noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense The arsenal of democracy is coming for you all
  • Adubya Adubya 4 weeks ago 100%

    Aren't we some Eager Beavers.

  • Adubya Adubya 2 months ago 100%

    The grandson of President Eisenhower who is the name for Camp David is a bit younger than them too.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes We coulda had Bernie...
  • Adubya Adubya 3 months ago 33%

    Yeah, how did the Bernie magic work out for Jamaal Bowman? Somehow he is the best candidate but can't get people to attend a rally for an incumbent Democrat let alone vote for him.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes We coulda had Bernie...
  • Adubya Adubya 3 months ago 100%

    Trump used Palestinian as a slur & they are laughing with him. Not sure how serious anyone is supposed to take them.

  • technology Technology President Biden is now posting into the fediverse
  • Adubya Adubya 6 months ago 100%

    Strategic Taiwanese-American communication play just got initiated

  • 196 196 Accelerationist [RULE]
  • Adubya Adubya 7 months ago 100%

    Reminds me of CHOP

  • 196 196 Accelerationist [RULE]
  • Adubya Adubya 7 months ago 88%

    Its LARPing revolutionist all the way down

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Way to go, guys!
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 50%

    Right now its your definition of genocide that should be weighed in context. We may have a international determination on it coming up, so I'm going to wait for that process. War is awful and this one has some particular aspects that are awful but there are realities to contend with too. How in this world does Israel have bomb shelters all over the place yet Gaza had none yet had insane amount of tunnels that are even reinforced. Ukraine is important & the conflict matters to them too because they are losing out on artillery supplies as the US is stockpiling in Israel to prepare for increased hostilities in the region. Iranian weapons need to be stopped more so than US supplies IMO.

    The aspect of no candidate available, please consider finding one. Its a shame that the organizations that get pro-Palestinian label don't hold forums or solicit candidates questions on their support. Quite frankly its embarrassing because the GOP has done this for well over half a century from races to the highest office to local elections. That is something that would really help in advocacy & fundraising to build up a slate of options. Waiting to start in a reactive manner & not until a large election does give people reservation about the sincerity. Its not like this is really a conflict. Gazans were in a huge protest during the Trump admin against Israel & Hamas during the Trump administration after he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capitol(Dems have always wanted this but refused to pull the trigger).

    Democrats have always been at the table for both parties here & have a long history of advancing Palestinian rights when its not popular but we expect both sides to take responsibility. Biden has done a lot and continues despite the critique.

    Here is pretty interesting article on the stockpile if it helps.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Way to go, guys!
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 33%

    They were trying to hammer railroad strike & the train derailment before. Funny most of them are rose twitter & DSA types that are facing a budget shortfall & are demanding that the Union workers they have on staff voluntarily resign so they don't have to pay benefits or negotiate with them.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Way to go, guys!
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 60%

    Even from a moral choice Biden is the better option. You get someone pressuring for a Two-state solution keep aid flowing to Palestinians as well as to support in helping Ukraine who are being genocided by their definitions. While also supporting international efforts to re-open one of the busiest shipping channels so places like Africa & others experiencing hardships that will have trouble maintaining safety & stability if prices of common goods increases.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Way to go, guys!
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 35%

    Biden supports Two-State no other candidate does. Biden has increased aid into Gaza & advocated heavily to reduce the severity of fighting. Trump wants to deport any immigrant not supporting Israel & wants to get back into office to cut $200 million of funding to UNRWA that goes to Palestine. Biden works hard to stop Russia trying to genocide Ukraine. He is working to limit Iranian arms that are being used to kill Israelis, Arabs, Palestinians, and other in the region. He is working with peers to get trade flowing through one of the busiest shipping channels. That issue is further risking harm in Africa that has been experiencing massive turmoil & escalation of conflicts rising cost of food & resources would further expand that.

    But please tell us your candidate, campaign, and actions that will improve or do anything for Palestinians let alone American fighting against wannabe theocrats & opposition that want to lower the quality of life for everyone but the ultra-rich.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Way to go, guys!
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 50%

    Could focus on working on congressional campaign advocacy disallowing the President from near unlimited War Reserve Stockpile Allies – Israel (WRSA-I). Republicans are on pretending to be Anti-War doves yet all these protest are alienating them with their disgusting support for Hamass & antisemitic Houthis as well as being a nuisance to the public. Pretty sure there are a lot of people that would agree with this if they weren't being interrupted in traffic picking up their family or trying to get to work on time.

