Black Comrades absentthereaper 1 year ago 0%

Apologies Not Accepted - Or I Love It When The Universe Proves Me Right | Black Agenda Report

"...Well, well, well. The party that we were supposed to align with to stop nuclear war comes right out and answers the question I asked in my article and in the video that Blumenthal posted on Twitter to claim I was saying something I was not, and that question was: 'Let’s say nuclear war is avoided by this rally, will these people fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people? No.'"

"NO THEY WILL NOT. The Libertarian Party will NOT fight with us to end the oppression of marginalized people, because as I made clear in the original article and as the LP itself has made clear over and over again and once more for good measure on April 13, they will oppress people when they have the power to do so!"

One day, we'll learn that the master's kids will not tear down the master's plantation.

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