star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 17 hours ago 100%

    I hear a lot of mentions of that show, someday™ I'm going to get to watching it!

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 17 hours ago 100%

    Interesting! I'm glad to hear it can.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    It appears you like shows with a ship named Enterprise in it!

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    Nearly all the things you mention are issues I have with both Discovery and Picard! The storylines of the seasons I watched didn't really grab me to begin with, and then dragged on way longer than needed. I'm not that big a fan of the 10 or 15 hour movie idea, but it's even worse when there isn't enough story.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    Yeah, some of the episodes do work a lot better when they're watched back to back.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    Unfortunately I see many people talking about TOS looking too dated to watch, or the acting and stories not holding up. While I'll admit it doesn't look quite as shiny as the new shows, I still enjoy it! I'm guessing that's one reason, the other is that a lot of the older TOS fans are either passing away or old enough that they've stopped talking about the shows online!

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    It's really great! From what I hear you weren't the only person to not be a fan when it came out! I've met various Trek fans who always avoided it until recently, and now it's one of their favorites.

    I honestly never realized Voyager and Enterprise were this popular until I started following Lemmy more!

    I use Jellyfin as well, it's so much nicer than going to the shelf to grab the cases to stick the disk in. Having it keep track for where I am in the series is also a plus.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    Exactly, I always imagined it focusing on recurring characters within various factions on the ship. They could have had various Maquis characters working on their own agendas and struggling more with being on a Starfleet ship, or maybe they picked up some aliens along the way and are trying to integrate them into life on the ship. They did the second thing to some degree with Seven, but having a group of actual aliens would have been interesting too. Especially if some of the aliens turned out to be planted there to cause trouble.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    I've watched DS9 so many times, but I still enjoy slipping right back into it again.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    That sounds like a Trek filled life! 🖖🏼I don't usually have the time to watch a lot over the warmer months, but in the winter my spouse and I tend to fit in a good bit more.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    I know that feeling well!

    I did hear that it transitioned to more of a drama part way through, so I'll keep that it mind when I get to watching it. Yes, hearing that Dolly was on a science fiction show was not on the list of things I expected to happen! I was raised around country but as I got older I began to prefer jazz, so I have to balance 90's Trek's love of jazz against that now.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    It took me a bit to warm up to Lower Decks, but I like it pretty well now! It has a lot of heart, and certainly isn't above laughing at itself!

  • photography Photography Partial lunar eclipse - September 2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    It looks good! I was hoping to get some pictures of it, but we had thick clouds the entire time.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    I've been watching a decent amount of Classic Doctor Who recently, so not a lot of Star Trek!

    • SNW 2x07 Those Old Scientists
    • SNW 2x08 Under the Cloak of War
  • star_trek
    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%
    What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/18/2024

    If you’ve watched any Star Trek this week, feel free to drop the episodes/movies and any thoughts you might have on them in the comments!

    star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    There are a lot of good episodes in both of those!

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    You're right, if you haven't watched all of the Trek shows you're definitely not going to get nearly as much enjoyment from Lower Decks! There are even references to things that weren't previously canon, like the Star Trek helmet, so even then you won't get all the jokes.

    I really enjoy SNW, it's always pretty high on my list. It's been especially great since this is the first time I've had a Trek show I really like that I'm watching while it's still in production! I have some annoyances with it here and there, mostly due to the fact that it's a prequel, but I can more easily overlook that because most of the rest of it is good.

    I really think Enterprise and Voyager both were missed opportunities. Enterprise for a lot of the reasons you mention, and Voyager I felt could have had a lot more continuity. It was the perfect place to have a lot of recurring characters and DS9 style arcs, but they never really committed.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    It wouldn't be my preferred ranking, but that's fine! I've seen a lot of people that look a lot more favorably at VOY and ENT now that some time has passed. Not that they were ever actually bad, I think pretty much any of the shows would have had a harder time of it in that time period.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    I'm glad I put that logo on the collage then! There's not a lot of them, but they're kind of interesting short stories that don't really fit in the modern serialized format.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 day ago 100%

    Nice! There's a lot of good Trek stories in those shows.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    That a good way of doing it! I'm definitely looking forward to Lower Decks season 5, I think they said it starts the end of next month. It's also going to feel like a long wait for SNW too.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    Some good choices! 🖖🏼

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    I need to watch some Orville sometime, I've heard it's pretty good. The 90's era Treks are always a solid choice. Did you try any of Strange New Worlds? It's got a completely different vibe than the other new shows, and I like the crew.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    There's a lot of good stories in those shows!

