The Internet in Ancient Times teft 2 months ago 98%

My face when she wants to move to Babylon but there are many reasons why we should stay in Nineveh.

My face when she wants to move to Babylon but there are many reasons why we should stay in Nineveh.

Statuette of an Assyrian king

Description: The king stands on an elevated base. He is wearing a long robe to his feet. His feet can be seen through the robe. Details of the robe are incised. His hands are clasped together. A decorated gold inlay is on the middle of his chest. He wears a long stylized beard and wig. The general scholarly consensus is that this statue is not ancient.

Provenance: Said to have been found on the bank of the Tigris about 1875. By 1938: with Fahim Kouchakji; 1938: purchased by the MFA for $11,000.

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