nuclearwar ZenkorSoraz 11 months ago 0%

In the style of an "ancient Historian"

Let us now examine the estimates pertaining to livestock. It is known that gamma radiation poses a significant threat to these animals, particularly affecting their hematopoietic system. The estimation of LD^o/so for mature food-producing animals, amounting to 550R within a timeframe of four days, as recorded by NAS-NRG in the year of our ancestors' reckoning, 1963, may be deemed satisfactory for the purpose of calculating gamma fallout. Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that these estimated values do vary depending on the dose rate, species, and specific characteristics of the radiation being considered. With regards to exposure to gamma rays, there exists only modest variation in LD^o/so among different animal species, save for poultry, which is believed to possess an LD^o/so value of approximately 900R. Yet we must not disregard the fact that significant individual variations exist within species, as certain creatures possess the ability to fortify themselves against the onslaught of radiation

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