Wales (Cymru) Navarian 1 month ago 87%

From doubters to believers: the economic argument for Welsh independence

When Jurgen Klopp was unveiled as the new Liverpool FC manager in October 2015, there was a tangible air of optimism at the club. Huddled into a press conference room, Klopp plucked this emotion right out of the air and translated it into words. “You have to change from a doubter to a believer,” he said. “We have to start together, new, and then we will see what will happen.”

Fast forward nine years, and we, today in Wales, deeply resonate with this sentiment. The Liverpool of late 2015 and present-day Wales are similar on paper. Both experienced turbulent times for over 25 years. Both recently divorced from unpopular leaders who made questionable decisions. Both have been in need of a new direction and a reminder of their identity. And both need visionary investment to truly thrive.

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