sysadmin Sysadmin Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not?
  • CMDerCatnip CMDerCatnip 1 year ago 100%

    @th0th_Q Ah, I didn't even think of the licensing angle. Good point. It will be interesting to see the first legal case on that pop up.

  • sysadmin Sysadmin Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not?
  • CMDerCatnip CMDerCatnip 1 year ago 100%

    @whatwhatwhatwhat Our marketing team is absolutely chomping at the bit for it. I do think there's some safe and reasonable application of text generation, but I'm wary they know "safe" or "reasonable". I feel like Teams would be a better option than most considering how many compliance/regulation acronyms Microsoft has collected.

    I REALLY do wish they'd stop trying to install everything AI related in the Chrome Web Store though...

  • sysadmin Sysadmin Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not?
  • CMDerCatnip CMDerCatnip 1 year ago 100%

    @adhdplantdev The risk as I understand it is compromising confidentiality. Most AI apps, including ChatGPT, use your prompts in their training sets creating a risk for a random end-user pasting confidential information into a prompt. I might be able to argue that in certain compliance/regulation requirements it could be considered an accidental disclosure and require a notice be sent out.

  • sysadmin
    Sysadmin CMDerCatnip 1 year ago 100%
    Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not?

    Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not? My team has been debating the risk involved with them but I've been on the fence. I saw this article (that's part ad for Asterisk) on it this morning and it got me thinking about it again. []( [\#ChatGPT]( [#AI]( [#security]( [#sysadmin](
