catholic Catholic Made With Freedom From Porn
  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 50%

    no, it is still gibberish.

  • worldnews
    World News CCL 8 months ago 98%
    Japan has joined an elite club by landing on the moon. Here's what others are doing

    Probably because I'm an American, but this is the first I have heard of this (not to mention China & India making it too).

    wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Republican leader slams Democrats' proposed election maps as 'political gerrymander'
  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 100%

    I just don't understand why in the 21st century we are still acting like grouping people geographically is the best way to set representative. There are so many other ways, by class, by religion, by gender, by race, by political affiliation (like closed list proportional representation).

  • wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Republican leader slams Democrats' proposed election maps as 'political gerrymander'
  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 100%

    I mean, he is a politician.

  • wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Republican leader slams Democrats' proposed election maps as 'political gerrymander'
  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 100%

  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 100%

    Americans only care about handegg

  • catholic Catholic Made With Freedom From Porn
  • CCL CCL 8 months ago 50% I can't for the life of me figure out what you are trying to communicate with this link. It looks like a bunch of gibberish. How is this Catholic?

  • til Today I Learned TIL Happy Holidays literally means Happy Holy Day
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    To quote Red Green

    We're all in this together.

  • til Today I Learned TIL Happy Holidays literally means Happy Holy Day
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    well crap. now I wonder what story I got today confused.

  • fediverse Fediverse Mammoth or Mastodon?
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    The big difference is the teeth.

    Well that and Mammoth never integrated ActivityPub

  • risa Risa Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and-
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    Steve Levy the conspiracy guy

    now I'm even more mad my wife won't let me watch discovery

  • privacy
    Privacy CCL 9 months ago 100%
    Tech group with TikTok and Meta sues Ohio over law curbing children’s social media use

    There is no way to actually enforce a law like this, but they'll sure use it as an excuse to increase surveillance, particularly of our youth.

    india India Current government has failed on all fronts in Uttar Pradesh.
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    when has government not failed.

  • india
    India CCL 9 months ago 87%
    Piyush Goyal asks auto industry to raise share of vehicles exports to 50% from 14% now

    I'm not clear how the government thinks asking the automotive industry is going to help. Wouldn't they be trying to get aa much export business as they could anyway? I'm not sure what the export taxes on automotive or other regulations exist, but limiting them is about the only thing I can think politicians could actually do to help.

    til Today I Learned TIL Happy Holidays literally means Happy Holy Day
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%
  • til Today I Learned TIL Happy Holidays literally means Happy Holy Day
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

  • til Today I Learned TIL Happy Holidays literally means Happy Holy Day
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 71%

    St. Valentine's day did not start as a secular celebration. St. Valentine lived in what is now Turkey, he became known as the patron saint of love because he used to marry Christians in secret when it was illegal to do so under Islamic rule.

  • linux Linux What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 60%


  • linux Linux What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 20%


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Merry Christmas
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 96%

    why is this in the lemmyshitposting community?

  • world World News Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure that's against the teachings of Islam.

  • world World News Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 97%

    learning is never over. No matter how hard authoritarians try.

  • technology Technology GM’s CarPlay replacement software is off to a disastrous start - 9to5Mac
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 50%

    yeah, it's definitely not "developed with Blackberry" yes, it Runs QNX, yes Ford bought a good portion of Blackberry and hired even more of their developers when they opened the waterloo office, as does most touch screen infosystems before GAS. There is near 0 active development on SYNC 4, their first GAS system, 2024 Lincoln Nataulis. Uonnect also runs QNX, and Chrysler is actively d developing their GAS Allison. Pretty much everything GM put out since 2012 ran QNX, Tesla is shitty so I don't care. I don't know for certain on the foreign manufactures, but I have no reason to think they don't have at least a GAS based solution still in the works.

