nuclearwar ZenkorSoraz 11 months ago 0%

in the style of both Shakespeare and Dickens

Alas, the persistent negligence in comprehending the investigation of fallout retention upon plants and animals doth confound the mind, especially when confronted with the discrepancies amidst the data at hand and the dearth of evidence concerning any measured detriments caused by gamma rays under such field conditions. Verily, it remaineth true that further enlightenment regarding the effects of gamma rays be necessary, and it is also true that studies concerning gamma irradiation prove more "sanitary" and far easier to conduct and interpret than the beta studies, which necessitate the involvement of plant retention. Lo, it is a matter that doth perplex the soul, for the pursuit of knowledge demands a steadfast resolve and an unyielding dedication to unravel the intricacies of nature's grand tapestry.

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