dystopia Dystopia 5 months ago 100%

    Harrow is probably one of my most played warframes. He has great survivability and some very strong weapon buffs which make weapons that have usability issues a lot more viable and fun to use. It is a lot easier to play Harrow if you only focus on modding for solo gameplay rather than team support. Missions I would typically use Harrow for would be Disruption and Survival, and mostly focused on duration and strength.

    Condemn works great for quickly freezing important targets like Demolysts in place for easy headshots. It still won't hold them for long but with Harrow's fire rate buff and crit chance, you should be able to kill most Demolysts very quickly. I would not bother using the condemn augment, especially with how easy it is to get energy now.

    Penance has a useful interaction with shield regeneration mods like Brief Respite and the Augur set, If you don't have active Overshields with Brief Respite equipped, the shield regen will prevent your shield gating from tripping making it a lot safer to use around enemies. The Augur set is a little better if you can fit one of the mods as it can prevent penance from triggering shield gating even when cast with active overshields. Penance also gives a large boost to your weapons fire rate and reload speed making certain weapons much more usable without wasting mod slots.

    Thurible is mostly just used to keep your own energy up and allows you to run around with negative efficiency and always have a cast of condemn ready for emergencies. I don't find Warding Thurible to be very useful.

    Covenant and the Lasting Covenant augment are what I usually try to mod for on Harrow. This is mostly for precision weapons or if you loadout is focused around headshots with arcanes like Arcane Pistoleer or single target weapons. If your team is nuking or CC focused with Gloom/Shock motes, it's best to find a group of enemies alone to get your full buff or find a couple exploding barrels to take self damage.

    For weapons, generally I like to use snipers, Penance and Lasting Covenant help to work around the lower fire rate and reload speeds, and the Sporothrix is pretty fun with this setup and its Volatile Variant augment. For pistoles, Arcane Pistoleer and anything that's full auto and has a high fire rate like the Twin Grakatas. As long as you're getting headshot kills, it's like running around with an infinite ammo fissure buff. The melee weapon typically doesn't matter, Rakta Dark Dagger to quickly refill shields or the Furax with Amalgam Furax Body Count if you want to have even more fire rate on your pistols. It's also probably one of the few warframes where spearguns like the Scourge and Afentis can be useful.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Octavia
  • Dystopia Dystopia 5 months ago 100%

    Probably one of the harder warframes to farm because a blueprint is on a Rotation C mission. If you see her as a reward for the Duviri Circuit it can save you a lot of bad RNG trying to get her Neuroptics from a Survival mission.

    Her abilities make most difficult missions doable even while solo, and my favourite use for her is to use Mallet to quickly spawn a Sister of Parvos. Her kit is pretty versatile giving mild CC, damage, invisibility, and even energy regeneration which can also be granted from Octavia Specters.

  • warframe Warframe On Call: Ideal Crew for Tenno Support
  • Dystopia Dystopia 5 months ago 100%

    I like to mod my On Call's weapon with some form of status CC. They're normally pretty strong on their own but it can still help with slowing down enemies. Normally it would be something like Radiation + Cold so enemies will target each other instead of trying to take an objective in Interception and Cold is the only CC status effect that works through Overguard.

  • soulframe Soulframe [Spoilers] Fashion and Flavor Text
  • Dystopia Dystopia 5 months ago 100%

    DE has started sending out ~2k invites weekly for anyone that's registered their envoy name. Some people have mentioned that these emails have appeared in junk/spam, so it might be worth double checking there once in a while.

    Direct links because embedded images seem to have scaling issues/links inside spoiler tags having issues in some apps:
    Starter Weapons
    Non Starter
    Tempest Armor Set
    Fenn Jotar Armor Set
    Garren Armor Set
    Garren Description
    Ode Abilities
    Fey Abilities
    Garren Abilities
    Slightly NSFW

    The Royal Tines have an updated model since this was originally posted.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 5 months ago 100%
    [Spoilers] Fashion and Flavor Text

