GenZedong augustgardens 2 years ago 100%

Quick thought on western censorship

((Slight doomer mindset ahead))

I feel like the reason western media doesn't go too hard on censoring socialism like they used to is because western capitalism and its culture is so meshed with western consciousness that the fate of western capitalism has been secured. They don't have to struggle against socialism anymore when everyone's liberal and don't actually want the change in the system (even if they wanted, the working class isn't united and thus can't really threaten capital), they know most people only want bare minimum social welfare. Capitalism has been cemented and will probably never be threatened for a few years. I give it until climate change starts really fucking the world up, but for now they don't care too much.

On the other hand, western capitalism is basically imperialism first. The imperialism is the main driving force of western capitalism right now. That is why they've been much more unforgiving of anti-imperialism, and it's much harder to cement something so global (especially during times like these) compared to your local capitalist system. If you're anti-imperialist, you are going to be blackballed in media. Look at Jeffrey Sachs now, bro took one stance and all of a sudden he's being fucked over. There's a reason why when we speak of western censorship in the modern era, the people being censored are those who oppose imperialism and imperialist narratives.

Being a socialist or Communist in the west doesn't mean shit to me unless you're actually anti-imperialist. Like all socialist struggles, it has to be anti-imperialist at its core.

What are your thoughts?

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