Comradeship // Freechat Trudge 11 months ago 97%

Use Electoral College Against Liberals (Blue and Red)

Use Electoral College Against Liberals (Blue and Red)

Just agree with them about the election initially. This is the biggest election of our lives. Our very democracy, sacred founding father Greco-Roman democracy^tm^, is at stake. I don't like Biden either but he has to be elected or the soul of our nation's doomed.

But wait, we don't live in one of the 5 battleground states. Our votes don't matter due to the electoral college. The only reason to vote for Biden is to show our approval since the results won't be affected.

The only righteous thing to do would be to vote third party or spoil the vote to show disapproval at the government. You don't really like Biden, do you?

Substitute Biden for Trump when talking to red liberals.

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