    A collection of cosmetics/weapons currently in game and some flavor text. Some of this content has spoilers and placeholder content (i.e. abilities and descriptions). Things are currently pre-pre-pre-alpha so here's a peek at what's currently in game but may be changed/reworked or might not make it to the final release. ::: spoiler Starter Weapons ![Starter Weapons](https://i.imgur.com/nZDF2GS.png) [Starter Weapons](https://i.imgur.com/nZDF2GS.png) ::: ::: spoiler Non-Starter Weapons (Obtained after quest/farming) ![Non Starter](https://i.imgur.com/yBpBz4s.png) [Non Starter](https://i.imgur.com/yBpBz4s.png) ::: ::: spoiler Tempest Armor Set (Starter) ![Tempest](https://i.imgur.com/aedmeOm.png) [Tempest Armor Set](https://i.imgur.com/aedmeOm.png) *There is a second starter armor set which only recently became available, will have to update this later to show it. ::: ::: spoiler Fenn Armor Set (Obtained through farming) ![Fenn](https://i.imgur.com/oJAuSDA.png) [Fenn Jotar Armor Set](https://i.imgur.com/oJAuSDA.png) ::: ::: spoiler Garren Set (Quest) ![Garren](https://i.imgur.com/zzfHLt0.png) [Garren Armor Set](https://i.imgur.com/zzfHLt0.png) ::: ::: spoiler Pacts (Two Starter and one Quest) ![Pacts](https://i.imgur.com/4AbReY7.png) [All Pacts](https://i.imgur.com/4AbReY7.png) ![Garren Description](https://i.imgur.com/yIJ9sPP.png) [Garren Description](https://i.imgur.com/yIJ9sPP.png) ::: ::: spoiler Pact Abilities (Two Starter Pacts and Quest Pact) ![Ode](https://i.imgur.com/lYqATaD.png) [Ode](https://i.imgur.com/lYqATaD.png) ![Fey](https://i.imgur.com/HLIDOHe.png) [Fey](https://i.imgur.com/HLIDOHe.png) ![Garren](https://i.imgur.com/AvDh8nq.png) [Garren](https://i.imgur.com/AvDh8nq.png) ::: **Slightly NSFW** ::: spoiler Underwear for anyone that likes running around in a souls game without armor (NSFW) Links instead of embedded images, I've had issues where apps weren't working correctly with spoiler tags and don't want to have something slightly nsfw embedded. [Underwear](https://i.imgur.com/ibISioj.png) and item description. [Shirtless](https://i.imgur.com/8KPIPzG.jpeg) :::

    warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Dante
  • Dystopia Dystopia 5 months ago 100%

    Getting Dante is generally less grindy than some of the more recent frames especially with the pity system they added. It also came with some nice updates like better markers for Disruption and in a recent patch, made Rage/Hunter Adrenaline/Vex Armor usable even with overguard active.

    From the time I've spent playing him, he feels mostly like a caster/Equinox with faster ramp-up and better survivability. I tend to play more weapon buff focus frames like Harrow/Wisp/Saryn with augments so Dante probably isn't really the frame for me. He isn't a bad choice though for anyone that likes caster style warframes/nukes though assuming you're fine with line of sight checks.

  • warframe Warframe I now understand why they don't give warframes eyes.
  • Dystopia Dystopia 6 months ago 100%

    That would be Gyre with a Tennogen skin

  • warframe Warframe Warframe: 11 Year Anniversary
  • Dystopia Dystopia 6 months ago 100%

    Sorry about that, thought I had the URL in there. You also need to scroll down a bit to find the terminal.

  • warframe
    Warframe Dystopia 6 months ago 97%
    Warframe: 11 Year Anniversary

    Guess the password to unlock get the [Dex Color Pallet](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/b83419f4-0e34-415d-a719-fb452f66efdd.png) and a Clem glyph. [Warframe Anniversary Link](https://warframe.com/anniversary) You will have to scroll down the page a bit to find the puzzle. ::: spoiler Answer happynewyear :::

    soulframe Soulframe Devstream #178 Soulframe Megathread
  • Dystopia Dystopia 6 months ago 100%

    Bromius concept art from the Soulframe Discord.

  • warframe Warframe Devstream #178 Megathread
  • Dystopia Dystopia 6 months ago 100%

    No issues for me on desktop this time!

  • warframe Warframe Having trouble finding synthesis targets
  • Dystopia Dystopia 6 months ago 100%

    The Synth Scanner has always been like that. What you need to do to fix the particle trails is swap to a gun and aim down sights, then pull out the Synth Scanner again and the trails should update.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Wukong
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    Wukong kind of got hit kind of hard by that ammo nerf. The clone tends to burn through ammo fairly aggressively, and his abilities aren't really focused towards killing enemies.

    He's still a good choice for missions like Spy and Capture, and his abilities offer a lot more survivability compared to other frames.

    If you want utility from his clone, give him a weapon with Radiation/Cold for some minor CC, or something that's good at applying multiple statuses for CO mods.

    Cloud Walker is great for avoiding enemies and covering large gaps like the ones on the Gas City tileset.

    Defy greatly increases Wukong's armor, it's kind of disappointing that this ability is still nerfed from the Helminth, and would have been a great alternative to requiring shield gating for endgame content. Obviously armor only goes so far, but for non endurance missions the survivability from this ability would have been more than enough.

    Iron Staff is pretty disappointing, it seems it's only use would be to get one of the buffs that require you to have a channelled ability active.

  • warframe Warframe Any tips for a returning player?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    If you're going to touch content on the Zarmain, you might need to invest a bit in an amp if you haven't already so that you can deal with Thrax/Void Angels. Madurai/Unairu are the two focus schools I'd recommend for these missions if you're after Void Angles.

    If you struggle at all with steel path, play the daily 5 missions in public. It's an easy way to get the steel essence required to buy arcane adapters for your weapons, and a chance to get the Deadhead/Merciless/Dexterity Arcanes if an acolyte spawns.

    If you don't have Galvanized mods yet, you can pick them up from the Arbitration Store for Vitus Essence.

