
Avalokiteshvara, Bronze sculpture, China, 10th century

Avalokiteshvara, Bronze sculpture, China, 10th century

Location: China, Yunnan, Dali Kingdom (937-1253), 10th century

Materials: Bronze, traces of gilding

Dimensions: H:35.0 x W:36.0 x D:14.5 cm

Museum description: This figure, cast in bronze sits in virasana, with main hands in prayer and adoration (namaskara mudra). He wears a clinging skirt-wrap and a robe folded and draped over both shoulders. The high tiara has nine images of Buddhas in niches, with the Buddha Amitabha at the centre. The 34 hands (38 originally) bear attributes including a rosary (mala), lotus (padma), sword (Khadga), skull cap (kapala), bell (ghantra), cakra (wheel), temple (caitya), book (pustaka), wood-apple (bilvafala), begging bowl (patra), shield (khetaka), vase with elixir of immortality (kalasa), skull, lasso (pasa), moon (candra), and an image of Buddha Amitabha. It is a rare tantric form of Avalokiteshvara, Bodisattva of Compassion. He is usually depicted as a standing figure with two arms known as Acuoyue Guanyin or Ajaya Avolokiteshvara ('All Victorious Guanyin'). Legend has it that he was originally an Indian monk who visited Yunnan around the 7th century as an incarnation of Guanyin. The Dali Kingdom became a centre for tantric Buddhism during the 10th to 13th centuries.

Gallery description: This sculpture portrays Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. The present bronze portrays the figure seated in virasana, which is rare given that the majority of surviving Avalokiteshvara portraits made in Yunnan are depicted standing. The 34 remaining slender arms (there were 38 originally) radiate around Buddha's head, adding to its high-powered and almost primitive energy. This extraordinary bodhisattva is executed with great artistic freedom and makes a true masterpiece of tantric Buddhist art.

Provenance: Sold to the George Ortiz collection. Now in the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore

Accession No.: 2011-01482

Item collection link: https://www.roots.gov.sg/Collection-Landing/listing/1026174

More general information on Avalokiteshvara with some other depictions here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalokite%C5%9Bvara

About George Ortiz: In 1961 he was accused of having stolen property in his collection. This was resolved 15 years later when he was given a short suspended sentence. He campaigned against the 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT conventions restricting the export of cultural objects.

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