  • technology Technology GM’s CarPlay replacement software is off to a disastrous start - 9to5Mac
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    so is everyone else

  • technology Technology GM’s CarPlay replacement software is off to a disastrous start - 9to5Mac
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 42%

    No true in the least bit. I've worked in automotive for more than a decade, the vast majority of that time in automotive. GM is getting rid of Cp the same reason Apple got rid of Flash, they spend more time investigating issues causd by software that they can't do anything about and AA/Cp issues are a removed. The project I am on currently has more that double issues with Projection Services than written all other components combined. Nearly half of all vehicle buy backs in North America are because of infotainment issues and like 80% of those are projection issues that are actually caused by the user's phone. Thankfully I don't deal with end users anymore, but have you ever tried to tell am apple fan boy that his iPhone is the cause of the problem...

  • unions unions Dancers at Los Angeles bar to become only unionized strippers in US after 15-month battle
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    This was the first thing I found when I did an internet search NRLB limits ability for Independent Contractors to Form a Union

    As a pro wrestling fan the independent contractor gimmick is what I've always heard is the reason wrestlers can't form a union. For a short time this became mainstream attention after Jordon Oliver covered it.

  • privacy Privacy Google Just Denied Cops a Key Surveillance Tool
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    Let us not think they they are doing this out of any alturistic reasoning, but more likely to protect company "trade secrets" in how this data is captured.

  • risa Risa No more monopolies!!
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    I never new I wanted this until right now.

  • risa Risa No more monopolies!!
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    Come on, you know we all want t see a batman star Trek crossover

  • worldnews World News Stellantis sets up its first Circular Economy Hub in Turin, Italy, investing EUR 40 m - ET Auto
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    What makes you say that?

  • worldnews World News Spotify will end service in Uruguay due to bill requiring fair pay for artists
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    40 year old here, I only buy CDs.

  • worldnews World News Spotify will end service in Uruguay due to bill requiring fair pay for artists
  • CCL CCL 9 months ago 100%

    I hope you'll check it out. I have an account on as it allows up to 5GB of storage free of charge, which is the best I've seen for open registration instances (it also happens to be the first I learned of as I use several of the other features of the who operates that instance, simply because their cryptpad instance was the fisrt thing that showed up when I did a DDG search for Free and Federated Online Documents).

  • unions
    unions CCL 9 months ago 99%
    Dancers at Los Angeles bar to become only unionized strippers in US after 15-month battle

    Apparently, I've been under a rock as [today's thread from Cory Doctrow]( - is the first I had heard of this. Where I live such entertainers are considered independent contractors (1099) and as such it is ILLEGAL for them to unionize. Is there something different in California that qualifies them as employees (W2)? If not, how did they get around the capitalist governments' rules?

    worldnews World News Spotify will end service in Uruguay due to bill requiring fair pay for artists
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    more reasons to join Funkwhale

  • philosophy
    Philosophy CCL 10 months ago 87%
    Capitalism, Not Welfare, Has Destroyed Faith in Freedom

    "The welfare state did not come about as the result of any idealistic “notion” on the part of do-gooders and bleeding-hearts. Such people may have helped sell it politically, but the architects of the welfare state were hard-headed capitalists who rightly understood its necessity for keeping capitalism to sustainable levels of extraction"

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Christianity CCL 10 months ago 28%
    African bishops call for priests, religious to be formed for digital evangelization

    Very much so. So much of Church teaching is nuanced. While it's better on the 'verse, even here most of what I see is either incredibly watered-down/shallow or radical fundamentalist.

    christianity Christianity Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 33%

    I'm fairly certain that is the same of ANY individual. If they are known to be the crack dealer, who sells child pornography under the table at your "adult entertainment" establishment, a pastor would be in his right to decline to baptize them or proceed over a baptism/confirmation where they were to serve as a godparent.

    Then again in any diocese I suspect if you search long enough, you'll find a priest who is willing to as his belief in the sacrament is greater than any fear of his bishop's politics. The pastor at the parish we belonged to for 4 years before moving to our current home was one of those. Whilst we were members, I know of at least one infant baptism he performed for an adopted child of a same-sex partnership in the back font well after mass. And I had heard stories of how in the 1980s he was the only one around willing to enter into the home of those suffering of AIDS whom he did not know, to be a comfort & minster to them, before we really understood the disease beyond what looked as gay leprosery.

