

nextcloud dharmacurious 3 weeks ago 100%
Multiple users, restricted access

Hey, folks, I'm new to this side of things, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I just signed up 5tb of storage through Hetzner's storage share, using nextcloud. I like it so far, but I'm running into an issue. I figured out how to make multiple users, but I don't know how to (or if I can) restrict different users to specific folders. We're broke, so this is going to be shared between me, my mom, my brother, and my sister in law. If it's possible, I'd like to create a folder for each of us, and restrict access to that folder to just that person. I don't want to be able to see what's in my brother's folder, and I don't want my mom seeing what's in mine, et cetera. I've tried to google it and look it up on youtube, but most of what I can find isn't related, and if it is, it's a bunch of technospeak that I don't really understand about self-hosting, which I'm not doing. If it's possible, it would be cool to have a central shared folder as well, but we could just share links with each other when we want to share something if needed. Any help is really appreciated. Thank you in advance.

nextcloud nichtburningturtle 1 month ago 100%
[closed]Mounting external drive into user data

I currently have a drive mounted into a folder in nextcloud/data/username/files/media but it doesn't show the contents of the drive the nextcloud gui. EDIT: The solution is the "External storage support" app, which ist for some reason disabled by default.

nextcloud HerrHelmus 1 month ago 100%
Rich documents 404 error on subdirectory

Hi there, I hope someone here can help me with the 404 error I've been getting on Nextcloud for some months now. The error seems to be related to the rich documents app, but I have not encountered any issues with editing documents in NC, so I haven't made investigating a priority earlier. I have nextcloud running in the /nextxloud subdirectory of my server, but the app seems to think that it's in /nextcloud/nextcloud. See the detailed error below. I assume it's a setting that I accidentally messed up, but I cannot find anything in the app settings or the NC config file that helps me. I hope one of the people with more experience than me here has an idea on how to fix this. Thanks in advance. ``` {"reqId":"2yQdYYuEwchjQhO0t3Dd","level":3,"time":"2024-08-13T16:45:26+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"richdocuments","method":"","url":"/nextcloud/cron.php","message":"Failed to fetch discovery: Client error: `GET https://[server]/nextcloud/nextcloud/apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php?req=/hosting/discovery` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class=\"ng-csp\" data-placeholder-focus=\"false\" lang=\"en\" data-locale=\"en\" translate=\"no\" >\n\t<head\n (truncated...)\n","userAgent":"--","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"GuzzleHttp\\Exception\\ClientException","Message":"Client error: `GET https://[server]/nextcloud/nextcloud/apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php?req=/hosting/discovery` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class=\"ng-csp\" data-placeholder-focus=\"false\" lang=\"en\" data-locale=\"en\" translate=\"no\" >\n\t<head\n (truncated...)\n","Code":404,"Trace":[{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Middleware.php","line":72,"function":"create","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Exception\\RequestException","type":"::","args":["*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"]},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":204,"function":"GuzzleHttp\\{closure}","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Middleware","type":"::","args":["*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"]},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":153,"function":"callHandler","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"::"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/TaskQueue.php","line":48,"function":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\{closure}","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"::","args":["*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"]},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":248,"function":"run","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\TaskQueue","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":224,"function":"invokeWaitFn","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":269,"function":"waitIfPending","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":226,"function":"invokeWaitList","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php","line":62,"function":"waitIfPending","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php","line":189,"function":"wait","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Promise","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/lib/private/Http/Client/Client.php","line":230,"function":"request","class":"GuzzleHttp\\Client","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/Service/DiscoveryService.php","line":75,"function":"get","class":"OC\\Http\\Client\\Client","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/Service/CachedRequestService.php","line":74,"function":"sendRequest","class":"OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\DiscoveryService","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/Backgroundjobs/ObtainCapabilities.php","line":58,"function":"fetch","class":"OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\CachedRequestService","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/Job.php","line":80,"function":"run","class":"OCA\\Richdocuments\\Backgroundjobs\\ObtainCapabilities","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php","line":102,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\Job","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php","line":92,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob","type":"->"},{"file":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/cron.php","line":177,"function":"execute","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob","type":"->"}],"File":"/mnt/ExtDrive/nextcloud/3rdparty/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php","Line":113,"message":"Failed to fetch discovery: Client error: `GET https://[server]/nextcloud/nextcloud/apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php?req=/hosting/discovery` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class=\"ng-csp\" data-placeholder-focus=\"false\" lang=\"en\" data-locale=\"en\" translate=\"no\" >\n\t<head\n (truncated...)\n","exception":[],"CustomMessage":"Failed to fetch discovery: Client error: `GET https://[server]/nextcloud/nextcloud/apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php?req=/hosting/discovery` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class=\"ng-csp\" data-placeholder-focus=\"false\" lang=\"en\" data-locale=\"en\" translate=\"no\" >\n\t<head\n (truncated...)\n"},"id":"66bb969d2e0e5"} ```