    The post has a point. Trump cut funding to UNRWA opposes Two-State unlike Biden and Trump has mentioned deporting any immigrant that doesn't support Israel. Not to mention Democrats provided a slew of "young" candidates in 2020 yet most of the "left" went for an older candidate Bernie Sanders that now agrees with President Biden & that recognizes Ceasefires not offered by Hamas are a joke. So nobody to blame but themselves for the consolidation of one of the most Progressives Presidents in the modern era.

    Don't get mad when your fellow advocates refuse or reject to participate in Democracy. Israel & Palestine is a complex issue that many of you were asleep at the wheel on. I tried to bring up the matter up for a vote for amending our party platform at our State Democrat convention this summer because polling showed Democrats supported Palestinians more than Israel but it was the "Leftist" members that voted down claiming it wasn't time to discuss it.

    You were are missing in action with Ukraine as Russia tries to genocide them again. Hard to take you all serious especially when its fickle. President Biden is fighting to aid to Gaza as well as reduce the severity of fighting & working to release hostages that is great while wanting to support helping Ukraine. We are also trying to keep Africa safe & access to shipping food to them while antisemitic Houthis attack ships indiscriminately.

  • michigan Michigan Protestors Shut Down BAE Systems Testing Center in Sterling Heights, Disrupting Profits to the War Machine
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 25%

    Doing this and supporting Houthis is insanely dumb while it actively hurts their cause.

    Instead of trying to anger people they should try to got out in person to request their help in influencing congress to limit the President's near unlimited abilitiy to transfer those weapons to War Reserve Stockpile Allies – Israel (WRSA-I). You'd be suprised that the GOP is willing to "own" us Libs to the point of claiming to be Doves instead of War Hawks.

    Then again just a person that doesn't like pissing off potential allies.

  • atheism Atheism Religious 'Nones' are now the largest single group in the U.S.
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    Just as God intended /s

  • technology Technology CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    Companies are going to hype up AI then fire some staff to get a stock bump & Management high-fives themselves with bonuses. Weeks later contract offers will come up for some odd title but will be the equivalent of a VBA programmer role to help improve the terrible AI responses.

    The cost will go up and some web service company will come out to hype it up as a service. The companies that laid off won't admit that this was unnecessary. So a consortium of those companies will got to industry events pitching about how this is all Web 4.0 growing pains to give the customer a more "collaborative" delivery mechanism or something buzz-worthy like that.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Translated a Ukrainian meme for you
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    We so often forget the demands of British aristocracy

  • europe Europe Pro-Russian disinformation in Bulgaria achieves its goals, experts say
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    I'll take a Beef Bulgexit to go please!

  • technology Technology US Slashes Planned Drilling to Push Offshore Wind
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    I'll ask somebody to give him their Thoughts and Prayers^tm^

  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    Working at a college its always shocking finding out a lot of the youth don't know ad blocking at least. Volunteering after my shift to help with tutoring or other help they will try to show me a youtube video even on their personal laptop. Every start of a semester its something that leaves me shaking my head.

  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    I'm sorry to hear that because I had similar problem but clearing cookies & cached web content option ended up working for me. Hope you find something that work because it was awful to experience ads after so long. I track stuff I subscribe to with TubeSync but still like to search for new topics & the ads were annoying.

  • technology Technology Chinese-developed nuclear battery has a 50-year lifespan — Betavolt BV100 built with Nickel-63 isotope and diamond semiconductor material
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    Is this similar to Nuclear Diamond Battery that EEVBlog covered years ago?

  • michigan Michigan Troubled state GOP operations extend far beyond Michigan
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    I pointed out Hershel Walker as documented evidence of gross campaign violations that are bypassing traditional party structures.

    On communicating, we are both using Lemmy? There are opensource tools to network & collobrate. Its shocking how we fail to organize at even a fraction pf what previous generations did.

  • news News Prosecutors to seek death penalty for white supremacist who killed 10 at Buffalo supermarket
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 66%

    Maybe the death sentence would be the better option than prison. Not like we are on par with other peers with prisons. Either way I could care less about this one specific case.

  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    It is strange that the the American radical left abandoned Labour Zionism after the USSR conducted the trials like the Doctors' plot & decided selling weapons to Arabs to kill Jews was the way to go. Solidarity is quickly dispensed with when principles are weak. Maybe Sanders error is the same as people supporting Houthis now?

  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    I'm the Democrat you probably are referring to. Quite frankly nothing is wrong with your interest in a third party or even having an interest in alternative voting method (Ranked Choice or Star voting) to get a more preferable candidate.

    My only thing to bring up is to understand the objective as well as its difficulties. On a federal aspect 'but Trump' is a very real issue. Nobody should be ignorant to harm that having Republicans in the White house & 1 and/or 2 branches of congress is very dangerous & detrimental.