    Of course, any individual can baptize anyone else, though the preferred norm is a deacon or priest in the presence of your local parish (I know there is some flowery church language I'm missing here). As long as it's done in the name of the father, the son and holy spirit, and if he be of an age of reason he has consented to being baptized, its valid. God knows no bounds to his grace.

  • christianity Christianity Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 50%

    Word! The Republican Party has such a strong hold on American Christianity it is almost nuts. I had really thought after the Dobbs decision overturning federal protection for abortionists, the Church in America could be divorced from the GOP, as nothing else in their platfrom is compatible with Church teaching, but alas. I guess thats what I get for thinking rather than praying.

  • christianity Christianity Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 66%

    of course! they always have been. I find it so odd that many people act as though being trans is new in the 21st century, similarly gay in the 20th.

  • christianity Christianity How was church?
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 50% I'm so thankful to hear from you. While I was praying for you I had the sensation that you had died, perhaps at your own hands, when no one reached back. I'm glad to hear a physical death has not occurred (unless for some really weird reason someone else is logging into your Lemmy account and posting after you died ;-). I hope it was not a spiritual or emotional death, at your hands or others, but if it was I'm sure the Holy Spirit can heal you if you let Him, Perhaps He already has.

  • philosophy Philosophy Federal Reserve Threatens to Sue Bitcoin Magazine
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    I was thinking free speech was a philosophy, is there another community here you feel this or links like it would fit better in?

  • libertarian Libertarians The Economic Lesson in Ghostbusters Everyone Missed
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    word, truth like #TaxationIsTheft

  • workreform Work Reform What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    Where is this true? Europe? New York (which is just Europe but claiming to be in America)

  • fediverse Fediverse *Permanently Deleted*
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    This is a joke right? You are aware its a play off of Leningrad (now St. Petersburgh), right?

  • workreform Work Reform What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    scientifically human. But suburbanites are primarily the boss class and not the working class. The two classes have nothing in common. The members of the boss class often act incredibly fake, hence my intentional choice of the phrase "real people."

  • philosophy
    Philosophy CCL 10 months ago 60%
    Federal Reserve Threatens to Sue Bitcoin Magazine

    Well that's a load of shit.

    philosophy Philosophy How I shook free from the addiction to cars — car drivers have *less* freedom; less intelligence
  • CCL CCL 10 months ago 100%

    says someone who clearly has lived in a city their entire life.

  • news
    News CCL 11 months ago 96%
    Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says renewable-powered grid by 2035 ‘fantasy thinking’ - Red Deer Advocate

    "While offering remarks in support of Alberta’s energy industry that includes fighting a federal government rule decreeing net-zero power emissions by 2035, Smith said trying to have the province go off natural gas for power generation by that year would be impossible after a heckler interrupted her."

    Libertarians CCL 11 months ago 29%
    The Economic Lesson in Ghostbusters Everyone Missed

    Ghostbusters and the Use of Knowledge in Society The utility man does as he’s told—and of course all hell breaks loose. But notice who actually made the decision.  It wasn’t the scientists who built the ghost storage facility. It wasn’t the utility worker, who at least had some knowledge of power systems. It was the government bureaucrat who knew absolutely nothing about the system. 

    Cricket CCL 11 months ago 83%
    Dutch national anthem 🔗 - The #Dutch national anthem sure sounds a lot like the 12 days of #Christmas. #cricket #CWC2023 #nederlands #SAvNED #sports

    sports on demand

    I've been using for my non-streaming sports piracy for years, but I wonder if there is any other/better options

    Cricket CCL 11 months ago 88%
    India-Pakistan rivalry: Whatever happened to ‘cricket diplomacy’?

    It's never just about sport, particularly with national teams.

