
15 Minute City

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 100%
Wikipedia's 15 Minute City page

The 15-minute city (FMC or 15mC) is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city. This approach aims to reduce car dependency, promote healthy and sustainable living, and improve wellbeing and quality of life for city dwellers.

15 Minute City Five 6 days ago 90%
The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point - Cory Doctorow

> One of the more baffling events of the first quarter of 2023 was the mass protest in Oxford (England, not Mississippi) against the “15-minute city pledge,” a movement to get city councils to strive for cities where each neighborhood is a walkable place, with most amenities (groceries, schools, health care, employers, leisure activities) located within a pleasant 15-minute walk from your door. > > The 15-minute city is an extremely inoffensive and commonsense idea, and moreover, Oxford is basically already a 15-minute city, because it is a medieval city, with a street-plan to match, anchored around a massive university campus (university campuses everywhere are pretty much all 15-minute cities). > > So it’s weird that a bunch of people showed up to protest it, chanting slogans and waving signs decrying the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, imaginary “climate lockdowns,” and “eating bugs.” > > In America, this is called “the paranoid style in American politics.” In the UK, they have a far more colorful epithet: “swivel-eyed loons.” > > Here’s the thing: the swivel-eyed loons have a point. > > Oh, not about 15-minute cities! The 15-minute city is a perfectly pleasant idea that mostly requires adding a few bus lanes… Rest of the article requires a medium account.

15 Minute City vudu 1 week ago 81%
Architects Are Coaxing Downtowns Back to Life |

> Gone are the days when designers made a splash with a shimmering new building torquing this way and that. The season’s debuts forge links to regional designs and new connections. This article touches on some of the problems of downtown areas but focused on architectural changes that might lure people back. It's less theory and more implementation within the existing system.

15 Minute City vudu 1 month ago 100%
How This Car-Free Neighborhood Unlocks Sustainable Cities

This video is an exploration of Culdesac Tempe , a 5-minute city located in Arizona. From LinkedIn: Building the first car-free neighborhood from scratch in the U.S.

15 Minute City vudu 2 months ago 85%
6 Ways to Take Back Your Community from the "Parking Void"

cross-posted from: > This is an article that dates back from 2019 but I think it's pretty relevant still.

15 Minute City vudu 2 months ago 100%
The Secret to Japan's Great Cities

Not Just Bikes dives into how urban planning makes a good neighborhood. Watch ad free here:

15 Minute City sabreW4K3 3 months ago 95%
The '15-minute city' might not be realistic for North America, researchers find

This is hilarious. It essentially says that fifteen minute cities aren't feasible in North America because the cities weren't built with fifteen minute cities in mind.

15 Minute City sabreW4K3 3 months ago 77%
The famous city’s £10bn megaproject to build European answer to Dubai | World | News

Ugh, people downvoting without reading. Basically they want to build a tourism hotspot and they're talking about making it a walking city. The Dubai is more about what their aspirations are. Though I'm not sure how that couples with rich entitled people. But given it would all be built on an abandoned airport, it makes sense to not waste space on roads and parking.

15 Minute City vudu 3 months ago 97%
What if we gave it back to nature?

cross-posted from: > Before / After. Avenue Daumesnil, Paris. > > From

15 Minute City luthis 1 year ago 100%
Modern transport for short distance

My strong belief is this type of transport is what we really need to adopt en masse. It can carry 2 adults or 1 adult and 2 kids, has enough boot space to do your shopping, and protects you from the elements (which is the #1 issue with bicycles). If there was a way these could be mass produced so they are cheap enough for people to justify.. that would be a game changer. ![](

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 95%
What are the essential services you need in your local neighborhood?

What is essential for you to have nearby? I can think of groceries, fresh produce, haircut/salon, a couple restaurants, schools, etc. Those are the obvious ones. What else are you looking for, such as a flower shop?

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 95%
Oxford air pollution falls in victory for 15-minute city model

> A multifaceted approach is being pursued with impacts on infrastructure and energy usage, with one of the central pillars being the Low Traffic Neighbourhood, known colloquially as a 15-minute neighbourhood. This urban planning concept envisions a future where all essential facilities are within a 15-minute walking or cycling distance - however, some critics worry about its potential impacts on personal freedoms.