nextcloud possiblylinux127 3 months ago 68%
Is just me or does it seem weird that Nextcloud disabled comments on there yt videos?

They pulled an Apple as Nextcloud can sometimes implode

nextcloud sabreW4K3 6 months ago 100%
NextCloud Postgres Installation Is Kicking My Arse

I installed NextCloud previously and it sucked. Most of it, in my mind was down to how slow and clunky it felt. I came here and people said the default installation can be like that, so I kinda just left things alone, determined that I would eventually come back and sort things. Fast forward to now and my system has matured enough, well at least enough that I've installed Postgres and can access it via Adminer. So I clear out all my directories, delete the container and decide it's time to reinstall NextCloud. Simple right? Wrong! It's telling me that I have the wrong username and password. I asked for some help and someone said, don't give any app default access and that's fair and then they pointed me to the docs. The docs said to do some shit I didn't understand really. But from what I could gather, essentially open the console and run a command. Problem! Every time I try and open the console for the container, it says it can't read the image details. Okay, let's work around that then. I open up Adminer and via SQL command run: ``` CREATE USER nextcloud WITH PASSWORD 'R4ND0MP4SS' CREATEDB; CREATE DATABASE nextcloud TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'UTF8'; ALTER DATABASE nextcloud OWNER TO nextcloud; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nextcloud TO nextcloud; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO nextcloud; ``` I actually manage to log into Adminer with said details. NextCloud on the other hand is telling me that the username and/or password is incorrect. What am I doing wrong?

nextcloud sabreW4K3 7 months ago 100%
What NextCloud Apps Are You Running?

As the title asks, what apps are you running? Also do you have your data on your host machine or on your main storage/NAS? Last question, is it just my set-up or is NextCloud slow for everyone?

nextcloud sabreW4K3 8 months ago 100%
NextCloud AIO Remote Data Help

I don't know if I'm stupid or if NextCloud's instructions are stupid, it's probably me and subsequently I'm struggling. For all of my Docker stuff, I move the config directory to my `opt` folder with a simple ``` volumes: - /opt/APPNAME/config:/config ``` And generally have the data on a remote drive like ``` - music:/music volumes: music: driver_opts: type: "nfs" o: "addr=192.168.X.XXX,nolock,soft,rw" device: ":/mnt/HD/Public/Shared Music" ``` This works perfectly for everything and I'm generally pleased with how things run. But NextCloud is throwing a bunch of words at me and I don't get it. Why can't it be as simple as what I'm already doing? Why do I have to declare ``` environment - NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR= - NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT= ``` And why is it pointing me to? Which just points you to I'm looking at this Docker Compose like... ![]( NextCloudPi was so simple to set up. If not for being stuck on v25, I'd have been happy with it. 🥺

nextcloud sabreW4K3 8 months ago 100%
Which version of NextCloud do you have installed?

Which version do you have installed and what do you use your installation for?

nextcloud GreatBlueHeron 9 months ago 100%
Apache or nginx WebDAV with Nextcloud sync client?