    Linux CCL 12 months ago 98%
    Debian 12.2 available

    Debian 12.2 image release available for download! -- URL:

    Michigan CCL 12 months ago 20%
    Support Girl Scouts of Southeast Michigan

    Shameless self promotion Please help my daughter Zebedee reach her goals. Personally I prefer the Girl Scout nuts to the more popular cookies hands down. BUY, BOOST & SHARE, Please!

    unions CCL 12 months ago 100%
    The forbidden topics

    This article is focusing on the hacker community, but after reading it I starting thinking it might be true of organizing spaces too. What fo you think?

    Michigan CCL 1 year ago 66%
    Pro Wrestling returns to Monroe.

    It is hard to drive down to Monroe on a weeknight, but I think I might try to make it.'s_IWR_23-Robert_A_Hutchinson_FOP_Lodge-September-28-2023.html

    Technology CCL 1 year ago 57%
    Judge Zia Faruqui is trying to teach you crypto, one ‘SNL’ reference at a time

    cross-posted from:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AusLegal CCL 1 year ago 37%
    Judge Zia Faruqui is trying to teach you crypto, one ‘SNL’ reference at a time

    cross-posted from:

    Michigan CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Astronomy in the Great Lake State

    (September 2023) "X Hercules: Four Periods Identified", "Starlink Generation 2", "Skyward" by David Levy, and more.

    SquaredCircle CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Cutting a promo


    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Squared Circle CCL 1 year ago 83%
    on my way to midget wrestling

    Yep it's still a thing. You thought it went out in the 80s and we were all woke now. ![]( Play store link: [Summit - Lemmy Reader](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Squared Circle CCL 1 year ago 100%
    LIVE IMPACT Wrestling July 13, 2023 Discussion

    cross-posted from: > Ways to Watch: > > Online: > > Impact Wrestling on YouTube memberships, starts at 8:30 EST, commercial free! > > > [BTI: Before The Impact, Available for Free on YouTube, at 7:15 EDT!]( > > ![]( > > *Television* > > **USA**: Thursdays 8pm ET on AXS TV, Thursdays 8:30pm ET on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Thursdays 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus > > **Canada:** Thursdays 8pm ET on Fight Network, Thursdays 8:30pm ET on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Thursdays 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus, Saturdays 7pm ET on GameTV > > **UK**: Fridays 1:30am GMT on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Fridays 3am GMT on IMPACT Plus > > *Preview* > > Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry has brought backup in the form of New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s Yuya Uemura for a tag team showdown with Kenny King and Sheldon Jean this Thursday. King is out for revenge after Hendry embarrassed him with the debut of a new music video entitled “Stripper Kenny”. Both Hendry and King will look to send a message to one another as they prepare for their Digital Media Title bout two days later on Countdown to Slammiversary. > > ![]( > > > With the high-risk, high-wire, high-stakes spectacle known as Ultimate X quickly approaching at Slammiversary, Mike Bailey and Kevin Knight must first focus on each other in an Ultimate X Preview match. Whoever leaves IMPACT! with the W will gain an important momentum boost heading into the big event. Meanwhile, you can expect the other competitors in Ultimate X to be watching closely as Jonathan Gresham, Angels and KUSHIDA scout their competition. > > ![]( > > After Wentz made his shocking IMPACT return and reunited with his fellow Rascal, Trey Miguel, it didn’t take long for the duo to find themselves in a verbal altercation with ABC. This Thursday, will Wentz prove that the Rascalz deserve to be in the conversation for a shot at the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles? Or will Bey continue ABC’s recent hot streak with another victory? > > ![]( > > Before the stacked 4-way clash for the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary, momentum is up for grabs on IMPACT. Two of those teams will face off in traditional tag team competition as Moose and Brian Myers take on Rich Swann and Sami Callihan. Luck has not been on the side of Moose and Myers as of late, and they’re out to prove that they’re a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. > > ![]( > > > As Deonna Purrazzo prepares to defend her Knockouts World Title against Trinity in a Slammiversary dream match, “The Virtuosa” will look to make a statement when she holds a Knockouts World Title Open Challange just two days prior on IMPACT. Tensions between champion and challenger began to escalate when Purrazzo hesitated to come to Trinity’s aid during a recent attack from Gisele Shaw and Savannah Evans. Who will answer the call for a shot at the most coveted prize in women’s wrestling? And will Purrazzo make it to Slammiversary as the Knockouts World Champion? > > ![]( > > ***LINKS:*** > > [Impact Wrestling Channel on Invidious > ]( > > [Impact Wrestling's Official Site]( > > [Tickets from their biggest Show of the Summer SLAMMIVERSARY! In Windsor, ON this coming weekend](]

