
Pikmin Bloom App

Pikmin Bloom App APassenger 1 year ago 100%
Normal Mystery Mushrooms - They're almost all of them

Does anyone else know if this is the new normal until this event ends? We're seeing Normal Mystery Mushrooms about... 75% of the time and they're only rewarding with white nectars. I'm hoping this changes as the event progresses, and I guess I'm hoping someone else knows details or can speak for what's happening with mushrooms where they are.

Pikmin Bloom App Nemo 1 year ago 100%
Big Bloom strategies

How do we increase the quality of our big blooms? I notice that if I plant 300 sunflowers or red jamaica on a single bloom it typically gives me that nectar back. Is there a way to make big blooms give higher-value nectars? How do the bloom type calculations work?

Pikmin Bloom App APassenger 1 year ago 100%
Pikmin - Leveling

Tips and tricks for leveling Pikmin efficiently

Pikmin Bloom App APassenger 1 year ago 100%
Friends for Challenges

Weekly challenges allow up to 5 total people per attempt and the more active participants you have, the easier the challenge becomes. Please add your friend code for others to find, or look among the ones already listed. **Recommended pattern:** - In Game Name - Friend Code in 123456781234 format (no spaces) - Avg steps per week - Avg flowers per week - Interest in second challenges in a week (and which one(s)) **Example:** - AlexDaGreat - 123478905678 - 40k steps/week - 40k flowers/week - Interested in second challenge for steps, if first is complete by Wednesday The [Discord]( also has a large friend thread which I've used successfully in the past.

Pikmin Bloom App APassenger 1 year ago 100%
Player - Leveling

High Level Overview - [Requirements and Privileges, per level]( - [Niantic's recent changes (14-Aug-2023)]( Strategies for new and leveling players - Spending gold - Timing mushrooms - Finding friends/people for weekly challenges The above is a placeholder and your comments are very welcome. Please add any of your thoughts about certain approaches, references you've found helpful, anything that will help a person join and mature through the game quickly will be welcomed.

Pikmin Bloom App APassenger 1 year ago 100%
Quick Reference - Sticky

As this community is built out, various references will be added. This will work as a springboard to those references - on lemmy and elsewhere. [Pikmin Bloom News]( [Discord]( #**New to the Game** - [Player - Leveling]( - [Friends for Challenges]( #**General Strategies** - [Pikmin - Leveling](