I'm trying out Nextcloud to use as on my home server. It looks great, but seems way overkill for just two users that really only want the file sync. capability. As I'm reading I'm seeing references to WebDAV and it seems that the Nextcloud file sync. server might be "just" a WebDAV server? If it is, might it be possible to point the Nextcloud sync. client (on Windows and Android) at an appropriately configured Apache or nginx server? The reason I'm asking here, rather than just trying for myself, is that I have no experience with WebDAV and have no idea what an appropriately configured server might mean in this situation. I'm happy to go do the required learning to make it work - just looking for someone to tell me it's not possible before I put too much effort into it.

nextcloud rclkrtrzckr 10 months ago 100%
Upgrading from 23 to 27?

I have a self hosted installation here which is running v23 something, according to version.php. Is there an upgrade path to the latest version?

nextcloud sandayle 10 months ago 100%
Should I buy a domain for Nextcloud self hosting?

I want to set up a server on an old laptop at home to synchronize my Obsidian notes and some pdfs. I'll install Nextcloud AIO but I have a question about domain. Do I need to buy a domain name for the sync to work properly? I created a dynamic dns account on Noip but I don't know if this is a temporary solution or permanent? If the domain is necessary, is it enough to just buy a domain or do I need to buy a hosting package or something?

nextcloud lipilee 10 months ago 100%
Nextcloud Deck: is there something auto deleting cards?

I have a potentially dumb question, but honestly I've run out of ideas. I'm running a family nextcloud instance where me and my wife are managing our things, in our own boards. She noticed that cards that she put in her "Done" stack in a board of hers, are deleted after about a year. I have to emphasize: - She does not delete the cards (they hold important information, even though they are Done) - She does not even archive them All she does is she moves them to a stack. First off, this is a problem, as she's losing information (I'm now restoring old database backups to get back old Deck cards, not a fun activity in itself). But second, this bugs the hell out of me: is there any functionality that would do this in Nextcloud? Some hidden setting? I'm even thinking possible user error, but she's quite tech savvy and I believe her when she says she does not do this knowingly... Also important to highlight that I have cards from 2 years ago in my boards that are just fine, no deletion, nothing. And nothing in the logs, althgough I don't even know what I'm looking for, because we aren't sure when the deletion happened. Any idea/pointer would be highly appreciated.

nextcloud testman 11 months ago 100%
Nextcloud Hub 6: Healthy meeting culture and the first local AI Assistant

cross-posted from: Also check out the release presentation:

nextcloud NENathaniel 1 year ago 77%
Can I disable this annoying pop-up?

Pops up every time I play a video on my local network, very irritating. any fix? Didn’t see a solution via google lol Edit: All i want is to disable the notification i get on iOS, not change to HTTPS or anything like that

nextcloud DiseasedFinger 1 year ago 85%
Installing JUST Nextcloud (without the apache/nginx)

I want to install Nextcloud on Docker, and Apache on apt. I just feel that it will make it easier to set up my certificates using Cloudflare, and make quick configuration changes. It also helps because I have many other docker containers running at the same time. (each other container will have their own certificate file, too). I don't like the 'all in one' containers, I'd prefer to just set everything up myself so I know exactly how works. Or are there any other ways of setting it up? Apart from snap because I hate proprietary software because the whole reason I'm doing this is to get away from it.

nextcloud vis4valentine 1 year ago 100%
How can I properly sync a folder on android?

Hi. I wanted to fully sync a document folder on my android tablet, so I can edit some documents on it on the go, just like I do on the desktop, but I dont really understand how to do it with the android app. Like, I remember google drive had an option to make a folder available offline and give me the option to navigate said documents. I dont like editing documents directly from the nextcloud app because in my experience is slow, so I just like using Text editing apps and sometimes I dont have internet, so would be good to sync them after I get a WiFi connection again. Please help. Thanks.

nextcloud RandomLegend 1 year ago 100%
Nextcloud behind an existing Nginx Reverse Proxy