  • soulframe Soulframe [Spoilers] Map of Midrath
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    Alphabet for anyone that wants to try to decipher the labels.

    The second round of prelude invites also just concluded, just mentioning it here since it's more likely to get noticed than on a week old post.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 7 months ago 100%
    [Spoilers] Map of Midrath

    [Map without Labels](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/010d7f3c-3f39-44fa-8d92-79aa8b4cb1dd.png) ::: spoiler spoiler ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/010d7f3c-3f39-44fa-8d92-79aa8b4cb1dd.png) ::: [Map with Labels](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/5ac6c0d9-1d66-4165-a986-d6f308021971.png) ::: spoiler spoiler ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/5ac6c0d9-1d66-4165-a986-d6f308021971.png) ::: [Secondary Map without Labels](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/b4b8b8f0-b0a6-48c4-bb1f-7d67ad87f723.png) ::: spoiler spoiler ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/b4b8b8f0-b0a6-48c4-bb1f-7d67ad87f723.png) :::

    warframe Warframe What do you need to get started in Steel Path?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    A good point to start is just running the daily public missions to get Primary/Secondary Arcanes, and the steel essence required to purchase adapters from Teshin.
    Hildryn isn't a bad choice for steel path, Pillage is great for armor strip, she's very tanky and had some minor CC if you take her Blazing Pillage Augment. If you really want to use Hildryn for the infested, it might be worth putting Harrow's ability on her or the Rakta Dark Dagger to regenerate shields.

  • soulframe Soulframe Soulframe Preludes 1.1 update and another round of invites!
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    It looks like emails for this round of invites went out for anyone that has registered their envoy title, some people have mentioned that they found the invite email in spam/junk.

    According to Steve, "10k invites" this round.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 7 months ago 100%
    Soulframe Preludes 1.1 update and another round of invites!

    >Hi Envoys! An update is coming this week for the Preludes build. Soulframe Preludes 1.1 will usher in an array of additions, changes, and fixes. We will also be sending out more invite emails! We thank you all for your continued patience as this world comes to life. - [DE]SpaceySarah on the official [Soulframe Discord](https://discord.gg/playsoulframe) Invites require you have registered your Envoy Title at https://www.soulframe.com/.

    warframe Warframe Devstream #177 Megathread
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    I wish they would just bring back self damage instead, it's a lot easier to get the vex armor buffs when you can bypass shield gating and don't have to deal with team mates nuking/CCing the entire map.

    Depending on what they consider an ally, you might run into issues where Shadows/Thralls become an issue for Chroma or objectives with a large hp pool.

  • warframe Warframe Devstream #177 Megathread
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    Looks like there's an issue with the desktop view here where this post doesn't show up.


    The post is visible from an app though, or if viewing through something like old.lemmy.world.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Equinox
  • Dystopia Dystopia 7 months ago 100%

    Equinox is kind of interesting having two frames in one.

    Its passive could use a QOL update to match the recent change to equilibrium, allowing Equinox to pick up health orbs if its energy isn't full. I'd also like to be able to forma/mod the two forms independently (like Sevagoth) because of how energy hungry the night form is. Unfortunately, Equinox is a very RNG heavy farm, so it probably wouldn't be worth the extra time and resources to do this.

    It would also be nice enemies with overguard were still effected by CC/Debuffs, but with diminished effectiveness, rather than the all or nothing approach.

  • warframe Warframe Warframe | Gauss Prime Access - Available Now On All Platforms!
  • Dystopia Dystopia 8 months ago 100%

    Aya/Prime Resurgence was a pretty big upgrade over the prime vault system, and even Nightwave became less grindy this season with the elite weekly challenges that essentially complete themselves making it easier to passively get the cosmetics.

    I generally like making meme builds, and playing around with gimmick weapons, even though they're generally outclassed.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 8 months ago 100%
    [Spoiler] Recreating Scenes

    Screenshots showing some of the in-game areas present in https://www.soulframe.com/en/media *None of the images here are spoilers if you've already seen the gameplay trailer. [Imgur album](https://imgur.com/a/9krCxdA) with everything shown here and some slight variations (same scenes which may have slightly better/worse lighting/camera placement). Mostly here as a fallback for any mobile apps that have issues viewing embeds/links behind spoiler tags. ::: spoiler Tree Overhanging Path ![](https://i.imgur.com/uIn9Ny0.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/uIn9Ny0.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Dead End Room ![](https://i.imgur.com/jzpbZul.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/jzpbZul.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Dead End Room looking back ![](https://i.imgur.com/9ObYAC0.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/9ObYAC0.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Central Dungeon ![](https://i.imgur.com/1Bdqrv4.jpg) https://imgur.com/1Bdqrv4.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Fawn ![](https://i.imgur.com/yGYGvtx.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/yGYGvtx.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Sleeping next to Animals ![](https://i.imgur.com/4Jtb3n4.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/4Jtb3n4.jpg ::: Some random extras ::: spoiler Avakot ![](https://i.imgur.com/NswcEh9.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/NswcEh9.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Load Screen ![](https://i.imgur.com/cUgR91X.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/cUgR91X.jpg ::: ::: spoiler Launcher Art ![](https://i.imgur.com/KCmBjVk.jpg) https://i.imgur.com/KCmBjVk.jpg :::

    warframe Warframe Condition Overload vs Primed Pressure Point
  • Dystopia Dystopia 8 months ago 100%

