
LemmyRS: Meta

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
One month update and upgrade to 0.18.1!

Firstly, I wanted to apologize for the silence over the past couple weeks. Work, life took over administering this instance. Onto the good stuff. As some of you may have noticed we skipped `0.18.0` because of some unforeseen [issues]( but we're now on `0.18.1`. In my extremely minimal testing, the upgrade seems to have gone through largely smoothly! Please do let me know if you see any weirdness. (Some old themes might be borked, please update your own interface accordingly). I am aware that [Jerboa]( was completely broken, hopefully it works now (I can't test it since I don't have access to Android). Time for some stats: ``` $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 392M 1.7M 390M 1% /run /dev/vda1 94G 21G 69G 23% / tmpfs 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 392M 4.0K 392M 1% /run/user/1002 ``` ``` $ free -m total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 3911 475 142 140 3294 3020 Swap: 2399 88 2311 ``` Another important thing I did was upgrade the instance to a mid-tier vultr plan (we did run out of disk space on the old one). Here's the new plan: ` AMD High Performance 2 vCPU, 4096 MB RAM, 100 GB NVMe, 5.00 TB Transfer ` And last month's vultr stats: ![]( This brings our yearly costs to (there's occasional bumps because of some vultr snapshot nonsense) regardless: ``` domain: $12/year vultr: $24 (instance) + $4.8 (backups) = $28.8/month = $345.60 / year email: still free tier on zoho, woo! total: $357 / year ``` Let me know questions/concerns, bugs you've noticed after the upgrade. Cheers!

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
Yes, we were down for ~2 hours :(

In case anyone was wondering, yes we were down for ~2 hours or so. I apologize for the inconvenience. We had a botched upgrade path from `0.17.4` -> `0.18.0`. I spent some time [debugging](! but eventually gave up and restored a snapshot (taken on Saturday Jun 24, 2023 @ 11:00 UTC). We'll likely stick to `0.17.4` till I can figure out a safe path to upgrade to a bigger (and up-to-date) instance and carry over all the user data. Any help/advice welcome. Hopefully this doesn't occur again!

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
Two week (well 17 days) update!

Hey all, It's been slightly over two weeks since lemmyrs started. It's been pretty fun watching the community grow! Some instance stats for you: ``` $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 97M 1.7M 96M 2% /run /dev/vda1 24G 15G 7.1G 68% / tmpfs 485M 0 485M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 97M 4.0K 97M 1% /run/user/1002 ``` ``` $ free -mh total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 969Mi 445Mi 77Mi 134Mi 445Mi 240Mi Swap: 2.3Gi 571Mi 1.8Gi ``` ``` lemmy=# select count(id) from local_user; count ------- 294 (1 row) ``` We're cutting it pretty close in terms of RAM and Disk usage, the user growth rate has mostly flat-lined though once r/rust came back online so I'm not too concerned. When (If) it's time I'll likely bump up the Vultr instance plan to something which will continue to serve us for the foreseeable future. Previous relevant posts: - [One week update]( - [Full transparency and maintenance costs](

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
New communities and consistent naming

Hey all, Just thought I'd share an update. I have added a few new communities and renamed the existing communities to have slightly more consistent naming throughout this instance. Icons are primarily from Wikimedia Commons (replacements welcome as long as there are no copyright issues). Added: ``` - Rust: Web Development - Rust: Game Development - Rust: Embedded Systems ``` Renamed: ``` - Memes to Rust: Memes - News to Rust: News - Support to Rust: Support - Meta to Rust: Meta ``` ![]( PS: The identifiers for the renamed communities remain the same. Open to any suggestions/thoughts on this change or otherwise. Cheers!

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 66%
Open poll: Nivenly (Hackyderm) for control, maintenance and operations

Please participate in the poll. Question is whether we should migrate control, maintenance, community operations etc to Nivenly (Hackyderm) foundation.

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
Federation, access and general concerns

I've had a few questions about trouble accessing other communities from here. First and foremost, I request you to be patient, lemmy is...alpha software at best imho. There's [200+]( issues on github right now and very few maintainers. No one expected things to take the turn they did within a matter of days, but here we are :) Biggest known issues: #### Websocket support is being reworked This is out of my hand and I can confirm that its busted. I tested locally and the current main lemmy backend branch is incompatible with lemmy-ui branch. Can't even login if you set everything up locally. #### Accessing communities from other instances is flaky Good news is that there is shoddy workaround. Say you want to access `c/gaming` from Enter the full url `` in your search, it won't show up, click search ~~a couple times~~ then wait a sec, then enter just `gaming` and it pops up magically. #### No high quality mobile apps There's `jerboa` for Android and `mlem` for iOS. Both are under heavy development. Thankfully the website works fine on mobile...mostly. PS: I'm not a lemmy maintainer, just a hobbyist self-hoster and professional Rust developer trying the fediverse as much as y'all are :)

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
Full transparency and maintenance costs

I have noticed some questions around whether will continue to be up and running for a long time. I'm hopeful that it does. For full transparency, here's what I'm currently personally paying for: 1. domain: $12/year, bought on Google domain 2. vultr instance $7/month: ``` AMD High Performance 1 vCPU, 1024 MB RAM, 25 GB NVMe, 2.00 TB Transfer ``` 3. Emails are sent using zoho mail free tier. If absolutely necessary an additional $2 for two users (admin and noreply) /month would be added. Total cost (yearly): $96 + (some tax). As things stand right now ~$100/year is easily affordable but as the number of users grow, it largely boils down to egress and storage costs. I can personally bear most of it, but if it starts booming then I'll have to rethink about options. Rest assured, we will be here for the long run!

