

Jewish gedaliyah 2 weeks ago 87%
Candace Owens criticized the Lubavitcher Rebbe. His fans quickly clapped back.

Owens referenced the fact that some Chabad adherents believe Schneerson was the Messiah and suggested they should be accepting Jesus instead. “For those of you who are not familiar with Rabbi Schneerson, there are some Jews who believe he was and is the messiah, so rejecting Christ but believing that that rabbi was his messiah,” she said. It was far from the first time that Owens, who has millions of online followers, has gone after Jews and Jewish groups. She was fired from the media company of Ben Shapiro, who is an Orthodox Jew, earlier this year after criticizing Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, and since then has supported white nationalist Nick Fuentes and used her YouTube channel to defend Hitler and question historical facts about the Holocaust.

Jewish gedaliyah 4 weeks ago 83%
RCMP investigating after bomb threat sent to Jewish institutions across Canada

A threatening email was sent early Wednesday morning to dozens of Jewish institutions across Canada, including several in Montreal, prompting an RCMP investigation. The email was sent at 5:11 a.m. to roughly 125 organizations, many of them synagogues and nearly all of them linked to Jewish communities, according to RCMP Sgt. Charles Poirier.

Jewish gedaliyah 1 month ago 50%
A haunting rendition of Psalm 23 in honor of Tisha b'Av -The Shvesters

Via [Instagram]( *[Tisha B'Av,]( the Fast of the Ninth of Av, is a day of mourning to commemorate the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, many of which have occurred on the ninth of Av.* *Tisha B'Av means "the ninth (day) of Av." It occurs in July or August.*

Jewish gedaliyah 1 month ago 100%
Queenie Hallegua, second-to-last Jewish resident of historic Indian Jewish community, dies at 89

Queenie Hallegua was the warden and managing trustee of the Paradesi Synagogue, a 450-year-old landmark, from 2012 to 2018. She and her late husband Sammy hosted Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, when they came to the Paradesi Synagogue in the Mattancherry neighborhood in October 1997. The first Jews to arrive on the Malabar coast of India, on the Arabian Sea, came in the first century BCE as sailors — on King Solomon’s boats, as legend has it. Known as Malabari Jews, the families of traders moved south to present-day Kochi, previously known as Cochin, where they built the Kochangadi Synagogue, the area’s first Jewish house of worship.

Jewish gedaliyah 1 month ago 80%
Jewish wrestler Amit Elor wins gold for US in Paris Olympics, extending 5-year undefeated streak

Elor, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors who moved to Israel, experienced both online antisemitism and the sudden deaths of both her father and a brother during the years when she broke into the elite ranks of U.S. women’s wrestlers. She wrestles at the 68-kilogram weight class and in October became the youngest American wrestler — male or female — ever to win a senior world title.

Jewish gedaliyah 1 month ago 50%
‘I lean on my faith’: Josh Shapiro quotes the Talmud in opening Harris-Walz rally

Shapiro repeated a saying from Pirke Avot, a Jewish text, which he has used on the campaign trail before: “I’m not here to preach at y’all. But I want to tell you what my faith teaches,” he said. “My faith teaches me that no one is required to complete the task, but neither are we free to refrain from it. That means that each of us has a responsibility to get off the sidelines, to get in the game and to do our part.”

Jewish gedaliyah 2 months ago 100% Minecraft
Jewish gedaliyah 2 months ago 80%
How one newspaper column saved lives, reunited families and changed the course of Jewish history

During the Holocaust and its aftermath, the Forward’s Seeking Relatives helped thousands when no one else could

Jewish gedaliyah 2 months ago 75%


Jewish gedaliyah 3 months ago 88%
176 gravestones at 2 Jewish cemeteries vandalized, FBI investigating | CNN

Nearly 180 gravestones at two Jewish cemeteries in Cincinnati have been vandalized, according to the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati and the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. Many of the gravestones – some dating back to the late 1800s – have been knocked face-down, with some cracked in half, at the Tifereth Israel and the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol cemeteries in the Covedale Cemetery complex.

Jewish gedaliyah 3 months ago 75%
George Washington: "to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance"

On August 21, 1790, President George Washington composed a letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, and to its leader, Moses Seixas. Washington incorporated Seixas' own phrasing, which [describes]( the vision of the young nation as one which "gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance." The close relationship between Washington and the Jewish community already in the United States helped to enshrine the principles of separation between Religion and State, as well as the freedom of religion that would soon become part of the First Amendment to the Constitution. As we celebrate this anniversary of our nation's independence, one hopes that we might continue to hold hope for this cherished vision. Let all good patriots recall the aspirations of our country's founders and work to fight against the evils that conspire to compromise and undermine them. In an age of rising intolerance and renewed Christian nationalism, may we be the beacons of light illuminating and eliminating the darkness creeping from the corners. Then every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. 🇺🇲

Jewish FlyingSquid 3 months ago 33%
Interview with David Baddiel about Judaism and antisemitism and Jewish guilt and shame.