    The pressure point mods are usually more useful against status immune enemies, some enemies are only immune to certain status effects, so CO could be better depending on what elements you have. CO also doesn't work with every pseudo exalted ability, so if you're lazy like me and don't want to check if it's compatible, it's easier to just grab a weapon with pressure point.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 9 months ago 100%
    DE Steve Soulframe stream (Concluded) www.twitch.tv

    More Q&A, bug hunting and coding

    warframe Warframe Is hydroid better than Khora now?
  • Dystopia Dystopia 9 months ago 100%

    I haven't really had time to make a new Hydroid build since his rework, but I think he's less effective against Eximus/Overguard than Khora. Khora is able to do most of what Hydroid does, but is able to do it better in my opinion.

    Khora's abilities work together to damage trapped enemies, and Ensnare can be used to increase the damage the enemies that are CC'd. It's probably best to think of Khora's Strangle Dome as an AOE ability that scales off of your melee weapon instead of a CC ability.
    Khora is also a little more versatile for other missions like Disruption where you want to be able to slow down a priority target.

    Hydroid on the other hand, feels like he has too much range (for his tentacle swarm) and traps enemies out of sight, sometimes in adjacent rooms. This tends to lead to missions taking longer because you need to clean up enemies individually between waves if it's a Defense mission. It starts to feel a little like playing with a max range Limbo/Vauban/Wisp Motes trapping enemies far away from the objective.
    *I still need to play around with reducing range to see if there's a good balance where his 1/3 are usable while not making the tentacle range obnoxiously large.

  • soulframe
    Soulframe Dystopia 9 months ago 100%
    DE_Steve Soulframe stream (VOD) www.twitch.tv

    Steve playing the Soulframe Preludes, some random Q&A and showing off environment. Some spoilers, although this is considered pre-alpha so not sure how different the final version of this will be.

    Soulframe Dystopia 9 months ago 100%
    [Spoiler] Sunrise

    So it seems that people participating in the Soulframe preludes testing is able to share screenshots. I'll try to keep anything posted as generic and non-spoilery as possible, and provide clear descriptions of what the screenshot will contain. (generic landscapes, no UI, npcs or anything shown beyond the demo shown at Tennocon.) For anyone that does want to see more, there is a preludes-screenshot channel on the official [Soulframe Discord](https://discord.com/invite/playsoulframe). *Does contain some mild spoilers (Equipment/NPCs/Areas not shown off in the demo) ::: spoiler spoiler ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/78ac3484-b87d-4729-9419-f3f6a2238b6e.png) [Imgur Link](https://i.imgur.com/W2L0lkP.png) incase mobile apps have any issues loading embedded images ::: This is a bit of a test post to make sure embedded images are hidden correctly, and I'll change to links only if anyone notices spoilers not hiding images correctly. Also, just a warning that some future posts may contain mild spoilers (i.e. weapons/armor not shown in the Tennocon demo but have been posted in the public discord). Posts will have a clear description highlighting the possible spoiler so that you can choose to view an image or avoid it. Currently only screenshots and discussions can be shared.

    Warframe Dystopia 9 months ago 100%
    Cumulus Collection from Steam store.steampowered.com

    Add the Cumulus Collection to your Arsenal for free! These fashionable items will be available to claim through Steam from December 15, 2023 to January 10, 2024. The Cumulus Collection includes: - Cirrus Armor Bundle - Cumulus Syandana - Stratus Pistol Skin - Spektaka Color Palette - 3-day Resource Booster This has been given out before, so there's a good chance you already have everything from this collection.

    Soulframe Dystopia 9 months ago 100%
    Soulframe Prelude Pre-Alpha Access https://imgur.com/JcsXZgv

    DE has started sending out emails to some people who have registered accounts for Soulframe already, and are also doing small giveaways on the Soulframe Discord channel. Check your emails incase you were part of the first batch of giveaways, the Discord giveaways seem to pretty frequent but much fewer given out. *I think it's limited to PC only so far.

    Warframe Dystopia 10 months ago 100%
    Tactical Alert: Snowday Showdown www.warframe.com

    ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/9fc6b5d8-34d4-4dea-a089-0637df6a2567.png) It's a Team Arena game mode so going into accessibility and enabling enemy and ally highlighting is very helpful for telling people apart. The rewards seem to rotate every 24h and the even runs until the 31st. For anyone that wants to conclave standing on top of this, Affinity boosters do work, but I'm unsure about the ones that come from relay blessings. [Rewards](https://imgur.com/vKgE8Fs)