    SquaredCircle CCL 1 year ago 100%
    LIVE IMPACT Wrestling July 13, 2023 Discussion

    Ways to Watch: Online: Impact Wrestling on YouTube memberships, starts at 8:30 EST, commercial free! [BTI: Before The Impact, Available for Free on YouTube, at 7:15 EDT!]( ![]( *Television* **USA**: Thursdays 8pm ET on AXS TV, Thursdays 8:30pm ET on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Thursdays 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus **Canada:** Thursdays 8pm ET on Fight Network, Thursdays 8:30pm ET on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Thursdays 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus, Saturdays 7pm ET on GameTV **UK**: Fridays 1:30am GMT on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Fridays 3am GMT on IMPACT Plus *Preview* Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry has brought backup in the form of New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s Yuya Uemura for a tag team showdown with Kenny King and Sheldon Jean this Thursday. King is out for revenge after Hendry embarrassed him with the debut of a new music video entitled “Stripper Kenny”. Both Hendry and King will look to send a message to one another as they prepare for their Digital Media Title bout two days later on Countdown to Slammiversary. ![]( With the high-risk, high-wire, high-stakes spectacle known as Ultimate X quickly approaching at Slammiversary, Mike Bailey and Kevin Knight must first focus on each other in an Ultimate X Preview match. Whoever leaves IMPACT! with the W will gain an important momentum boost heading into the big event. Meanwhile, you can expect the other competitors in Ultimate X to be watching closely as Jonathan Gresham, Angels and KUSHIDA scout their competition. ![]( After Wentz made his shocking IMPACT return and reunited with his fellow Rascal, Trey Miguel, it didn’t take long for the duo to find themselves in a verbal altercation with ABC. This Thursday, will Wentz prove that the Rascalz deserve to be in the conversation for a shot at the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles? Or will Bey continue ABC’s recent hot streak with another victory? ![]( Before the stacked 4-way clash for the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary, momentum is up for grabs on IMPACT. Two of those teams will face off in traditional tag team competition as Moose and Brian Myers take on Rich Swann and Sami Callihan. Luck has not been on the side of Moose and Myers as of late, and they’re out to prove that they’re a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. ![]( As Deonna Purrazzo prepares to defend her Knockouts World Title against Trinity in a Slammiversary dream match, “The Virtuosa” will look to make a statement when she holds a Knockouts World Title Open Challange just two days prior on IMPACT. Tensions between champion and challenger began to escalate when Purrazzo hesitated to come to Trinity’s aid during a recent attack from Gisele Shaw and Savannah Evans. Who will answer the call for a shot at the most coveted prize in women’s wrestling? And will Purrazzo make it to Slammiversary as the Knockouts World Champion? ![]( ***LINKS:*** [Impact Wrestling Channel on Invidious ]( [Impact Wrestling's Official Site]( [Tickets from their biggest Show of the Summer SLAMMIVERSARY! In Windsor, ON this coming weekend](

    Tyranny CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Israeli Government Presses Ahead With Judicial Overhaul

    What's to stop the court from saying its unreasonable to remove their ability to rule things as unreasonable? ¯\\__(ツ)__/¯ I'm not Israeli nor a lawyer.