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    Lower Decks has a surprising amount of heart for being a comedy show! I've gotten to really enjoy it, although some of the humor doesn't always work for me. DS9 will probably always be my favorite though, at least for the foreseeable future! Sisko is my favorite captain, and I really enjoy the rest of the cast as well.

    I can understand the older shows being a little difficult for modern audiences! I grew up with more modern series as well, and some of the older episodes are a little harder to watch. I still enjoy a lot of the stories though.

    There's definitely nothing wrong with skipping some of the shows, there's a wide variety of styles in the new ones. I would recommend Strange New Worlds as a potential starting point if you wanted to try any of them though. It feels closest to the TOS era, but with more modern stories and production values.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 100%

    I'm definitely similar in that I usually enjoy most Trek! I also wasn't a fan of Picard, although I only watched season 1. I just didn't feel the urge to even try any of the later seasons after that. Discovery is not my favorite either, but that's primarily due to the heavily serialized storytelling and the focus on one character instead of a larger cast like many of the other shows.

  • star_trek
    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 2 days ago 95%
    What are your favorite Star Trek series?

    I know it's an overused question in a lot of places, but it hasn't been asked here in quite a while. I'm curious to see what the preferred Star Trek shows are in the group here. Whether you want to just list your favorite show, do a complete ranking of all the shows, or something in between, I'm interested to know! This is my current top five show list: - Deep Space Nine - Star Trek - Strange New Worlds - The Next Generation - Lower Decks It gets difficult for me to rank past that point, so I usually stop there.

    doctorwho Doctor Who Oh the Trauma
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 5 days ago 100%

    My two favorite companions in the modern era!

  • star_trek
    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 5 days ago 83%
    Strange New Worlds Trading Cards

    I finally decided to order a box of the Strange New Worlds trading cards, and they just showed up today! I always enjoyed opening packs of baseball cards, so it was a lot of fun seeing what all I got. These are the five "extra special" cards I got, and I also had around 10 other non base set cards in the box as well. ![]( I don't know if I'll buy another box or not, but I would like to get some autograph cards of the main cast. I know trading cards aren't worth it to many people, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of things like this!

    star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 6 days ago 100%

    I've heard that mentioned in reference to the show, I'll keep that in mind. Someday I'll get to it! Life keeps me busy.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming I've got banned from Apex Legends
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 6 days ago 100%
  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming I've got banned from Apex Legends
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 6 days ago 99%

    If I remember right, about a year ago they were banning a lot of Linux players. It might be happening again.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 6 days ago 100%

    I've never seen a lot of that show, but it seemed interesting. I even own the series set, I just haven't had the time to watch. It doesn't help that my spouse and I normally watch a lot of things together, and she wasn't a big fan of the episodes we had seen!

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    Some Lower Decks! I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of the first season, but I thought season 2 and onward was better. I'm not always a fan of the style of humor, but I do get some laughs here and there! I would certainly watch a Star Trek animated drama series if they made it.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who What's the last Doctor Who episode/serial/book you've watched/listened/read and your opinion on it?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    I appreciate the information! I may have to give at least some of the episodes a try. I'll admit I'm not super thrilled about the interviews I've seen where RTD mentions leaning even harder into fantasy than before, but we'll see!

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    Ah, that makes sense! It's more something to kind of distract you instead.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who What's the last Doctor Who episode/serial/book you've watched/listened/read and your opinion on it?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    In your opinion, are the stories in the new season anywhere near the quality level of the 10th and 11th Doctors? I started noticing I was enjoying them less part way into Smith's run, and it felt like it was an overall downward trend until I stopped watching after Series 9. I thought both Smith and Capaldi did really well with their portrayal, but overall I didn't think the stories and writing had the same spark that the earlier ones had. It might just be the fact that they were more serialized though.

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    I can't say I've ever tried that to fall asleep, but I will put something on in the background as I'm working on projects. I've never been able to do it with DS9 though, because I always end up watching it instead of working!