    The enthusiasm that people have for wanting to have something better is commendable & shouldn't be discounted. The task to win an executive office is based on electoral college not a popular vote. President Obama & Biden has soon how even that large of an office can be well checked & handcuff to a unaccommodating congress so you need to have more one office to present an alternative. That is fifty sates & with several states having various methods of how they allocate those votes. A third party & Independent candidate run that hasn't spent at least multiple years & decades should really owe potential voters a serious analysis than supposed moral platitudes(There are real harms for Republicans winning). They need concrete real & achievable measurable goals & strategies so their voters can gauge their success a long the way so voters could make rational choices come time for the general election. Democrats & Republicans benefit from a long history of being established players(or the only ones), it can seem unfair but don't be discouraged.

    First, read up on your state statues & laws on what it takes to form or be a recognized political party. Then check out some of those recognized especially ones you believe align closest to you. Make sure you aren't reinventing the wheel. You might find out the those parties have platforms you for the most part agree with. Check out those parties state rules & bylaws on how they are governed or operate. If their is possibility to get involved that might be an easier option. There is something meritorious in a state having their own voice or say in a different candidate even if they aren't the presidential pick. Just see how Bernie Sanders's status is viewed as a Independent who caucuses with Democrats. Even as Democrats we got to keep an almost free pickup with Joe Manchin in MAGA country West Virginia & also John Tester in Montana. Distinctions can be made while existing under the umbrella.

    There are lots of other avenues to explore that doesn't have to be a national campaign or even a state-wide one. Apathetic voters that don't or rarely do as well as plenty of disgruntled two party members exist to provide a strong base for third parties. Nobody would be upset with third parties increasing the voter pool & providing them with a voice better aligned to their views or interest.

    Don't discount the importance of city, county, and state legislators importance in everyone's life. Some states don't prevent minimum wage increases passed at the city level & one insane aspect of RW SCOTUS is municipalities can enact environmental laws they are trying to strip from the federal government. Cities give "incentive" deals to businesses and I've seen them get involved in housing schemes. There are possibilities for improvement. Just Imagine taking that kind of victory separate from Dems or Repubs to the national stage. Also, how much better an individual would feel being involved in that kind of improvement.

    (The only challenge would be that both parties at state & federal election filing may challenge petitions to be recognized and later to field candidates with challenges. Easily addressed by CHECKING your state laws. Some states like Florida & Tennessee the party can field their own candidates so check the laws. Be prepared and really try to work on a process to get candidates to support the issues & actions condoned by the group recruiting them. After building a good strong base its really just working on the party's appeal & protect their image from attacks by the Big Two. Establish an ethics committee or other aspect to help guard against accusations. Be accountability & trust in the party but not naive. Not being so paralyzed you have to be afraid but vigilant enough to challenge entryist that are only there to sabotage.)

  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 50%

    Preach! Let these fools understand some true wisdom.

  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 66%

    The rare W for Senator Sanders right there and now he is backpedaling so his base will still buy his books in the future.

  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%


  • news News Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demogogue
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 50%

    Marianne is the one who had letter drafted from her staff to take her race more serious & focus on getting on more ballots than Iowa & New Hampshire. Huh, I wonder why nobody is taking her serious.

  • technology Technology China’s Solar Dominance Faces New Rival: An Ultrathin Film
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    Buffalo (Buffalo Billion) funded a deal with the Solar City to make panels & they outfit couldn't make a customer appealing panel color or compete with the quickly dropping price of Chinese imports. Even after Telsa took over his cousins operation they had the same trouble when even trying to adapt it to roof tiles so to satisfy the obligation for employment numbers they just had workers improve their Mapping systems.

  • europe Europe EU wants to send warships to Red Sea to tackle Houthi attacks
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    For the EU my speculation would be Qatar. They have taken over for the loss of Russian natural gas with their large LNG exports. Qatar also seeks to mediate a lot of the issues see them housing Hamas & their agenda setting with their state-funded Al Jazeera. After that they probably don't want to risk having their flagged vessels subject to a swarm of drones like US & UK endured.

  • michigan Michigan Troubled state GOP operations extend far beyond Michigan
  • Adubya Adubya 8 months ago 100%

    As exposed by the Hershel Walker fraud is that candidates bypass GOP state parties & mostly just work between their funds & Super PACs. Super PACs use to limit coordinating activities from red-boxing but now they pretty much have little to no barrier between them.

    I like the local political party structure but most people don't. Their heydays were before the increases in political primaries before 1968. States like Iowa as well as Florida & Tennessee retain some control between slating candidates & state/local parties but voters tend to dislike it when they see Florida only nominate one candidate(the only one to reach out to them & have people at convention).