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 100%
Livable Deep Cove — Gallant Avenue renewal | District of North Vancouver

> The Livable Deep Cove Project design includes permanent, one-way vehicle traffic on lower Gallant, expanded sidewalks, streetlights, movable bollards, flex zones for protected pedestrian areas or parking, trees and improved road surfaces.

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 100%
Cleveland to Consider Legislation to Incentivize Transit-Oriented Development, Issues RFP for Mobility Study

> City Hall announced two of its latest steps in the pursuit of making Cleveland a 15-minute city, an effort to ensure that residents live within a short walk, bike ride or transit trip from almost all of their basic needs.

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 92%
Why tires — not tailpipes — are spewing more pollution from your cars

“One, it hasn’t been regulated. Second, its chemical composition can be potentially more toxic, especially for brakes’ [particulate matter] … they’re all metallic.” Here's another reason why the 15 minute city will win. No one wants particulate matter in their lungs!

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 88%
Why tires — not tailpipes — are spewing more pollution from your cars

“One, it hasn’t been regulated. Second, its chemical composition can be potentially more toxic, especially for brakes’ [particulate matter] … they’re all metallic.” Here's another reason why the 15 minute city will win. No one wants particulate matter in their lungs!

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 92%
"So before we think about moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, we should also think about satisfying people’s needs in their own neighborhoods."

Ron Davis is running for the Seattle City Council in District 4 on a progressive, stridently urbanist platform and he shared his positions on transportation, housing, and other issues at The Urbanist’s lunch and learn event this Thursday. Here's an excerpt from the transcript: >And so, as we think about how to get people around the city, we do have to start to think more smartly about it. In terms of, how we do that, obviously, there are a million layers to this, so maybe we can pick them apart. But I think about our neighborhoods first. So before we think about moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, we should also think about satisfying people’s needs in their own neighborhoods. So you often hear this term, 15-minute city, and some jurisdictions use different terms. > I’m particularly impressed by Barcelona. Its goal is to get 85% of trips to stay in their neighborhood within the next five years. Now, Barcelona is denser than us, and has been doing mixed use for a long time. So I don’t think we can hope for solutions that are that ambitious to happen here that fast. But I do think, intentionally legalizing retail in neighborhoods without having to build parking is a start. And doing so in a way that strategically makes sure that the vast majority of trips can be satisfied on foot, or maybe on a bike, by people of all abilities, is the first thing, right, we will reduce car trips, right? Most people don’t like driving. While I do prefer riding on the train and listening to, you know, a book on tape or a podcast, I also really prefer walking just around the corner to satisfy my needs.

15 Minute City cerement 1 year ago 100%
“Microraion/Microdistricts were the urban building blocks of new Soviet cities” (skip to 6:47)

City Beautiful’s video on “[How did planners design Soviet cities?](” – first talking about [khrushchevkas]( and then their organization into [microdistricts]( – daily shopping, necessities, and services were to be located no more than 500m from any residence and (and major services like health were no more than 1500m away) – BUT all of this was predicated on easily accessible public transit and mass transit …

15 Minute City ssorbom 1 year ago 94%
Cul de sac is an intentional 15-minute City in the heart of Tempe Arizona.

One of the first designs of this I have seen, an intentional 15-minute City that is in the heart of Tempe Arizona. They are accepting move-ins this october!

15 Minute City stevetauber 1 year ago 100%
Deliotte's primer on 15-Minute Cities

This is all about ’living locally’. The ‘15-minute’ city concept – developed primarily to reduce carbon emissions by decreasing the use of cars and motorised commuting time – is a decentralised urban planning model, in which each local neighbourhood contains all the basic social functions for living and working. Many people argue that the concept of creating localised neighbourhoods in which residents can get everything they require within 15-minutes by walking, cycling or on public transport will ultimately improve the quality of life. Such spaces entail multi-purpose neighbourhoods instead of specific zones for working, living and entertainment, reducing the need for unnecessary travel, strengthening a sense of community, and improving sustainability and livability.