  • gaming Gaming The Eurogamer 100 - 100 best games to play right now
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    I can appreciate a website making a list like this rather than putting five games to a page to garner more clicks! I definitely have different tastes than the reviewers though, which is fine.

  • gaming Gaming The Eurogamer 100 - 100 best games to play right now
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah, I would put V in there as well! I still don't like VI nearly as much, even though I've played it quite a few times.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming What are your games to get into the season for its vibe?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    I don't play games to get in the mood for a season, but I've noticed the last couple of years that I'm likely to play some games a lot more in certain seasons!

  • star_trek Star Trek What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%

    With the anniversary of the first episode happening in the last week, I decided to watch the 30th anniversary episodes.

    • DS9 5x06 Trials and Tribble-ations - I always enjoy this episode, and I have a lot of admiration for the production crew being able to pull it off! It's definitely a light and humorous episode, but I don't need or want every episode to be high stakes!
    • VOY 3x02 Flashback - Definitely not as light as the DS9 episode, but it was a good way of bringing in some of the TOS characters and showing some alternative angles of Star Trek VI. Definitely an interesting watch.
    • SNW 2x05 Charades
    • SNW 2x06 Lost in Translation
  • star_trek
    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 1 week ago 100%
    What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/11/2024

    If you've watched any Star Trek this week, feel free to drop the episodes/movies and any thoughts you might have on them in the comments!

    star_trek Star Trek Happy Star Trek Day! Does anyone here plan to do anything to celebrate?
  • stargazingpenguin stargazingpenguin 2 weeks ago 100%

    Nothing wrong with that! I'm kind of the same way, I watch the shows a good bit and have Star Trek stuff around the house year round. I like doing something special on Star Trek Day and First Contact Day for some reason though!

    I tend to skip around on most of the shows too, mostly due to limited time. The main exception is DS9, which is the favorite of both my spouse and I. We tend to rewatch the whole thing fairly frequently.

  • star_trek
    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 2 weeks ago 100%
    Happy Star Trek Day! Does anyone here plan to do anything to celebrate?

    I bought the BlueBrixx Enterprise model a little while back, and I was waiting until today to put it together! So I'm going to do that and probably watch an episode or two of something. Maybe the 25th anniversary episodes. ![](

    Community Promo stargazingpenguin 2 weeks ago 94%
    Star Trek @

    []( [!]( I'm trying to get the Star Trek community on back up and running. Stop by if you're looking for a place to chat about Star Trek!

    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 2 weeks ago 100%
    What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/04/2024

    Have you watched any Star Trek since last week? I'm thinking of doing a weekly post like this where people can drop the Star Trek shows, movies, or print media that they've consumed in the past week, as well as their thoughts on them.

    Star Trek stargazingpenguin 2 weeks ago 100%
    New moderator and other information.

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself as the new moderator of the community and give a general idea of what I'm hoping to do. Demigodrick was looking for someone to take over and I figured I would give it my best shot! I've been a Star Trek fan since I was around 12 or 13, and I've watched quite a bit of it in the intervening years! This is my current top five show list: - 1 - Deep Space Nine - 2 - Star Trek - 3 - Strange New Worlds - 4 - The Next Generation - 5 - Lower Decks I like to collect models of the various ships, and I have a few other collectibles as well. Over the next couple of days I'll be making some adjustments as I try to get things up and running again. I'm thinking of trying a weekly post asking what episodes people are watching and maybe another one or two depending on the engagement. Is there anything that you would like to see here? I'm hoping to revive the community and make it an interesting place!

    Patient Gamers stargazingpenguin 3 months ago 94%
    Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?

    We've got two big sales going on, and I'm currently deciding what I would like to pick up. I'm planning to get Expeditions: Rome since it's 60% off, and I'm trying to decide if I want to finally get Terra Invicta. What patient games are the people here planning to pick up? Maybe I'll find a few that I "need" to try!

    The Sims stargazingpenguin 3 months ago 91%
    Paradox just cancelled Life By You Kind of disappointed about this, I was hoping it would provide a little bit of competition to EA. At least Paralives is still supposed to released, and my copy of The Sims 3 still works as well!

