Nemmy Cr4yfish 1 year ago 100%

Dev update #10: Search, Creating Comments

Dev update #10: Search, Creating Comments

Welcome to Dev update 10 everybody!

Wow it's already been 10 days that I've worked on Nemmy.

As always, all changes are on

What changed

  • The Search Experience has been improved

You don't have to press enter anymore now. The Search will automatically start once you stop typing and refresh on updates.

The search now gives feedback to the user when loading occurs

Posts now actually Link to the posts on Nemmy

  • You can Create Comments now on Posts

This feature is still kinda buggy and really only supports Posts right now, no replies to other comments for now.

  • Cookie Validation

If your access token gets invalidated, like when an instance would get hacked and had to reset the tokens, you are automatically logged out with no errors.

Next Steps

Tomorrow I'll continue work on Comments on Posts and Replies to other Comments while also starting work on creating posts.

I will also start looking into formatting and what's the best way to preview comments/posts.

I also promise to finally implement a NSFW image blur. Right now just browsing the frontpage on Nemmy in public is really risky.

That's it already for today!

Thanks for stopping by.

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