
History is Over. What can we do about it?

Well guys, it's me, Jonathan12345, back at the China bad times with another exciting episode on your daily load of CIA-funded crap. Gee, it's really been a while, hasn't it? Well, we kind of got defunded after all those other racist news sources crowded us out. Y'know, we'd spew out vile and blatantly racist propaganda, and some random-ass redditor could do it just as well, for free.

But that's not what we're here to talk about today. We're actually going to discuss how history is over.

Yup, history is over. Do you know what that means? it means that the world is stuck like this, and it's gonna keep on going like this forever until the heat death of the universe. Nothing's ever gonna change, the USA will always be the number one power--- it's a real end to history. And with all those selfless and hard-working billionaires taking care of everything, what more could you ever ask for?

I mean, sure, there might be one or two countries that oppose the good old USA here or there, and maybe a few tankies and nazis(they're really the same thing. Horshoe theory, you know?), but over all it's pretty clear that history has ended. Capitalism beat fascism in world war 1, and then it beat communism in world war 2.

So, there's a bright US-guided future to look forward to--just try not to give in to despair, heh.

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