
Armchair Leftists

Armchair Leftists venusaur 4 months ago 41%
If you care about democracy, tell your congressperson to support the Fair Representation Act!

The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American.  The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms:  * Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible. * Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation. * Uniform rules for congressional redistricting  The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.

Armchair Leftists Granixo 12 months ago 54%
Hello Kitty has a message for you!


Armchair Leftists redpen 1 year ago 50%
BreadTube - A community to share and discuss left videos.

cross-posted from: > BreadTube is a place to check out left videos, discuss content from creators, and share memes and ideas. > > - [BreadTube](/c/ > - ! > -

Armchair Leftists Boomsharkala 2 years ago 75%
Is a centrist/lib instance?

cross-posted from: > A lot of users there just sit around on high horses looking down at the masses, criticizing them for not doing any praxis. Meanwhile they call their slacktivism the height of revolutionary action, as they intend to overthrow the bourgeoisie from the comfort of their cushy computer/phone. And of course they all cite some reason for why they do no irl praxis. Meanwhile other leftists also have reasons to not do praxis (ex che Guevara), but deal with the reason. > > Not all users!

Armchair Leftists Boomsharkala 2 years ago 100%
Why a lot of armchair socialists exist: learnt hopelessness

Unexpectedly, we are met with a response that is somewhere between chilly reticence and downright hostility. What’s going on? From our perspective, we’re offering water to a person who’s self-identified as thirsty, and yet they react as if we were trying to poison their dog! They turn on a dime to defend the same institutions whose lies they were denouncing just moments before. At this point the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from seeing through propaganda and putting puzzle pieces together into a satisfying historical account gets brutally transformed into its exact opposite: a sense of crushing defeat. In response to this bitter experience, many researchers — serious people, with plenty of experience reading and writing, and sometimes even of being published! — lash out. They decide that people have been “brainwashed” beyond the point where they can be reached by words or rational appeal. They “realize” that the masters of propaganda have been far more successful than we first imagined: it turns out we’re not David fighting Goliath, we’re more like an ant facing an asteroid.