David Baddiel is a British comedian and the author of the book Jews Don't Count. He, much like the interviewer here (Andrew Gold) convinced me to stop being ashamed of the fact that I'm Jewish and hiding it.

Jewish gedaliyah 3 months ago 62%
How Jewish communities are celebrating Juneteenth this year

News that the South had lost the Civil War and that the Emancipation Proclamation had freed all enslaved people came late to Texas — June 19, 1865. Since then, Black communities in the South have celebrated what came to be called Juneteenth on the anniversary of the day. “America’s second Independence Day” was recognized as a federal holiday in 2021. For many Jews, Juneteenth is an opportunity to celebrate and commemorate both Black and Jewish history and culture — and the places where they intersect. Here is a sampling of Jewish Juneteenth events this season.

Jewish gedaliyah 3 months ago 52%
Claudia Sheinbaum will be North America's first Jewish head of state. What will it take to elect a second?

Sheinbaum’s family background is one of culturally Jewish but atheist progressive activists. A similar background has defined the past century of Jewish communities in Mexico, many of which were built by European Jews who, fleeing pogroms and the Nazis, brought with them socialist values that they would seek to foster in their lives in Mexico.But such connections between Jewish values and political action in countries of refuge are often downplayed or even contested. Sheinbaum herself has not made much of her Jewish identity in her political life. She has often described the family in which she was raised as not particularly observant. Yet Sheinbaum is also only the second Jewish head of state throughout all of Latin America. So, no matter what kind of Jewish political leader she is, the fact that she identifies as Jewish is material to her public profile.

Jewish gedaliyah 4 months ago 60%
Was Adam an androgynous transgender being?

In fact, and strikingly, our Jewish legal tradition identifies no fewer than six distinct “genders”, certainly assuming as normative the male and female, but including as well designations which we now refer to as “intersex” identities.

Jewish gedaliyah 4 months ago 53%
Ways You Can Show Up for Pride in 2024

Pride feels different this year. As Jews, many of us are concerned about rising antisemitism. Some of us worry about antisemitism during Pride. As LGBTQ+ people, our lives, communities, and families continue to be attacked. Over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been proposed or passed in the United States. Our humanity is being debated in the public sphere. As queer and trans Jews, we are vulnerable on multiple fronts. And yet, Pride is a time to celebrate our resistance and resilience. We stand on the shoulders of our LGBTQ+ Jewish ancestors who survived so that we could thrive. And one of the ways to not give in to harmful rhetoric is to show those who don’t believe we should exist that we are here, proudly and joyously. We aren’t going anywhere. Our communities are beautiful, exuberant, generative spaces of love and belonging. The news is overwhelming and unending. But we know the truth: queer people and queer Jews have always been here and will always be here. We are your friends, family, and neighbors. We need your support.

Jewish gedaliyah 4 months ago 75%
Is that why we call it "good shabbos?"

Today is 23 days, which is 3 weeks and 2 days of the Omer. It's a little early, but Shabbat Shalom everyone!

Jewish gedaliyah 4 months ago 50%
The world is only sustained by the breath of school children

Today is 14 days, which is 2 weeks of the Omer. **It is also National Teacher Day.** Rambam, the 12th Century philosopher, physician, and legalist, wrote the following about the moral obligation to employ teachers: ----- מוֹשִׁיבִין מְלַמְּדֵי תִּינוֹקוֹת בְּכָל מְדִינָה וּמְדִינָה וּבְכָל פֶּלֶךְ וּפֶלֶךְ וּבְכָל עִיר וָעִיר. וְכָל עִיר שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ תִּינוֹקוֹת שֶׁל בֵּית רַבָּן מַחְרִימִין אֶת אַנְשֵׁי הָעִיר עַד שֶׁמּוֹשִׁיבִין מְלַמְּדֵי תִּינוֹקוֹת. וְאִם לֹא הוֹשִׁיבוּ מַחְרִימִין אֶת הָעִיר. שֶׁאֵין הָעוֹלָם מִתְקַיֵּם אֶלָּא בְּהֶבֶל פִּיהֶם שֶׁל תִּינוֹקוֹת שֶׁל בֵּית רַבָּן: Teachers of young children are to be appointed in each province, district and town. If a city has made no provision for the education of the young, its inhabitants are placed under a ban, till such teachers have been engaged. And if they persistently neglect this duty, the city is excommunicated, for the world is only sustained by the breath of school children. *Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Torah Study 2-1*

