Moderate Politics DaddysLittleSlut 2 months ago 33%

Came up with this poem about Trump and his plans

Whispers of Despair

In the shadowed corners of broken streets,

Where whispers of despair echo through the night,

I stand as a witness to humanity's defeat,

A tale of darkness where hope takes flight.

Trump's silhouette looms, a modern tyrant's guise,

His rhetoric echoing Hitler's vile decree;

Rights stripped away, truth cloaked in lies,

A genocide unfolding for all to see.

The cries of the oppressed, a symphony of pain,

Betrayed by those meant to shield and save;

Community fractured, trust shattered in disdain,

Conflict and danger lurk in every grave.

Faces etched with fear, eyes filled with tears,

Darkness encroaching, swallowing every light;

Anger simmers, fueled by unspoken fears,

Anxious hearts tremble at the endless night.

Dreams crushed beneath oppression's heavy hand,

Failure seeping into every soul like rain;

Disgust at the cruelty that grips the land,

A tragedy unfolding in silent pain.

And as we gaze into the abyss of despair,

Hopelessness grips us with its icy hand;

Confusion reigns in this world so unfair,

Depression's embrace on this desolate land.

Yet in our hearts, a spark remains aglow,

A flicker of resistance, a flame to ignite;

Together we rise against the tyrant's woe

And through unity, we'll eventually see light.

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