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
Potential mods and admin

I'm just one person here, if this gains traction I'm gonna need some help with moderation and administration. Keeping this open to discuss the future possibilities!

LemmyRS: Meta Deebster 1 year ago 100%
Update from the admin

Hi all, I got in touch with the admin and he's alive but snowed under. As you may know, there's been a few update attempts that have failed, which is why we're still on v0.17.4. []('s reply follows: > I am aware of the concerns rightfully raised by the community on lemmyrs, I'm at a loss to be honest since I cannot dedicate the time and resource to upgrade the instance to the latest version without a) significant down time b) potential loss/corruption of the existing database. > I'm not sure if I've made you admin but I'd appreciate if you could relay this information to the community on lemmyrs. My personal (and professional) life have been...chaotic to say the least which is why I haven't been able to make any thoughtful update on lemmyrs. > I'm going to try again this coming weekend to upgrade lemmyrs over to whatever is the latest version of lemmy is (I'm not hopeful though since many of my attempts have ended in failure to do so). > The server is back up and running fwiw.

LemmyRS: Meta robinm 1 year ago 50%
I can't post on other instances

If I try to send a comment on other instances (at least on at least 4 out of 5 times my comment is not send, the send button is replaced by a spinner that spin forever and that's all. Am I the only one with this issue ? I'm using firefox on android.

LemmyRS: Meta it_a_me 1 year ago 100%
Lemmrs Out Of Date

I'd like to stick with the lemmyrs instance but we are almost a full majver out of date. Is there any timeline for updates or should I just migrate?

LemmyRS: Meta Vorpal 1 year ago 100%
Status on Lemmy version updates?

I have noticed there hasn't been any news or details on the issues with upgrading It has been a couple of weeks since the last post on that topic. Could we have a status update? What sort of error was it that you hit when upgrading? Do you have a link to a relevant upstream bug report? I would love a bit more transparency on this. Perhaps you just haven't had time to work on it (this is a side project for you as I understand it), which makes sense. But perhaps there is something the community could do to help then?(Though I admit that I personally have zero web dev experience, working mostly in embedded, and would be of limited use.)

LemmyRS: Meta wischi 1 year ago 75%
Can't comment or post

Test. Update: wow that took long. I can't comment on other instances because invalid language or something. Google tells me to set a language on my profile, which I did. And my profile settings page shows a warning that I should not uncheck undetermined, but there is no undetermined. Is that a problem with lemmy or this instance? Also creating this post timed out a few times

LemmyRS: Meta wischi 1 year ago 100%
Can't comment on other instances because of "invalid language"

I checked Google and the suggestion was to check my profile settings. On the profile settings page there is a warning not to uncheck "undefined" but I don't have an undefined option. My language is set to English (both of them). Is there anything I can do to fix that issue?

LemmyRS: Meta Koenigs 1 year ago 100%
Could we update this server to version 0.18.1 please?

Hi admin(s), Would that be possible to update this server to the latest 0.18.1 version please? - we can't login on the [Jerboa for Lemmy app]( because the version of this server is 0.17.4 - we can't search communities from other servers. Try searching for the following examples: - `!` - `!` Thank you

LemmyRS: Meta Koenigs 1 year ago 100%
Can't find KDE community from server

I joined the `LemmyRS` server but I'd like to subscribe to the [KDE & Plasma users]( community which is created on the `` server. However as you can see in the search URL I linked I can't find it even though I selected `All` communities, not only `Local` ones. Even searching for the full community name [!](! as described in the `KDE & Plasma users`'s description leads to no result >You are not logged in. However you can subscribe from another Fediverse account, for example Lemmy or Mastodon. To do this, paste the following into the search field of your instance: ! So how can I subscribe to this community please? Can this issue be fixed on this server? Registrations on `` are closed now... Thanks for your answer

LemmyRS: Meta Adhalia 1 year ago 100%
Hosting communities for Rust related projects

I am curious what would be the stance of on hosting communities for Rust related projects like for example bevy? - Is it ready for increased activity? Would it require some financial support if all those communities which currently have their subreddits were to move here? - Should they follow some naming convention? - Is it alright for users to spread out an invitation? The bevy community is not planning to move here AFAIK, they started communities on two other instances, but I thought it would be sweet to have Rust-related projects' communities on an instance that cares about Rust and follows its CoC.