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Weekly Warframe:Trinity

    Codex: [Trinity](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/843256fb-225f-473a-9adf-7b5bb24c8168.png) embodies redemption and health. Her extraordinary healing powers support allies. Where others destroy, she restores. 1st Ability - Well of Life: Create a well of life on an enemy. Allies will gain health when damaging the target. 2nd Ability - Energy Vampire: Allies will gain energy over time when enemies are marked with Energy Vampire. 3rd Ability - Link: Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy. 4th Ability - Blessing: Restore the health and shields of allies within Trinity's Affinity aura while giving them some damage immunity. Passive: Trinity commences revival of fallen allies in bleedout 25% faster and from 50% further away. Progenitor: Cold Subsumed Ability: Well of Life Tactical Ability: Energy Vampire Acquisition: Trinity's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Trinity's component blueprints are obtained from defeating Ambulas on Hades, Pluto. Trinity is also one of the 36 Warframes available in Duviri's [Normal Circuit Rotation](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Circuit). Trinity was introduced in Warframe's vanilla release (10/25/2012). Trinity received a [prime variant](https://warframe-web-assets.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/thumbnails/829dd75d05b6a8ff6c521ba07e45f57b_1600x900.png) on 10/06/15, Update 17.6. Last week: [Frost](https://dormi.zone/post/258411)

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Are there any QOL changes that you would like to see added to Warframe?

    At [Tennocon](https://imgur.com/lpeFNWn), DE mentioned that they would be making some QOL changes to warframe like pets no longer permanently dying and auto-melee. Are there any other QOL changes that you would like to see added to the game?

    Memeframe lmao xDD Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Back to the 90s www.youtube.com

    Context for anyone that isn't Canadian or has not seen the House Hippo PSA: [Concerned Children's Advertisers (defunct)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Companies_Committed_to_Kids) ran many [ad campaigns](https://www.youtube.com/@ccacanada/videos) in Canada focused around kid's health and other related topics like bullying. The [House Hippo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_hippo) was one of their ad campaigns running from the late 90s to the mid 2000s and, at the time, would have been as well known as something like "[Timmies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Hortons)". Because DE is located in Canada, there's a good chance that many of the staff know of or even grew up seeing the House Hippo PSA.

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Warframe: TennoCon 2023 imgur.com

    https://www.warframe.com/tennocon https://dateful.com/convert/eastern-time-et?t=1230p.m.&d=2023-08-26&tz2=Pacific-Time-PT # LOGIN REWARD Dex Operator and Drifter Suit **Log in on August 26 to claim** Get your Dex Operator and Drifter Suit inspired by the elegant lines of the Tenno and the intricate designs of traditional tattoos and textiles. # TWITCH DROPS **12:30 p.m. ET – 4:30 p.m. ET** Watch TennoCon for **30 minutes from 12:30 p.m. ET – 4:30 p.m. ET** to earn a free Gotva Prime Rifle via Twitch or Steam. The Gotva Prime Rifle will be exclusive for a limited time, but players who miss out on the Drop can earn it in-game at a later date. # Gara Prime **4:30 p.m. ET to 6:00 p.m ET** Watch TennoLive for **30 minutes between 4:30 p.m. ET - 6:00 p.m. ET** to earn a free GARA PRIME WARFRAME via Twitch or Steam It looks like these are being done as two separate drops rather than the usual 'second drop starting immediately after the first drop is claimed' used for community streams. This means that you will need to be able to catch the stream at least 30 min before 4:30 to be eligible for Gotva Prime and that you probably don't need to claim the first drop before earning progress towards the second, but I would still try to claim it to be on the safe side. ***Don't mute the stream in Twitch, they usually stop tracking time spent watching the stream if it's muted.**

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    A Guide to Amps in Warframe

