

Sobriety TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 100%
100 days today!

100 days sober comrades. Pretty crazy, it doesn't feel that long but it also feels like it was ages ago just because of the complete difference in my lifestyle. Love u all

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 10 months ago 100%
Weekly Check-In Thread (Week of Nov 13th)

Hey everyone, how goes it out there? I'm pounding away. Just celebrated 1 month sober. Just hitting meetings and staying honest. How is everbody else doing?

Sobriety MrMaoMao 11 months ago 100%
Drinking alcohol before/after work and thinking that life is not worth living

I'm constantly drinking before or/and after work. I don't usually drink when I don't have to work. I don't see how living this life and working a job like this for the rest of my working life makes sense. I don't see how living this life could be worth it. I already see a psychiatrist, the meds make me functional but I still don't see life as being worth it. I tend to read on Buddhism as a way to escape the suffering that is life. Do any of you relate?

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 11 months ago 100%
Weekly Check-In (Week of Nov 6th)

Top of the week to you chaps! Hope all is well. Once again, here is our weekly check-in thread for posting status updates, concerns and struggles we're all going through. Feel free to vent, lament, rejoice however you need, we're here for each other. For myself, I'm on day 26 of no alcohol and **I feel great**! Been going to meetings and getting back involved in the community. Each day just is better than the next, a far cry from my days wasting away, crying into a whiskey bottle. I've really found a reinvigorated and renewed life. It's absolutely amazing. I still have moments of sadness and doubt but they've definitely become fewer and more managable. It's great to feel good about life and about myself again. I can't wait to see what this all feels like 6 months and especially a year in. I wish you all the same joy I've found, if you haven't found it yet then I pray very soon.

Sobriety TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 100%
Day 85 for me today

I hope you're all well. I am 5 days from having a whole 90 days sober, the longest I've been since I was a tween. Political activity truly has kept me going on this path and support from people around me of course. Again I hope you're all well and keep going because it gets so much better

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 11 months ago 100%
Weekly Check-In Thread

I thought it'd be helpful to have a weekly thread where we can recap our progress, struggles and concerns, or anything else that needn't a dedicated thread. Go ahead and get whatever you need to say off your chest and keep working at it, comrades!

Sobriety Nalumixx 11 months ago 100%
I'm doing well!

I haven't drunk alcohol in almost two months and I'm down to 3 cigarettes a day. Today I will start cutting it down to 2. I'm also self-harm free in over 2 months :)

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 11 months ago 100%
Excellent Day, Chaired the AA Meeting *and* Got a Sponsor!

Went to my homegroup meeting today and was asked by the guy who was going to chair if I wanted to. I said sure and lead the meeting today. It was great! I had planned on getting more involved, I just didn't think it'd be so soon. I felt a lot of joy in getting to take on an active role in other people's sobriety, not just my own. At the end of the meeting the same fellow, Eric, became my sponsor officially. So now I have a sponsor! I'm so excited for the future! For anyobe still struggling just keep plugging away, even if you stumble, get back up and keep at it. It's noy always easy but it's doable to make a positive change in your life <3

Sobriety Mint_Rose 11 months ago 100%
I gotta quit smoking gang

This shit sucks ass

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 11 months ago 100%
Introduction Thread - Newcomers Say Hi and Tell Us About Yourself ;)

A big welcome to each new member! Use this thread to introduce yourself, tell us about your struggle and your goals. May you find peace and serenity in your sobriety!

Sobriety KvasiroftheWoods 11 months ago 100%
Sobriety Resources and Community Rules/Guidelines. Welcome, comrades!

**Alcoholism Resources:** * [Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site]( * [AA Online Big Book]( * [Find Meetings Near You]( **Narcotics Resources:** * [Narcotics Anonymous Official Site]( * [Narcotics Anonymous Literature]( * [Find Meetings Near You]( **Smart Recovery Addiction Resources:** * [Smart Recovery]( * [Online Meetings]( **Rules & Guidelines:** * Keep things respectful and civil, recognize everyone is on a different stage of their recovery. * Solidarity is key! Respond with kindness and empathy to your fellow comrades in their struggle. * There's room for venting frustrations, but try and keep things focused on the positive, meaningful changes we can make to impact our lives and others. * No glorifying drug and alcohol usage and no 'war stories' (addiction escapades), unless warranted by the context of the topic at hand. * All addictions are welcome, this is a safe space for comrades trying to sober up from ANY substance.

Sobriety TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 100%
Hello, everyone!

A comrade created this community just now and I think it's a great idea. Combining sobriety with comradery (pun intended) is something I've really wanted to find a way to do and this is a great first step. Substance abuse genuinely kills. Literally and regarding the spice of life. It's truly a horrible thing. I am 76 days today I believe. Never felt better. This is a choppy first post, but I'll get better. Let me know if any of you want to talk about sobriety related things!