
Sustainability Trust Community Clean-Up


Regular - 3rd Wednesday of every month - lunchtime street cleanup.

Come join the Sustainability Trust crew on your lunch break and make a difference.

We'll spend roughly an hour out on the streets and waterfront with our litter pickers making the pavements a waste-free zone.

You're welcome to join us for as little or as long as you like, just pop along to Sustainability Trust HQ @ 12 pm and do your bit to help make Welly waste-free. The more hands the merrier!

Remember to wear comfy shoes, bring a hat and plenty of water. We will have plenty of sunscreen and sanitiser available and will provide everyone with litter pickers and buckets.

These litter pickups take place on the third Wednesday of every month.

I was hoping to go along but sick children make that unlikely, but maybe others might be interested?

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