    (Some Spoilers for anyone that has not gotten this far in the game) An overview of Amps and how they perform when using Madurai, Eternal Eradicate and Eternal Onslaught and some info on where to get these components and my very brief opinion on how they feel to use. A lot of this post will be aimed more at people who have recently unlocked Operators/never really bothered with Amps. You may still find the brief captura previews helpful if you wanted to see an Prism/Scaffold's fire-mode though. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqAdTxu2r7E) showing how various Amps perform when buffed. The first Shield Break after a captura preview shows damage with Void Strike while the second Shield break does not use this buff. [Table of Amp Components](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/c/cd/AmpConvention.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/700?cb=20190415144538) *Numbers represent parts in this order. A 1-2-3 Amp would have the Raplak Prism, Shraksun Scaffold and the Lohrin Brace. This should only be considered a rough guide for Amp performance for various reasons: - Overflow damage is hidden (if the boss has 10k shields, 10k is the highest damage number you will see) - After breaking the first synovia, the Eidolon only recovers 50% of its shield - Teralyst has ~29k shields, Gantulyst has ~41k shields, Hydrolyst has ~52k shields ## What's boosting my Amp's damage: - Void Strike (Madurai's 1, Only on first shield break after captura previews) - Contamination Wave (Madurai's 2, every shield break) - Volt's shield boosts Crit Damage as long as the beam/projectile passes through it - [Eternal Eradicate](https://imgur.com/Ks48ujI) (Zaramin from Thrax/Void Angel or purchased from Cavalero) - [Eternal Onslaught](https://imgur.com/ZTbmOSh) (Zaramin from Thrax/Void Angel or purchased from Cavalero) For newer players with only a Mote Amp, roam around the Plains of Eidolon at night and hunt for Vomvalysts. Return to Cetus and fast travel to Quill Onkko to trade in the Sentient Cores for standing. You want to replace the Mote Amp with anything else as fast as possible but do not sell the Mote Amp until you have finished Guilding it and finished ranking it back up to 30. Prisms are the only Amp Component that count towards mastery, Scaffold and Braces are ignored. The easiest place to level an Amp would be Sanctuary/Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, you must be in operator mode for affinity to go to your Amp. Return to Onkko to Guild your Amp and level it back to 30 one more time to get all the mastery from it. First start with the first Amp you can craft, and continue ranking up your standing with the Quills until you reach rank 3 (Adherent) to unlock Guilding and the Lohrin Brace becomes available which is the best Brace that will be available to you (for the majority of Amps) until you get into ranking up Vox Solaris on Fortuna. In the meantime build an Amp with your favorite Prism + Scaffold + Lohren Brace (x-x-3), and if you have extra Quills standing consider picking up Magus Nourish, Virtuous Strike or Virtuous Shadow. Find a guide for capturing the first Eidolon that focuses on basics not doing it fast (first you get good then you get fast). The Sentient Cores dropped from the Eidolon are worth more than what come from Vomvalysts, so its worth it to try taking down this Boss for its drops (Arcane Nullifier can be farmed here, and is helpful for anyone starting out Eidolon hunting). Public lobbies usually aren't too bad for this bounty, and tend to go faster than solo. Eidolon Shards are also one of the possible ways to can rank up your focus schools, the others being killing Thrax on the Zaramin/Duviri or Focus Lenses. Once you get to Fortuna and rank up Vox Solaris (one of the harder Syndicates to rank up, try farming for Toroids if you have a resource drop booster from Sortie, Special Event, or get a Relay Blessing) you will have access to the Amp components 4-7 on the table linked earlier. The Certus Brace (x-x-7) is generally considered the best brace for most Amps. Play missions on the Zaramin to farm Eternal Onslaught/Eradicate as well as Amp Arcane Adapters which can be purchased from Cavalero to fit an extra Amp Arcane. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnpVSIOTTpg) is a link to the previous Amp video I made which is closer in line to the damage newer players can expect without the damage boosts from Madurai, Eternal Onslaught, or Eternal Eradicate. If any Prism/Scaffold seems to take an excessively long amount of time to break shields/misses often, you might want to consider using a different Prism/Brace. If you want to build an amp aimed towards Void Angels, you will want to take into account the range required to hit the Void Angel depending on where it in the Arena as some amps may have issues hitting it depending on where it is in the arena. For most missions, you probably won't have any issues killing a Void Angel, but if you're doing Steel Path/Void Armageddon, you may want to increase your damage a little more to deal with scaling. I'm not sure if this is an oversight but inside the arena, Void Angels have the [Flesh](https://imgur.com/a/Pq279tc) health type. This means that you can use Virtuous Trojan to *convert* *some* of your amp's Void Damage into Viral which does 50% damage to Flesh. You can inflict up to 4 stacks of Viral on a Void Angel. \*Avoid using a Maxed ranked Virtuous Trojan as you will be reducing the amount of damage that can be done to a Thrax in its spectral form. Another Arcane that you can use is Magus Melt which will *add* Heat