
Zionists treat Jewish hostage like filth for speaking about her decent treatment in Palestinian captivity

Agam Goldstein‐Almog, freed from captivity in hostage deal: I’m hurt from negative comments from [Zionists], like ‘too bad you returned’

[Jewish] released hostage Agam Goldstein‐Almog, who was released from Hamas captivity in the November's hostage deal, said that she is hurt by the responses she has received by many [Herzlians] since her release.

Agam Goldstein‐Almog, 17, meeting her relatives for the first time after being released from Hamas captivity, November.

“Where can one find the space within the loss to deal with such horrific comments from people who live on this earth with me? Comments like ‘too bad you returned,’ or ‘you had it easy in captivity.’ It does something,” she said at the MuniWorld Expo in Tel Aviv.

Goldstein‐Almog said that following interviews she gave, people reacted as if “they were my enemies. It took a toll on me, I didn't imagine I would have to deal with negative comments, why would anyone say something mean, how can you?” she asked.

She added that the public didn't like that she “described my relation with my captors. But those were my captors: my food, my water, my life and my death. People just can’t grasp it.”

(Some emphasis added.)

Comment from Ali: The neocolonists ‘wanted her to suffer more: Agam Goldstein‐Almog, [somebody] freed in November truce, has been receiving intense hatred from other [foreign Jews] because she accurately described the decent treatment from Palestinians holding her[.]

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