
The China Bad Times stands with Israel against mongoloid aggression

Recently, the beautiful ethnost---uh, I mean free and equal homeland of Israel has come under attack, by no other than evil and dirty asiatic races including yellow ching-chongs and putleroid ruZZians. They seek to reduce the profits of our weapons companies (how horrible! Won't somebody think of the shareholders), and aim to, worst of all.... wait for it...


How could we have let this happen?

"We must be careful," cautions esteemed professor Krakk Pott, Ph.D. "If we don't stop the mongoloids soon, we could end up with ching chongs lording over us superior white men."

The terrorist organization of hamas was once seen with a member having hair. Know who else has hair? Chinese and Russians! Luckily, brave CBT reporters are willing to expose the Great Replacement and the overthrow of the World Order, and the plot to put an end to the rule of Hard Decisions made by The Adults In The Room. In the immortal words of an Anonymous Source, "If we don't prop up a failing apartheid ethnostate, who will?"

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