Chat balerion 1 year ago 100%

Guess who had a sleep study and proceeded not to sleep at all for it?

:/ This removed right here. My guess is that I'll need yet another one to determine if I have sleep apnea. This whole thing is such a massive pain in the ass, I just want to cry.

I had a sleep study at home a couple years ago because I'm a pretty low-energy person and the doctors wanted to know if there was something wrong with my sleep. It showed sleep apnea. So I tried a CPAP, and I could not sleep with it on. I tried for like a year. I think I got maybe one night of sleep with it in that whole time. So I decided to ask if I could get a mouth guard or something else to treat it. But then they wanted me to do another at-home sleep study. I did, and it showed no sleep apnea. So they wanted me to get one done at a sleep center. After putting it off for like a year, I finally made the appointment a few days ago and got it done last night. But, as per the title, I didn't fucking sleep. I think it was at least partly because of the thing that connected to my nose--I have trouble tolerating things on my face while I sleep.

I hate this so much. I know that living with untreated sleep apnea is really bad for you, and it makes me so anxious to know that that's probably going on with me. I won't even know the results of the "sleep" study for another 2-3 weeks, and then I'll probably have to make another appointment to try again. Fuck this. No wonder I put it off for so long.

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