    Are you ready kids?

    Who lives in a file server written in C? SpongeBob SquarePants! It's leaky and porous, you can use FTP SpongeBob SquarePants! If nautical nonsense be something you wish SpongeBob SquarePants! Then email the admins, they'll flop for a phish! SpongeBob SquarePants!

    Selfhosted CCL 1 year ago 93%
    Legal concerns with self-hosting

    I've been considering self-hosting for over a year now, but I'm still concerned if the feds will come knocking at my door for something someone else does. For example, if someone on my server follows an individual or community and they posts something illegal (i.e. unauthorized sexually exploitive images) that content could be stored on my server. Wouldn't' I be legally liable for such? I mean #fucklaws and everything, but I don't want to end up in a cage and certainly not for something someone else did.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Squared Circle CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Who's your kids' favourite wrestler.

    cross-posted from: > My ten-year-old likes Asuka and Takahashi. I suspect its more related to the bright colors of their ring gear than anything else. > > Then again, she used to like watching wrestling with me, and then she got old enough to have her own tastes for entertainment. ;-)

    SquaredCircle CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Who's your kids' favourite wrestler.

    My ten-year-old likes Asuka and Takahashi. I suspect its more related to the bright colors of their ring gear than anything else. Then again, she used to like watching wrestling with me, and then she got old enough to have her own tastes for entertainment. ;-)

    Download full cricket matches?

    cross-posted from: > Can you help help me find somewhere to download full cricket matches? I have really been disappointed at the amount of matches I can watch this year in USA since ESPN+ lost streaming rights for many completions, particularly IPL. > > I have managed to avoid results of IPL final hoping to watch full match unspoiled. > > I have used for full games in the past, everything from MLB to English rugby league, but they don't seem to have a single cricket match. > > [!piracy](

    Fediverse CCL 1 year ago 100%
    Friendica, its the whole Fediverse, including RSS Feeds.

    cross-posted from: > [\#friendica]( is one of the longest lasting [#Fedi]( platforms, around longer than Mastodon for instance, some people say it's the Facebook of the 'verse, but I'm not sure if that's accurate. When I first joined the 'verse I still spent a lot of time of time on Facebook because of how little content I saw on GNU Social. > > One of the folks I followed from their recommended I really try out Friendica as it supported significantly more protocols than GS did. I gave it a shot. While in 2023 most everyone, including GS, supports activityPub, so there's a lot more content in general, Friendica still supports more than anyone else, including Diaspora* and, and supporting RSS Feeds was what got me hooked. I never actually had used RSS regularly when it was more popular in the 00s-10s, I never really "got" it, and found it easier to just go to the websites than follow a feed. But having RSS in my social media feed, just like any other friend's post, that was something completely different. It allowed me to get high quality content to read regularly, comment on, share with my friends etc., even though the content creators themselves hadn't yet joined the 'verse. Plus their "add friend" feature is like magic, allowing me to just enter a www address and it would find a feed for it, even those that don't seem to advertise anywhere on the site that they have RSS feed, or in some cases I suspect its baked into their base (Wordpress?), don't even realize they have an RSS Feed. > > I'm posting to this Lemmy group from Friendica right now, (where it shows as a "Friendica Forum" which is pretty much the same thing only missing the the ability to sort by hot/new/etc. But then again, the sort options it does use, might be the same. > > Social Media isn't collapsing, it's getting better. > > If you want to try it out clearly I like, but you can see if there's a better one for you []( or []( > > [\#SorryNotSorry]( for being an evangelist here. I'll post the feeds I follow in a bit.

    Cricket CCL 1 year ago 100%
    GitHub - rreyv/rcb: Match thread bot for /r/cricket

    Who's got some python skills who wants to fork this to lemmy?

    Cricket CCL 1 year ago 100%
    GitHub - rreyv/rcb: Match thread bot for /r/cricket

    Somebody smarter than me want to get this bot ported so that we can get matches automatically generated here?
