
The Zionist project nears its end — interview with Prof. Joseph Massad

There has never been a single order to expel any Arab Jews from any Arab countries since 1948. That simply didn’t happen. In fact, the opposite has happened, and I will tell you a few things about that. First of all, after 1948, the League of Arab States, in fact, issued instructions to all Arab countries to pass laws to prevent Arab Jews from going to [Zionism’s neocolony], from immigrating to [it].

So, in fact, subsequent immigration of Arab Jews from different Arab countries to [the neocolony] was against the law. We see this, perhaps most spectacularly, in the case of Yemen, but also Iraq, and then Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia or even Algeria.

First of all, let me say that the majority of Algerian left Algerian French Christian settlers with a kind of countdown to independence, despite calls upon them by the FLN (the Algerian National Liberation Front) to remain as compatriots and equal citizens. Remember, Algerian Jews were transformed by the French in 1870, at the time the Justice Minister of France, Adolphe Crémieux, had granted Algerian Jews French citizenship so as to render Algerians all Muslim.

So suddenly Algerian Jews were taken out of the Algerian status of colonised people, and were given the rights of the French settlers, and as a result began to be integrated into French colonial society. And of course, this is why it was easy for them to leave to France, and they left to France long before Algerian independence, so under the French administration.

Moroccan and Tunisian Jews also left Tunisia and Morocco during the French occupation in the case of Tunisia, and the French and Spanish occupation in Morocco, not under independent governments that came to power after 1956, and we know that there’s already been a lot of history of how Moroccan Jews were tricked or sometimes forced to go on ships with the collusion of French and Spanish officials and the Zionists, to be taken against their will through Marseilles to [Zionism’s neocolony] and then prevented from going back.

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