LemmyRS: Meta Geobomatic 1 year ago 100%
404 when accessing a community

I’m trying to reach but I get 404. And I’ve waited to see if lemmyrs will fetch it, but I tried multiple days now with no luck. What’s going on? Maybe it’s related to “Just yesterday the new community "broke" as a result of a bug, this has been resolved but require sysadmin intervention!” in ? So some kind of admin intervention is necessary to fetch this community?

LemmyRS: Meta runiq 1 year ago 100%
Thank you for allowing to hide karma

See title. This is something that I'd been missing from Reddit for _so very long_. I finally ended up creating a userCSS file, which didn't work well because CSS class names were encoded by some hare-brained scheme. So yeah, again, thank you so much!

LemmyRS: Meta BatmanAoD 1 year ago 85%
Will lemmyrs defederate from controversial instances?

The apparently-close connection between the primary lemmy devs and the instance (as well as other potentially problematic behavior/associations) has been a major point of discussion in recent r/rust posts about trying to move the community somewhere off of reddit. One common recommendation in these threads is that the community should adopt/recommend an instance that has defederated from (See for instance [here]( I've only just joined (as part of the reddit exodus), so I don't feel comfortable making this as a recommendation or even a request, but I do want to know: is this something that the current lemmyrs administrators are interested in and/or already planning? Personally, I don't mind either way (I understand there are pretty good tools available to users to "self-isolate" in this way). I do think, though, that it would be reasonable for special-interest instances like lemmyrs to defederate from *all* instances that aren't specifically related to the special interest; i.e. lemmyrs could defederate from every instance that isn't programming or at least technology related. That said, the obvious reason *not* to do so is that we'd lose access to programming communities hosted on general-purpose instances. Again, I don't have a strong personal stance here, and I realize the answer could change over time, but I think it would be good to have an explicit stance on this given that it has come up several times on reddit already. P. S. I was surprised not to find an existing thread for this, so please forgive me if there actually is one and I just missed it.

LemmyRS: Meta Deebster 1 year ago 100%
Suggestion: rename this community to LemmyRS Meta

Currently this community is titled "Rust: Meta" which suggests it's about discussing Rust itself. "LemmyRS Meta" would match the intention in the sidebar for ! (Probably this should just have been a message to [](, but there's likely better ideas for a new name.)

LemmyRS: Meta Aloso 1 year ago 100%
Lemmy configurable dark theme

I made a configurable user style for Lemmy: Original: ![Original]( With this user style: ![Darker]( Adjusted colors: ![Rusty]( ### Features - Sticky navbar: Navigation is always visible when scrolling - Wider content: Use more of your screen width - Darker colors - Everything is easily configurable by adjusting a few CSS variables! ### Usage EDIT: I published it [here](, install it is with Stylus! 1. Go to the Lemmy settings and make sure that the "darkly" theme is selected; this user style doesn't work otherwise 2. Install a browser extension for user styles, e.g. Stylus. 3. Install the userstyle [here]( 4. Adjust the configuration as desired 👍‍

LemmyRS: Meta pohart 1 year ago 100%
accessing other instances

I can consistently access a couple of tech communities at, but consistently cannot access or Is this by design, or is it growing pains? I'm willing to wait if it's likely to get fixed but I'll get another account elsewhere if that's just how our federation is set up.

LemmyRS: Meta erlend_sh 1 year ago 100%
How can we federate with the #rust hashtag?

Several people post about #rust and #rustlang on the fediverse. Could those posts be automatically pulled in here, e.g. into a dedicated community instance?

LemmyRS: Meta admin 1 year ago 100%
One week update and stats!

Hey everyone, thought I'd post some stats since we're one week old now! From Vultr (instance is hosted through them): ![]( ``` Total applications: 116 Denied applications: 4 (one person asked to change username, 3 others gave one word answer to the application question) Accepted applications: 112 ``` docker stats (snapshot): ``` CONTAINER ID NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O PIDS 7f365c848236 caddy 0.19% 43.22MiB / 969.4MiB 4.46% 7.23GB / 7.65GB 631MB / 146MB 8 d9421a5d930a lemmy-ui 0.00% 49.62MiB / 969.4MiB 5.12% 1.51GB / 3.32GB 869MB / 1.26GB 11 e8850c310380 lemmy 0.08% 52.53MiB / 969.4MiB 5.42% 5.67GB / 5.86GB 942MB / 582MB 8 7ebb13fde277 postgres 0.02% 304.2MiB / 969.4MiB 31.38% 908MB / 2.97GB 3.82GB / 14.4GB 12 9b471baacf84 pictrs 0.05% 10.32MiB / 969.4MiB 1.06% 53.5MB / 1.18GB 653MB / 360MB 14 ``` df -h: ``` Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 97M 1.7M 96M 2% /run /dev/vda1 24G 12G 11G 53% / tmpfs 485M 0 485M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 97M 4.0K 97M 1% /run/user/1002 ```