Technical Death Metal Choco617 4 months ago 100%

FYI: much of Transcending Obscurity's catalog is NYP on Bandcamp

From clicking around, it seems to be that all existing releases are name-your-price, and preorders are $1. Definitely give this a look - here is a sample of albums that appear for me as NYP:

  • The Last of Lucy - Godform (yes, the new one, super sick)
  • Replicant - Infinite Mortality (also quite new)
  • Dyssebeia - Garden of Stillborn Idols
  • Arborescence of Wrath - Inferno (underrated af)
  • Orphalis - As the Ashes Settle

And some head-turning $1 preorders:

  • Carnophage - Matter of a Darker Nature
  • Cutterred Flesh - Love at First Bite
  • Februus - Surveillance Orgy

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