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 27%
Yiddish resistance song: Mir Veln Zey Iberlebn/ We Will Outlive Them

Today is 13 days, which is 1 week and 6 days of the Omer. It is also Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. During World War II, Jews of Lublin were rounded up by soldiers and taken to a field. "Dance. Sing and dance for us," they were instructed. No one sang, until one person began: "*Lomir zikh iberbetn....*" Let's all get along. No one followed. Another voice offered the same tune with different words: "*Mir veln zey iberlebn.*" **We will outlive them**. Our resistance song comes from that night. It's not uncomplicated. So many of us did not, have not, outlived. But this is a slogan of determination. It's a love note to every person working to make the 'we' who will outlive them bigger and fuller and stronger.

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 42%
My favorite song from Prince of Egypt - I'd never heard it in Hebrew before!

Today is the seventh Day of the Omer. It's also the last day of Passover. This has been my favorite Passover movie since it came out. The first time I heard the words of Mi Chamocha (Ashira L'Adonai) coming out of a big screen movie, I knew it was something special. You don't have to believe in God to be moved by this incredible story of Hope and Redemption. The power of bringing words written thousands of years ago into a modern children's musical is just incredible. You also don't have to be a child to appreciate this song! I still love it.

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 10%
Today was the fifth day of the Omer. The sixth has started in much of the world.

There is a custom to recite the mystical prayer Ana Bekoach following each day's counting, which alludes to the 42-letter name of God.

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 47%
New recipe just dropped

Still looks better than the flavorless lumps I had at the first night Seder.

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 33%
Today is the fourth day of the Omer.

Its also the reading of one of the most famous passages of the Talmud, in which God makes clear that the community is more sacred than being "technically correct."

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 20%
Today is the third day of the Omer

Tiferet of Chesed - Beauty within Lovingkindness

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 57%
Today is the second day of the Omer

**Gevurah of Chesed (Might within Lovingkindness)** Olam Chesed Yibaneh - We shall build a World of love. Composed by Rabbi Menachem Creditor Performed by the Jerusalem Youth Chior

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 20%
Today is the first day of the Omer

You can use this calendar to follow the daily count, or see the entire overview of the 49 days. Each day has a different value-pair based on the week number and the day of the week. Today is Chesed of Chesed. You can see a practical teaching about the Jewish Value of Chesed [here](, along with tips to incorporate it into your own practice. For a slightly more advanced study, [here]( is a study sheet about an interaction in the Talmud that reflects the value.

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 55%
Because Torah knows about the plural...

On the other hand, why not both? ותעל הצפרדע. צְפַרֵדַּע אַחַת הָיְתָה וְהָיוּ מַכִּין אוֹתָהּ וְהִיא מַתֶּזֶת נְחִילִים נְחִילִים, זֶהוּ מִדְרָשׁוֹ (סנהדרין ס"ז). וּפְשׁוּטוֹ יֵשׁ לוֹמַר, שֵׁרוּץ הַצְפַרְדְּעִים קוֹרֵא לְשׁוֹן יְחִידוּת; וְכֵן וַתְּהִי הַכִּנָּם – הָרְחִישָׁה, פדולייר"א בְּלַעַז, וְאַף ותעל הצפרדע – גרינולייר"א בְּלַעַז: ותעל הצפרדע AND THE FROGS (lit. frog) CAME UP — Really there was only one frog, but when they struck at it, it was split into many swarms. This is a Midrashic explanation of the usage of the singular noun here (cf. Sanhedrin 67b; Exodus Rabbah 10:4). But as a literal explanation one must say that the swarm of the frogs is denoted by the singular form. Similar is, (v. 14) “and there was the כנם” — the swarm of insects, in old French pedulier; i. e. a swarm of lice. So, too, here, ותעל הצפרדע means: and there came up a grenouillière (old French) i. e. a swarm of frogs.

Jewish FlyingSquid 5 months ago 50%
Frank Gallop - The Ballad of Irving

The Jewish lonesome rider of the plains (except on shabbat).

Jewish gedaliyah 5 months ago 70%
Kosher for Passover
Jewish kersploosh 6 months ago 66%
Community locked

Due to the low level of legitimate use, lack of moderation, and potential for trolling and harassment around the current conflict in Gaza, we've decided to close and lock the community for the time being. If you're interested in moderating this community, reach out to us at the support email ( with your idea of a moderation strategy and how you would handle posts regarding the current conflict.