to your operators attacks on Void Sling. This Arcane does not convert a portion of your Void Damage the way Virtuous Trojan does, so you will not have any issues using a Maxed Ranked Magus Melt. The 4 status cap still applies to this status type. ### Notes about Prisms/Scaffolds: #### Cetus Prisms ##### Raplak 1-x-x: - Semi-Auto with reasonable damage and very accurate - Long Range - No Punch Through ##### Shwaak 2-x-x: - Arca plasmor like projectile with infinite body punch through and able to hit multiple limbs - Medium Range, able to reach Void Angel in center of arena - Infinite Body Punch Through ##### Granmu 3-x-x: - A three round burst of grenades with a small explosion which will detonate on contact or after a certain amount of time - Medium-Long Range but aiming may be difficult due to arc and travel speed - No Punch Through ##### Rahn 4-x-x: - Fully automatic projectiles with reasonable damage - Long Range and Good Accuracy - No Punch Through #### Fortuna Prisms ##### Centric 5-x-x: - Three round burst fire mode - Projectiles are similar to Rahn Prism's - No Punch Through - Medium Long Range and Good Accuracy ##### Lega 6-x-x: - Flamethrower with very slow tick rate. Not very fast for taking down Eidolon Shields - Good Status Chance making it easier to proc Void Status compared to other Amps - If built around procing Void Status, it pairs well with Phahd Scaffold (x-4-x) to trap Glaive projectile around enemies and Lohrin Brace for higher base Status Chance (x-x-4) - Infinite Body Punch Through - Medium Range, able to hit Void Angel on the perimeter ##### Klamora 7-x-x: - A wide beam with low range. Quickly drains ammo but does a lot of damage to shields in a short amount of time. - Not a great Amp for Ropalolyst fight, but great for Eidolons - Infinite Body Punch Through - Short Range, still able to hit Void Angel if it is in the center of the arena and does decent damage to it, but not enough range if it teleports to the perimeter #### Cetus Scaffolds ##### Pencha x-1-x: - Opticore like beam with reasonable damage - Long Range (40m) and Accurate - No Punch Through ##### Shraksun x-2-x: - Arca plasmor like projectile with infinite body punch through and able to hit multiple limbs - Medium Short range Prism, can't reach Void Angel in center of arena but not on the perimeter - Projectile is similar to Shwaak Prism's - Infinite Body Punch Through and Detonates at end of Projectile lifespan or on collision with Terrain. Able to Self-Stagger if detonated on terrain. ##### Klebrik x-3-x: - Tethers to single enemy, low damage and does not always latch onto the enemy you want it to - No Punch Through - Medium Range, is able to hit Void Angel on perimeter ##### Phahd x-4-x: - Bouncing Glaive projectile with decent damage and some homing capabilities, similar to the Cedo's Alt-Fire - Easier to use up close because of projectile's travel time - Works well for dealing with tanky enemies if you are able to proc Void Status on them first to trap the projectile. You will notice a faint green orb around an enemy if it has Void Status applied to it, or in the case of an Eidolon, the orb can spawn around a limb that was hit by your Amp. 6-4-3 is what I would probably use for priming, the primary fire has good status chance and ammo efficiency, while the Lohren Brace boosts both Crit Chance and Status chance. - Long Range #### Fortuna Scaffolds ##### Exard x-5-x: - A very high recoil, low accuracy fire mode that mag dumps - No Punch Through - Long Range but unable to make good use of it due to low accuracy ##### Dissic x-6-x: - Slow grenade projectile which detonates on contact, consumes 50 ammo per shot - Low Damage Bomblets after initial explosion ##### Propa x-7-x: - A sphere that does high damage when it collapses, easy to self-stagger. - Very low range, not suitable for Ropalolyst and unable to reach Void Angels in center of arena ##### Mote Amp: - Very low damage and long recharge, you will probably hate using this Amp - Medium Range (30m) - Constant Beam fire mode and no Alt-Fire - No Punch Through ##### Sirocco: - Semi-Auto pistol with a perfect reload gimmick, no Alt-Fire - Better than the Mote amp but still not great for sustained damage - Long Range and good Accuracy - Considered a different weapon from the one used on Duviri, Arcanes will not carry over - No Punch Through ### Last Gasp/Killing Regular Enemies The Focus School which works best for this is probably Unairu, thanks to its ability to spawn Wisps which double your Amp's Damage, and its Abilities which fully strip Armor and Shields. Madurai comes in second for making use of Last Gasp/Killing Regular Enemies. While it has higher peak damage than Unairu thanks to Void Strike, it only has this buff for 8s followed by a 40s cooldown. Madurai also has the Contamination Wave ability which makes enemies hit by it take 50% more vulnerable to Void Damage. At higher levels Madurai starts to fall off due to Scaling Armor/Shields. Naramin's Void Levitation + Lethal Levitation is similar to Madurai's Contamination Wave, boosting damage for each lifted enemy (+50% each stack) up to 4 stacks. The enemy must be damaged while lifted to grant a stack. Enemies with Overguard cannot be lifted. Zenurik/Vazarin don't really have any abilities that make it easier to kill an enemy with an Amp. Arcanes like Magus Melt and Virtuous Trojan will make it easier to kill enemies with an Amp, and Debuffs like Banshee's Sonar also work to boost Amp Damage. *Virtuous Troja converts a portion of Void Damage to Viral, this means you will do less damage to anything that requires Void Damage to be damaged.