    Photography stargazingpenguin 5 months ago 91%
    Dewdrops on a Tulip (Feedback Appreciated)

    cross-posted from: > F/5.6 75.0mm 1/320s ISO-200 > > Here's a photo I took recently, and I'm just curious if anyone has any feedback on what they like about it or what they think would improve it. No editing other than some compression to lower the file size below my instance limit. > > If I were to go back to it again I would probably try to use the stem of the flower to split the background between the bush and sky. Other than that I'm not sure, I'm still trying to learn!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Photography stargazingpenguin 5 months ago 94%
    Dewdrops on a Tulip (Feedback Appreciated)

    F/5.6 75.0mm 1/320s ISO-200 Here's a photo I took recently, and I'm just curious if anyone has any feedback on what they like about it or what they think would improve it. No editing other than some compression to lower the file size below my instance limit. If I were to go back to it again I would probably try to use the stem of the flower to split the background between the bush and sky. Other than that I'm not sure, I'm still trying to learn!

    Macro Photography stargazingpenguin 7 months ago 100%
    Honeybee on a Purple Crocus

    Canon T6 - Sigma 70-300 f/4-5.6 Photo is cropped a bit as I wasn't zoomed very far.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Photography stargazingpenguin 7 months ago 100%
    DSLR vs Mirrorless Decision

    cross-posted from: > I've started rediscovering photography again after a multi year break, and I've currently got a decision to make. I've started doing some more macro photography recently, and I'm to the point I would like to purchase a macro lens. However, I now realize that new DSLR cameras seem to be on their way out and mirrorless is what the major manufacturers are moving to. My current gear is a budget Canon DSLR with a kit lens, and a basic 75-300mm. > > My question is this. Should I switch to a mirrorless camera before I spend more money on lenses? I don't have a huge amount of money invested so far, and whatever lens type I buy is most likely what I'm going to have to stay with for many years to come. My hard limit would be $1000 for the body, but preferably $700 or less. Since I would like to stay with Canon, that leaves me with the R100, R50, and RP at the very top end. I am open to other options however, especially if there are good aftermarket lenses and accessories. > > Although I know there will still be new and used EF lenses available, I do worry a bit about future camera body upgrade options. I know I'm overthinking this a bit too much, but I'm just curious what other people think.

    Photography stargazingpenguin 7 months ago 96%
    DSLR vs Mirrorless Decision

    I've started rediscovering photography again after a multi year break, and I've currently got a decision to make. I've started doing some more macro photography recently, and I'm to the point I would like to purchase a macro lens. However, I now realize that new DSLR cameras seem to be on their way out and mirrorless is what the major manufacturers are moving to. My current gear is a budget Canon DSLR with a kit lens, and a basic 75-300mm. My question is this. Should I switch to a mirrorless camera before I spend more money on lenses? I don't have a huge amount of money invested so far, and whatever lens type I buy is most likely what I'm going to have to stay with for many years to come. My hard limit would be $1000 for the body, but preferably $700 or less. Since I would like to stay with Canon, that leaves me with the R100, R50, and RP at the very top end. I am open to other options however, especially if there are good aftermarket lenses and accessories. Although I know there will still be new and used EF lenses available, I do worry a bit about future camera body upgrade options. I know I'm overthinking this a bit too much, but I'm just curious what other people think.

    Rally Racing stargazingpenguin 8 months ago 100%
    Night stages are some of my favorites.

    cross-posted from: > It looked like the fans on SS2 were excited to be there! Even watching it at home was great. I'd like to see more rallies with night stages in the future, it certainly adds some uniqueness.

    Rally stargazingpenguin 8 months ago 90%
    Night stages are some of my favorites.

    It looked like the fans on SS2 were excited to be there! Even watching it at home was great. I'd like to see more rallies with night stages in the future, it certainly adds some uniqueness.

    Rally stargazingpenguin 8 months ago 100%
    Evans takes early Monte WRC lead – DirtFish

    [cross post from rally](

    Linux Gaming stargazingpenguin 9 months ago 94%
    First year fully gaming on Linux.

    I saw there was a somewhat similar post to this, but I'm kind of celebrating the fact that this was the first year I was able to game exclusively on Linux! I'm very thankful for all of the effort from the people involved in all of the aspects of Wine/Proton, it's great to not need to reboot to play games.