    They might be the remedy some situations such as precinct worker recruitment & absentee ballot awareness but with how GOP & RW groups hijack the system it might be going the way of the dino. We see both Democrats & GOP mostly operate from a candidate focused style instead of democratic federalized local/state based consensus building.

    Kind of odd since we have better tools of communicating with each other & operating things asynchronously yet pre-revolutionary war era Americans could easily stand up local chapters & report back to larger district assemblies.

  • politics politics Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s ‘Illegal, Immoral, Brutal, and Grossly Disproportionate War’ in Gaza
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 25%

    Old pander bear must have finally saw a revolt when the dum dum left started abandoning him.

  • politics politics Fetterman says he assumed speaking publicly about his mental health ‘would be the end of my career’
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 14%

    That sounds pretty atrocious to me. No conditions means “even if they plan to slaughter every last Palestinian child.”

    The Senator knows that isn't happening currently nor is it going to be occurring and is speaking in that context. Quite frankly I've heard way worse actually professed by Pro-Palestinians supporters up to the point they consider even Israeli babies legitimate targets. Even when Pro-Palestinians are challenged to at least denounce Hamas they ridicule the effort which seems worse than the Senator's statement. You might just have to accept that the Senator is being aspirational about the statement given the current realities not the ones you want to exaggerate.

    This, meanwhile, is an atrocious lie. Because Israel and the IDF have been found guilty of all of those things. It is an atrocious lie, not just a lie, because it ignores all of the horrific things Israel has done since he wants to be the “last man standing on the Israeli side”

    Ceasefires relate to the conflict in which they are negotiated. So far the Senator is correct that Israel has yet to violate one in this iteration of the Israel/Gaza-Hamas War.

    This is atrocious because it puts the responsibility of taking the lives of thousands of Palestinians out of the IDF’s hands and entirely in Hamas’ hands, suggesting that Israel is innocent of killing Palestinians.

    There needs to be at least some(not all or large amounts of) allowances for refugees to neighboring regions. Sad fact is every country is fencing in civilians here because of irrational fears of land theft & political axe grinding. Israel returned all the land of Gaza already through disengagement. These are vulnerable people and I do agree it is an atrocity. There is an entire UN refugee program & numerous NGOs dedicated to Palestinians and the world has allowed a lot of extremism to flourish over the decades. Disappointing that no one wants to discuss the negligence from these organizations.

    Quite frankly the UN has been embarrassing with the increase of Global conflicts. Food Aid is decreasing while hostile powers are strangling grain supplies yet it can barely respond. Recently Sudan & Congo is in conflict with lots of children suffering yet no one cares.

  • news News Israel-Gaza war: Displaced Gazans 'living in the open', UN says
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    Crazy to know that millions of Ukrainians are refugees in America & Europe yet there is no desire for neighboring countries to offer any refugee options for Palestinians. Guess none of their neighbors want to risk a repeat of Lebanon & Kuwait.

  • godot Godot Road to Vostok - Godot Demo out now
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    I'm following this project for sure. Glad to see developers making the switch.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I know what I'm about, son.
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    By the time I learned about tape drives the small local sears had already liquidated everything & I wasn't smart enough to figure out mail order yet. Also, Later on I just wanted the new stuff for Windows 95 and better games. Wish I had loved that old tech more back then.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I know what I'm about, son.
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    After just figuring out a little BASIC, I learned some DOS commands and thought changing all the file names to something juvenile was funny. It was on our family Tandy PC and it wasn't well received. My older sister still brings it up. Similar boat since I didn't back anything up and had to reinstall DOS 3.30. Didn't do anything as cool as you and update it much further.

  • memes memes A genius solution!
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    This is the sanest Lemmy user

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Don't worry America, Seychelles has your back
  • Adubya Adubya 9 months ago 100%

    You know Seychelles, this tall and about that big. Known for their naval prowess & huge commitment to the free navigation of trade.

  • war
    War in Ukraine Adubya 1 year ago 93%
    Ukrainian air defense forces shoot down two enemy Ka-52 helicopters, four Shahed drones

    Apologies, I was searching through this Ka-52 cope all day yesterday. Saw Ukraine shot down a second Ka-52 but grabed the wrong link. Just clicked autosuggest and sent without looking.

    Fuck the CCP Adubya 1 year ago 85%
    China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars - Letting them Rot!

    Sorry, it's a video with promotion in it but the topic is spot on. The world should not put up with this nonsense. Edit: found this article discussing it (apologies)

    retrocomputing Adubya 1 year ago 100%
    Legacy System Pilsner