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Warframe Anniversary Week 3 Twitch Drop Campaign July 15th - July 22nd

    [Watch any participating stream](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Warframe) and make sure you claim drops in between tiers. If you notice you're having issues with twitch not logging time watched correctly make sure that the stream is not muted within the player. (Muted tabs do not cause issues with twitch tracking progress)

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Alienware Warframe Giveaway

    https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2168846/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/warframe-excalibur-avalon-bundle-giveaway Requires you to create an alienware account to claim a key and redeemed at https://www.warframe.com/promocode. There were ~4000 keys remaining when I claimed, the Karak and Skana both come with a potato installed, or just sell them for the free weapon slots if you've already mastered them.

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    A Quick Guide farming the Granum Void

    This guide mostly applies to farming Protea parts from the Granum Void but you may also find it useful for quickly cycling through Tenet Weapons to Valence Fusion, or spawning a Sister with a Radiation Progenitor. To farm Protea, you need to reach rotation C in each tier of the Granum Void (Neuroptics in T1, Systems in T2, Chassis in T3). The easiest way to do this is with an [Octavia](https://imgur.com/EORkFSI) modded mostly for Range and Duration and some Strength. When you spawn into the Void, you want to find an edge of the map with few obstructions on the ground (Mallet requires Line of Sight) and throw Octavia's Mallet and Amp between you and the rest of the map. [Like This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xORPLkf2MIo) By being on the edge of the map you've restricted the spawning area of the Void Specters, and they should all be forced to spawn within Mallet's range. My preferred mission for farming the Void would be Capture. From testing, the capture target can not escape on the Corpus Crewship Tileset (or the tile required for that fail-state just never spawned). Do not Capture the target until after after you've completed the Granum Void side mission as enemy spawning is disables shortly after completing the main objective and may cause issues if you're waiting for the Treasurer to spawn to drop a new Granum Crown. Once you're finished in the void it is safe to complete the mission's main objective, wait around until the Treasurer spawns to replace the Crown you spent to enter the Void. #### Farming Tier 1: (Neuroptics) For this part, I would farm the Capture mission on Phobos>Skyresh. A "Granum Crown" (Tier 1) is required for drop table containing the Neuroptics. The Treasurer also drops this same Crown, so you only really need the initial coin to begin farming. #### Farming Tier 2: (Systems) The "Exemplar Granum Crown" is required for this drop. The Rescue mission on Neptune>Triton is probably the easiest one to perpetually farm the Void. Be sure to complete the void first before saving the Rescue Target, or you may run into issues with the Treasurer not spawning, and the rescue target dying within the Void. #### Farming Tier 3: (Chassis **OR** Tenet Weapons) "Zenith Granum Crown" is required for the Chassis to drop. The best mission for this is Pluto>Hydra, and everything mentioned earlier about farming Capture missions applies here, the capture target can't escape as far as I can tell, and completing this objective before the Void can cause issues with the Treasurer/**Candidate** not spawning before spawns stop. For the Main Protea Blueprint, you either need to pick that up from completing the Deadlock Protocol (Don't think you even have access to the void without this mission completed), or from Simaris for 50,000 standing. ##### Some notes about farming Tenet Weapons this way: - You technically only need 25 kills (solo) to spawn a Candidate, but I found reaching the 75 Kill Cap was faster than waiting out the timer. Complete the mission after downing the Candidate (without mercy killing) to add the previewed weapon to a blacklist. - A Radiation based Sister is probably the most annoying to fight because of all the ways it enables Friendly Fire; All Tenet Weapons will be able to proc Radiation status, instead of only the weapons that have base Radiation like the Tenet Arca Plasmor. Arcane Healing, or an ability with Status Cleanse/Immunity works fine to mitigate this, but it still makes it extremely easy to fail a mission like Defense. - A Sister spawned from a Radiation Progenitor also has the ability Magnetize, like Malice any shots fired will be redirected at whoever has Magnetize on them. It is possible to roll out of it, but the ability is not very visible from inside the bubble, so there is a very good chance that you will end up downing yourself before you notice you've had Magnetize cast on you. *I've tried to keep this guide as brief as possible while still explaining everything, if you run into issues or think I've missed something, let me know and I'll work on correcting the guide. You can Bring the Xoris, and use it to free the Solaris Prisoners if you need a little more time in the Void. Collecting Spectral Debris will also increase the time you can spend in the Void. Currently the easiest ways to get an Octavia if you don't currently have one is to check the Duviri Circuit as it is one of the possible Warframes on [Week 9](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Circuit#Normal_Circuit). (It can take a while to farm for her Neuroptics through Survival if you're really unlucky, and requires you to do her quest/pick up the main blueprint and Mandrachord from Simaris if you no longer have base Octavia.) The other ways to get Octavia would be to wait for Prime Resurgence or selling your extra prime parts on https://warframe.market and finding someone selling her set for a reasonable price.

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Warframe Anniversary - Week 1 Twitch Drop Campaign July 1st - July 8th www.twitch.tv

    ![](https://dormi.zone/pictrs/image/30634200-a823-480c-813f-08c58584fd7f.png) [Watch any participating stream](https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Warframe) and make sure you claim drops in between tiers. This is also a good chance to make sure your Twitch account is linked correctly to your warframe account before Tennocon. If you notice you're having issues with twitch not logging time watched correctly make sure that the stream is not muted within the player. (Muted tabs do not cause issues with twitch tracking progress)

    Warframe Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    How to Escape "The Pond" on the Plains of Eidolon www.youtube.com

    How to escape from the lake inside the cave located in Cetus: 1. Try /unstuck before anything else. 2. If that fails walk up the pipe just below the teleport volume. You should see your camera "detach" if you are standing in the correct spot. (The camera detaching is just a visual reference letting you know that you are close enough for this to work, this trick will still work even if your camera isn't detached) 3. Mount your K-Drive and it should teleport you back on land. *Transference into a Nechramech used to work for me but doesn't seem to anymore. It might work for clients. All testing done as host.

    Memeframe lmao xDD Dystopia 1 year ago 100%
    Getting a Head Start on the John ~~Oliver~~ Prodman Posts Once the Main Sub opens up

    Original Artwork stolen from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/7p3aj7/since_john_prodman_gives_out_autographs_when_you/