Hello! so i just set up a nextcloud instance via docker-compose on one of my servers. But i already have multiple webservers on my network that have to be accessible from outside. Therefore i set up a nginx reverse proxy on one of my other servers, published it's ports and connect all the other services via that. Now that docker nextcloud i installed doesn't go smooth with it. It's using the image and doesn't come with any kind of proxy config. And i don't know how to proceed anymore tbh... The actual problem is as follows: I have the admin account that works perfectly fine. I can access everything and every menu from my domain name; let's say it's I then created a regular user account for me to actually use. This user account can login and can access the dashboard. It cannot access the files or the settings. If i try, i get this error: ![]( I can find the following error in the nextcloud.log: [...] `,"level":3, "time" :"2023-06-27T18:43:20+00:00", "remoteAddr" :"", "user": "randomlegend", "app" :"no app in context", "method":"POST", "url":"/login", "message": "Cannot assign requested address", "userAgent` [...] This is the part in the config.php i did regarding the proxy stuff. ![]( `overwritehost` and `overwrite.cli.url` have the same address in them but the cli.url has https:// infront of it. ![]( I also get this error in the overview of nextcloud... If i now create another new user, that user can't even log in...immediately get's the "Internal Server Error" ___ Soooo....any idea on why the regular user get's errors and the admin account does not? Also, what did i forget to config? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks ___ # Fixed

nextcloud mosthated 1 year ago 100%
new user question: host an app on the

I want to sync my podcast activity using Flodder ( There is a nextcloud app for this: I have never used nextcloud before, so I am not sure how to install an app. I created a nextcloud account that was pointing me to the a server with the address https://the With my credentials and this server address, I can log in to this nextcloud instance via the nextcloud android app. I don't see any options to install apps there though. Is it possible to install apps in nextcloud when you are not self hosting? If so, how do I do that?

nextcloud Nugget2586 1 year ago 100%
It is possible to sync an Apple AirTag with Nextcloud (PhoneTrack App)?

cross-posted from: > I've been thinking about buying an AirTag to put on my cat's collar, I have an iOS device, so I could track the AirTag from there, but I'd like to be able to do that and keep a history from Nextcloud PhoneTrack app, that would be great. Anyone has any idea if this can be done? How to do it? Any alternatives?

nextcloud testman 1 year ago 100%
Nextcloud Hub 5

nextcloud Nugget2586 2 years ago 100%
It is possible to sync an Apple AirTag with Nextcloud?

I've been thinking about buying an AirTag to put on my cat's collar, I have an iOS device, so I could track the AirTag from there, but I'd like to be able to do that and keep a history from Nextcloud PhoneTrack app, that would be great. Anyone has any idea if this can be done? How to do it? Any alternatives?

nextcloud libre_warrior 3 years ago 100%
Using News app on

I have a subscription of Family and Friends on the site This would allow me to add apps to my nextcloud. One of the apps I have been most excited about has been the News app, which can administrate open subscription feeds like RSS. However, I have a couple issues. First of all, I've been notified that the app is unstable on my Family and Friends subscription from a dialogue box. I don't know if that is due to me having the wrong subscription or whether it has to do with the app itself being unstable. So far I've ignored that warning, because I can risk the service failing. I'll just have to contact the provider to reset in that case. I have sent an email to the provider, but I expect an response on monday so It's kind of long to wait. Does anybody have any experience with News app on Nextcloud or with

nextcloud Troll 3 years ago 90%
Beta of peer-to-peer Nextcloud Backup app now available for testing!

"It is our mission to put you back in control over your data. While not everybody can run their own Nextcloud server, hundreds of thousands of people do. Making it easier for them to keep their data safe is important. If you are one of them, Nextcloud Backup is for you! With Nextcloud Backup, you can find a friend or family member who has their own Nextcloud server and ask them to create a user account for you. Then, you can setup Backup to regularly store compressed, encrypted backups of your data on their Nextcloud server! If something goes wrong, you can restore your Nextcloud, or even bring back individual files and folders. Of course, it might make sense to, in exchange, create an account for them on your server to store their backups! What makes Nextcloud Backup different from other backup solutions? Its ease of use! If you are using a backup technology that you are comfortable with, keep using it. Nextcloud Backup is for those users who have found it difficult and time consuming to setup another backup solution."