
Please share your time on the canal.

Not much being posted atm. Given recent news, what little we have is negative.

I'll share my plans for posting at the end. But would like to request all our members try to post a bit about their use of our network. Pics are great. More so any wildlife. Personally, I love that about our network. But many also love the urban canal landscapes and infrastructure. Also, just a paragraph about issues you may see or fantastic history or questions you may have about our network. While boaters are a huge part of the canal. I really want this to be a group dedicated to all users that love our network.

The recent news about funding. Makes it clear this network is hugely valuable to the physical and mental health of our nation as a whole. Let's create a friendly environment where we share our feelings together.

Personally, I am off my boat until the 28th July. My brother, who is a much more skilled photographer than me, Currently has the boat at Ellesmere. He has agreed to send his photos to me once edited. So I will be posting those in aug. I also have acquired a camera that is easy for me to use as I am travelling single-handed. So will be sharing some myself when I take over. (They will be crap compared to my brothers).

A little about my brother and I so folks know what to expect from me as the admin.

We are both legally blind. IE, we have some vision, but it is very limited. As we have both now been forced to retire due to our health. We went together and purchased a tiny, narrow boat between us. (Our gran passed and left us 10k, She loved the canals as well, so we feel we are also filling her wishes)

So we got the 25ft Narrow Boat Alfred Wooley. She is slow with a tiny 12hp single cylinder engine. But we have done her up to the point we are happy travelling the network. But she is not big enough to spend much time with Me, my little dog and Chris and his guide dog together. So during the spring and summer we plan trips around the network, swapping over every few weeks. This is the 2nd year we are doing this. But are planning to continue for as long as our vision allows us. (Our home mooring is in central Oxford. Should anyone want to meet for beer sometime over the winter)

Chris is a very dedicated photographer. While he has no interest in social media. He is happy to share his pics via myself. So during the year many will be posted here. Myself. I have DSLRs etc. But amateur radio is my main hobby. So the boat is kitted with the option to add lots of antennas when moored (ill share some pics of that). But being less skilled than Chris at the photography. Also having a very old DSLR that is not suitable to use while travelling. I only have an older snapshot camera I use on the boat (canon g10). So will share pics and updates on my trip. But they will b more as I am passing records with Chris providing the good stuff.

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