bookstodon group ChrisMayLA6 4 months ago 0%
This week I've been mainly reading, no. 153.

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 153. Each of Emma Newman's Planetfall quartet explores a different aspect of the same overarching story of religious driven intergalactic migration. In Atlas Alone (2019), the fourth story centres on an elite gamer & their attempt to uncover & then take revenge for a crime against humanity. To say much more would ruin the plot for you, but as with the others, this is great, fascinating sci-fi, which has a great payoff at the end. [\#scifi]( [@bookstodon](

bookstodon group ChrisMayLA6 5 months ago 100%
This week I've been mainly reading, no. 148.

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 148. The first book of Ann Leckie's Radch trilogy, Ancillary Justice (2013) offers an interesting plot of AI, identity & insurrection. Leckie builds an interesting (political) world/universe for her tale of revenge & becoming, which while at times a little too tricksy, overall remains a compelling bit of space-opera. If at times the plot seems a little too convoluted, the central idea(s) is/are intriguing & developed interestingly [\#scifi]( [@bookstodon](